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Front suspension in a 77 chevy?

So the springs and b joints are all original. The shocks are a few years old but i figured wth. My question is, should I also replace the control arms. I see no issue with them, but I just put a new 350 in and if I have everything tore apart anyway should I just hit them? How often do they break or wear? They have rust on them, but the whole underbody does. Any suggestions?


I was getting ready to delete this question when i read your answer. Nice.

Update 2:

Why did this wind up in boats?

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many people find themselves with this same issue. Your project car is a expression of yourself, The Control Arm Hard parts are stamped steel and is as tough as it comes(for a streetcar application). unless it has a crack or crumple from a wreck. you only need to replace any parts that will degrade over time like rubber or connecting hardware. I like to media blast old chassie parts to be sure there is no cracks then send them over to the powdercoater.

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