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Cjeanmc asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

At what point does a President become a Traitor and Has Mr. Obama reached it? I say he has, how say you?

Having watched presidents since the fifties, he is clearly, to this point the most unethical and WORST head of state America has ever seen. Odds are that without a major change this country will never recover from what he has done. Young people of America I am sad for you since you will not grow up in the free country I grew up in.

I look forward to your opinions.


Josh, I can tell you are young. NEVER believe that health care will be free. You will just pay for it in High taxes, they funnel the money through the Government. That is truly Never going to be the case.

It is sad that American is actually near financial collapse. A different America is not what you will be living in , a desperate America is more accurate.

Update 2:

Wizard, All of the presidents you mentioned did most of what you said. But most of what they did had disappeared into the past. The Japanese had a choice and were given a choice twice, end the war or be bombed. They chose not once but twice to continue fighting. We chose to end the war. The deaths were less with the bomb than with years more of war.

Jimmy Carter was never President quality, just imcompetent. Nixon was a crook. Obama is actually seriously dangerous. Sadly enough it will only take history to show everyone exactly how dangerous he is.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I've been watching a lot of your presidents from up north here in Canada. I remember when JFK was murdered in Dallas and I've seen the others since. Can't say who was good nor bad, can't agree with the other responses posted here for the most part either. But one thing I do agree on is that the current president is not worthy of the office. I do believe that he is inept both internationally and domestically. But then I don't vote down there; I just watch from an unbiased position.

    Obama is not good for the United States of America at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    That was quite a dramatic little rant. If you've watched Presidents so closely you missed Richard Nixon who resigned in disgrace because of Watergate. You missed Harry Truman who dropped an atom bomb on a country we had options of defeating instead of killing 246,000 people most of them women and children. You missed LBJ who kept escalating Vietnam even when he knew it was a war we couldn't win. You missed Jimmy Carter who drove mortgage rates into high double digit figures. The young people of America will be just fine despite gloom and doom people like you. God Bless America.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I say anyone that claims to have watched presidents since the 1950's and doesn't think that Nixon or Reagan with his negotiatiting with terrorists , giving Iran missiles and turning tail and running after the marine corps barrack were bombed doesn't have a firm grasp on reality. They were the worst.

    And save your phony sadness for the Glenn bawlin becky zombies.

  • 1 decade ago

    The history will prove Obama.

    Greenspam admitted his decision contained 30% of mistake but 70% is still good.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i believe that whenever a man becomes president... even if he was an honest individual...

    will become a traitor to the people due decades of covered secrets and conspiracies created by a vile and corrupt world system...

  • 1 decade ago

    i get what your saying things are changing that's for sure but i don't think its obama's fault though i mean he his helping us kinda i mean pretty soon banks wont be able to charge u so much for over-draft fees and we will have health care even though there reasons behind doing this it is not anything good but its still free health care so sit back and relax aint nothing you can do but say f*** it somethings you can change somethings are out of our hands. were going down a path to a new world maybe i mean just imagine in 5 yrs how different usa will be wierd huh?

  • 1 decade ago

    He is beyond being a traitor.

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