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Europe struggles with Muslim dress code?

Now I, for one, completely understand the security issues. But for muslim women who honestly believe in their faith, is it really that demeaning?


Jhiad_rousan: I think you misunderstood my question. I was asking, is it really that demeaning for muslim women to wear these head dresses. But I see the point of your answer, that it is demeaning that these women should not be aloud to follow their faith.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If the Muslims feel it's demeaning and cannot practice their belief freely, then they are supposed to move. Allah and Muhammad said so:

    In the Qur’an, Allah says, “Verily, as for those whom the angels take (in death) while they are wronging themselves (as they stayed among the disbelievers even though emigration was obligatory for them), they (angels) say (to them): “In what (condition) were you?” They reply: “We were weak and oppressed on the earth.” They (angels) say: “Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?” Such men will find their abode in Hell — what an evil destination!” (An-Nisa’: 97)

    In the Sunnah, the Prophet, (peace and blessings be upon him), said, “I disown every Muslim who settles among non-Muslims.” (Reported by Abu Dawud)

    I'm sure Saudis will welcome these women and all other Muslims.

    Edit- The hijab, burqa, etc. can and should be considered demeaning and oppressive because women and girls around the world are injured and even killed for not wearing it. If those "honor" killings didn't happen, we wouldn't be concerned if a woman is freely choosing to wear it or is living in fear and being forced to wear it.


    Even Christian women are being forced to wear it out of fear in Iraq:

    ***Edit on April 17

    "Bombers dressed in burkas kill 41 in Pakistan

    Officials were distributing food to refugees when explosions went off "

    Does Europe or the world need any more reason to ban burqas?

  • 5 years ago

    Hi Katya I am sorry that these women was horrible to you. I am a muslim as well and I dont wear a hijab but just a headscarf and i would never say anything like that to anyone what those women said to you. The reason why we wear a burka, headscarf etc is so that men wont look at you like as if ur a sex object and to be modest and stuff. We are not allowed to dress in open, tight, revealing clothes. There is also many other reasons why we were a burka but its long. So I'm sorry that u met a couple horrible muslim people and I hope u dont think wer all like that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The issue of the burkha and the hijab have become a politicized one, today.

    Do Muslim women who wear the hijab feel demeaned? Probably not. It might just be like an accoutrement to them, but, the issue is not the item itself, but what it stands for.

    I assume there is no argument that the burkha is [a] not even mandatory in Islam and [b] it is a present and dangerous Security Risk which has been proven so many times that even the Muslims do not oppose the ban of that any more.

    However, why is the hijab an issue, at all?

    If you examine the facts of the case, neither is hijab specified in Islam, but, it's something that is made mandatory by the Wahhabi to show support for their Cause and is therefore a Political oppression on those Muslim ladies who do not wish to wear it.

    How many of the people here even know of the enforcing of the hijab for the Muslim ladies by their own gangs of the pro-Wahhabi Muslims who even went to the extent of throwing acid in the faces of Muslim ladies who chose not to wear that?

    If the Muslims dare to do so, let them make it clear that no lady shall be harmed or even pressurized into wearing the hijab and see how many of the Muslim ladies will promptly discard this.

    The proof of the pudding lies in the eating.

    You will see for yourself how few of the Muslim ladies would opt for a lot of things that "Islamic", if you dare to allow them their Freedom.

    That being said, the ridiculous argument of of the Muslims that the nuns should be equated with the Muslims because of their habit [the real name for that dress] is untenable. First of all, the nun's habit is not at all like the hijab and to equate it would be ridiculous. The coif and the scapular, the white and the black cloth worn over that, are basically to cover the tonsure or the shaved head of the nun.

    Is the Muslim also one who has a periodically shaved head over which she wears this ?

    Of course not. So, where's the comparison?

    I can understand the ignorance of the average Muslim about this fact, but, to see a Scotswoman, who claimed to be European here, say that just goes to show how warped her mind has become due to her indoctrination in Islam which she took for the sake of marrying a Paki. Very sad, indeed; because she seems to have lost all touch of her once Scots life.

    Please pardon my digression, but, let me assure you that if the Muslims dare to leave it to their ladies to decide what they will and will not wear, then, it will not be too long before you don't see much of the Islamic garb going around. Only less than a handful of the Muslim ladies would even wear the hijab.

    However as to the reason for the ban on all things Islamic that is coming, it's very simply a fact that everyone is making the message more and more clear that all of them want the Muslims to leave their Countries. It is an intended message to tell them to move out. There can be no denying of that fact, either.

    Is it bigotry? Is it unfair? I cannot really answer that, because it is from one viewpoint that, but, from the other viewpoint, well, the Muslims seem to need more motivation to leave all the non-Muslim Countries and this is a bit better than letting the gangs bash them to a pulp to motivate their moving out.

    Why are the Muslims targeted? Look at what they've been doing for so long. They've built enormous growing slums, Crime rates have gone up and there are regular problems with the Muslim gangs and the general misbehavior of all the Muslims with all the local people wherever they go. Till recently, people were holding back and their restraint and patience were mistaken for their weakness by the Muslims, so, the retaliations have begun and are escalating. Like it or not, they will only rise to open conflicts and then the Muslims will be disenfranchised and deported from all non-Muslim lands. And all this is because of what the Muslims have been doing for so long everywhere.

    The growing violence and the terrorism that they tried failed miserably and now the Muslims are trying to make it look like they are the victims. Unfortunately for them, this is not going to work and the chaos they created will end only with their being removed.

    There was a time, long ago, when the Muslims could have made themselves better people, but, they went on their own Path and thanks to the al Queda etc, today, all the World knows about their insane Agenda for World Domination and that is why nobody wants to let them be given any more chances to improve themselves, like everybody had been giving them for so long.

    You can say what you wish here, but, the fact remains that the Muslims now have no choice in any matter. They don't want to follow the Laws of the Land? Fine, then they go to jail. And the more they oppose the locals, the more the locals will intensify the restrictions upon them. And, should they be stupid enough to think they can terrorize us again, well, they'll learn the hard way about that, too; when the total all out retaliation hits

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is just the tip of the ice-berg.

    Europe is not struggling with a dress code,Europe is fed up with hearing about Muslims and Islam.

    Muslims are a very tiny minority in Europe.

    Over recent years,Muslims have been making demands that are completely unacceptable to the vast non-Muslim majority.

    These demands range from Sharia Law,

    To,Dedicated Muslim cemeteries throughout Switzerland

    And Non Muslims forced to cover up in public swimming pools.

    I know that the media have blown all of this out of proportion,but people are fed up with listening to what Muslims want,or do not want.

    Thus when they have a chance to get their revenge,they do.(as with the burka)

    For centuries Muslims have been accepted here in the UK,Muslims have been allowed,(quite rightly) to go about their business,free from persecution or harassment.

    I am not a Muslim,but I married a Muslim,my father-in law,is the man who made the observation that it is a small minority of the small Muslim minority that are making these demands,it is them that are causing ill feeling against all British Muslims.

    Just a thought,

    I would suggest that less demands are made and more integration practiced.This may lead to less ill will from the non-Muslim majority,which make up about 95% of the population of Europe.

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  • Jacob
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The Quran only asserts the obligation of the hijab. Only Hijab is intrinsic for women in Islam; burqa is purely cultural dressing.

    I support what they are doing. Muslims should assimilate the culture of the society whilst maintaining modesty and religious beliefs which is possible.

    The Jews have been the most persecuted of all times, almost being persecuted in every country in the past and the main reason for this is their reluctance to assimilate. But the Jews have now assimilated modern society and some of them maintain their orthodox beliefs.

    The muslims today are reluctant to assimilate and now we observe the hatred for them, this is only the beginning. Its going to get far worse, history might repeat itself this time with the muslims not the Jews.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really don't mind if they insist on walking around in those tents they wear. And even those veils covering their hair I can life with. But nobody should be allowed to walk around in public with their face covered.

    There have already be numerous of male moslem terrorists masquerading as women to escape capture.

    Face covering is a security issue, which trumps "religious rights".

    A few times when I've seen facially covered women in the metro (subway) I've called security and reported suspicious, masked passengers and suggested they be checked out.

    It should be against the law for anyone to ride public transport with a covered face.

    We even had one silly woman who tried to take her drivers' license photo with her face covered.

    Can you believe it?

    What chutzpah.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it is a long-established principle, even in the u.s., that, while we cannot tell people what to believe, governments can tell them what to do and not to do. and this only common sense, because religions otherwise could (and indeed try to) justify any crime, including treason, murder, etc. so people either do not understand or more likely pretend not to understand (to make trouble) the basic idea of religious freedom, which is

    (a) we do not punish people for what they THINK but only what they DO (sometimes including words if these are used, f.ex., to order ANOTHER person to commit a crime)

    (b) we tolerate people's ACTIONS (incl. words) in case they are (thought to be) HARMLESS

    and of course the religious freedom muslims have both in the u.s. and in europe is much greater than the religious freedom of christians or jews (and especially everybody else) in muslim-ruled countries.

  • 1 decade ago

    Even in the liberal West, it is an offence for women to go half naked revealing their whole breasts at public places, in educational institutes, at the churches and other places of worship? It is against public decency. There are restrictions on dress even in Europe, is my contention. So it is in Muslim countries. The difference is only in degree.

    Absolute freedom is non-existent in any culture. Being social animals, men and women have animal magnetism and sex appeal. One can never deny the fact that when a young man looking at a woman revealing a major part of her firm, round, shapely and bulging breasts gets sexually excited and would have train of quite often lewd thoughts in his mind.

    And in Islam we say, let men and women dress modestly not revealing more than what is necessary. This helps both to restrict their erotica, their sex urge. The following is a verse from the Muslim Holy Book called the QURAN, Quote,

    “Tell believing men to lower their look and tell believing women to lower their gaze so that they will guard their modesty” this is a shariah law. Is it too much for Europeans to accept this?

    We are not asking for the moon. As the French have fundamental rights, so do others? As it is the fundamental right of a European non-Muslim woman to reveal as much of her beauty as she likes, a Muslim woman has equal fundamental right to cover as much as she wants to cover.

    Why does it bother some? It is simple prejudice and bias and hatred of other people’s culture. Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe as G.B.Shaw said Islam may be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.

    A big issue is in the world is maintaining family values.75% of the marriages in the US end in divorces. How to make families live more happily and successfully. Please read the book, written by a non-Muslim scholar : Karen Armstrong: Title: Muhammad : A Western Approach to islam

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Islam and Western Values do not mix. Anyone who can read and talk with Muslims understands that. Plus there are examples in Belgium, France, UK, Italy and Germany where the Muslims demand to be treated separately and in a special way because they are Muslims. The treatment they demand is not compatible with Western Valves. Muslims demand that we accept them, yet they do not accept us. Muslims should stay in countries that are governed by Sharia law.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a European have traveled all over Europe with my Islamic attire and its never been a struggle for me. Do they have a struggle with Nuns too? My clothes do not demean me, people opinions try too though.

    There bigotry against Muslim women is their own. They don't say it about any other woman who dresses modestly in accordance with their faith. Its prejudice plain and simple.

    Burkha is not a requirement in Islam and a very very small percentage of women choose to wear it. Hardly think that the state the world is in that its high on any ones agenda how a woman dresses. Seriously no other pressing issues of the day? Because I can give them plenty...

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