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What was the sign of the prime minister's office under the Davidic covenant?

How does this help us to recognize Jesus prime ministers?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A hungry Jew eating his own child for dinner!


    Christianity is a sick primitive religious fetish trying to blend into our modern society using ONLY the currently accepted stories in the Bible, but not the real ugly ones! The Bible writers report that the GOD that they put together FORCED the Jews to eat their own children for dinner NOT AS A PUNISHMENT, but as a natural “WILL OF GOD!” God NEVER objected any cannibalism. In fact, God never issued any law against cannibalism. God Jehovah/Jesus/Trinity or what have you is on record forcing his especially “chosen” people to slaughter and cook their own children for dinner! The Bible God prohibits eating PIGS, but NOT CHILDREN! There is a complaint about sacrificing children to God Moloch, but NOT TO THE BIBLE GOD! Today, Abraham would be in jail for the attempted murder of his son Isaac, and Jephthah would be on death row for having his own young virgin daughter sacrificed on the Altar of The LORD (Judges 11)! Any religion back then was as primitive and savage as you can’t possibly imagine. The Bible God is totally powerless to teach the Jews any lesson without FORCING them to eat their own children for dinner, but even today the Jews won’t convert to Christianity. They know they got into a mess of historical proportions for writing the Bible. No other evil hurt humanity as much as the Judeo/Christian/Muslim religion! They were the ones who got them started. IMHO, they ought to come up with a solution so we can all live in peace!

    Palestine was a “Land Flowing with Milk and Honey,” but after the Jews landed in the “Promised Land” the milk and honey stopped flowing! So the Bible writers began to promise that “God will make the desert to blossom like a rose!” The perennial carrot hanging from a string at the end of a stick is still working not only for religious Jews, but it is earning MILLIONS for the Clergy & Preachers especially since the “going to Heaven when you die” idea was put together!

    No smutty publication is putting out anything as vicious as the Bible stories on cannibalism. Smart Preachers and Christians not buying any smutty crap can fantasize all about it reading the Bible!

    Leviticus 26:29 - (without warning of any evil or any punishment God is anxiously saying to his Holy people) YOU WILL eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters…* (*this Jewish God is not suggesting that the Jews eat PIG for survival, but he is FORCING them to eat their own “kosher” CHILDREN for dinner!)

    The tender BBQed rib slab of an 8 year old boy or girl, flavored with some spicy Texas sauce would taste delicious to any Christian pedophile today! The Bible writers say that for non Christians the Bible stories are “FOOLISHNESS” (1 Cor 2:14). Actually they are not foolishness, but PUKING SMUTTY CRAP in flawless King James English or Latin for Catholics!

    Deuteronomy 28:53-57 - Because of the suffering that your enemy will inflict on you during the siege* (*about 700 Bible years later, this Bible God is anxiously saying), YOU WILL EAT THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB, THE FLESH OF THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS the LORD your God has given you* (*the Jews won’t eat PIGS in obedience to their Bible God! But they will eat their own children!) Even the most gentle and sensitive man* (*not a gay, or a “Godless” atheist, but a faithful CHOSEN MAN OF GOD!) among you will have no compassion on his own brother or the WIFE HE LOVES or his SURVIVING CHILDREN, and he will not give to one of them any of the flesh of his children that he is eating…* (*Not sharing your favorite child dish with your spouse is a shameful SIN that will send you to Hell!)

    Jeremiah 19:9 I* (*God, NOT SATAN, but GOD!) WILL MAKE THEM EAT THE FLESH OF THEIR SONS AND DAUGHTERS* (Christians still claim that NOBODY can resist the WILL of this “loving” God! The Jews WILL BE FORCED TO EAT their own children for dinner no matter what, while at the same time gays must be stoned to death, along with PREGNANT ladies who are caught in adultery or in promiscuity!)

    The Bible writers are excited to predict that when the “666” trademark of the ANTI-CHRIST will be set up, Christians WON’T BE ABLE TO BUY OR SELL FOOD or anything else without it. Will they start to eat their own children for dinner again?

    Ezekiel 5:10 - Therefore in your midst fathers WILL EAT THEIR CHILDREN*... (*this HOLY CRAP is ALL OVER THE BIBLE! Christians don’t see it because they are bewitched with “Sweet Jesus”)

    Any kind of government would allow their people to eat pork instead of their own children! It took Moses 2 men to carry a single cluster of gigantic size grapes to show the Israelites how plentiful was the Land of Palestine that they were going to invade (Num 13:23)! The Bible writers had well fed Jews in Egypt COVETING something that wasn’t theirs just before giving them the 10 Commandments with the “Thou shalt not covet!” stamped in them! As the Jews invaded the “Promised Land Flowing with Milk and Honey” they never found the giant grapes. They had to eat their own children to survive! Hardly any lady needed to abort in those days. God FORCED them to eat their babies after they were born! It is ALL in the Bible!

    Lamentations 4:10 - With their own hands COMPASSIONATE WOMEN* (*Not lesbians or atheist ladies, but “Jesus loving” women!) HAVE COOKED THEIR OWN CHILDREN...!* (*DONE! as God promised! But relax it NEVER happened in real life! This is all smutty crap written in the Bible! BTW, our US Government officials swear on this Bible!)

    CANNIBALISM in the Bible is in FULL EXPLICIT CONTEXT that is IMPOSSIBLE for any HONEST Preacher to “spiritualize” and make it disappear. That is why I had to quit Christianity and religion in general!

    2 Kings 6:26-29 As the king of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman cried to him, “Help me, my lord the king!” The king replied, “If the Lord* (*God/Jehovah/Allah/Trinity/Jesus!) does not help you, where can I get help for you? Then he asked her, “What's the matter?” She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we'll eat my son.’ So we cooked my son and ate him* (*BTW, it tasted delicious!!!). The next day I said to her, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him, but she had hidden him!* (*GODAMMIT! She cheated!)

    They were all COMPASSIONATE Godly, not atheist, or Lesbian, but heterosexual women who HAVE SLAUGHTERED AND COOKED THEIR OWN CHILDREN FOR DINNER at the tune of “The LORD is my Shepherd I shall not have any want” (Psalm 23, or 24 if Catholic)! God given children must be delicious and very satisfying for dinner!

    Isaiah 49:15 “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I* (*God) WILL NOT FORGET YOU!* (*God may have the child served for dinner!)

    The last bunch of Bible writers claim that God the Son Jesus Christ was beaten to a pulp thoroughly tenderized and heavily marinated in Roman soldiers’ spit to become the “Spotless Lamb of God” nailed TOTALLY NAKED to a Holy Cross in a primitive Heathen ritual to cleanse the “sin” of Eve in her quest for knowledge! BTW, there is no record that the Roman soldiers ever dressed the genital area of their victims in a white diaper or that anybody nailed to a cross enjoyed a foot rest so they could have a long chat on religious issues within hearing distance of the Bible writers! In the Holy Communion the Christians now snack Jesus’ delicious SPIT FLAVORED MEAT and, like vampires, DRINK HIS BLOOD to go to Heaven when they die (John 6:53)! Since cannibalism is all over the Bible the forever snacking God the Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion is NATURAL in a cannibalistic oriented Bible religion!

    The Bible writers say that God’s enemies ought to be killed in their infancy when it is easier to get rid of them! That’s a bit smarter than Allah having the Holy Jihadists killing everybody including themselves!

    Psalm 137:8-9 * O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, HAPPY is he who repays you for what you have done to us* (*Holy Vendetta!) --he who seizes your infants and DASHES them against the rocks* (*after the kids are dashed against the rocks they can be cooked for dinner, or trashed in the dumpster!)

    Needed abortions today are for HUMANE reasons! Only the fetus is destroyed not a born child! Obviously, the Bible God wants some grown children to be dashed to pieces and some cooked for dinner!

    Isaiah 13:16 (KJV) Their little ones also WILL BE DASHED TO PIECES before their eyes; Their houses will be plundered AND THEIR WIVES RAVISHED* (*in the erotic mind of the Bible writers any sex starved masochistic lady will be ravished to their orgasmic delight, while their children are being DASHED TO PIECES… Some Christians are getting off like mad worshipping this Bible GOD!)

    Revelation 2:23 (In his apocalyptic “revelation” Jesus Christ says) I WILL STRIKE HER CHILDREN DEAD* (*abortionists destroy fetuses ONLY WHEN NEEDED, but JESUS is killing real children! Most right wing Christians really love to hear that Jesus is going to kill the children in the wrong Church! They get rich selling books on “Jesus loves the little children,” but only of the right Church brand!). Then ALL THE CHURCHES WILL KNOW that I am he who searches hearts and minds and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.* (*not even the Mafia talks like that in public! For Christians to be “CHRIST LIKE” must include killing children in the wrong Churches… spiritually speaking, of course!)

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The PM isn't the guy to manage such concerns, you'll merely be dropping his time and your own. you've already received suggestion from a perfect body - refer the remember to a valuation tribunal.

  • 1 decade ago

    A Spock.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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