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How much would my movie collection be worth?

These aren't all of my movies just some.


cry wolf

saw 1-3

District 9 (digital copy two)

Big Daddy

The pacifier

my name is ear season 1,3, 4

burn notice season 1-2

lie to me season 1

that 70s show season 1-2

Everybody hates chris season 1

big stan

year one

pineapple express

epic movie


i am legend

the davinci code

forest gump

prom night

stay alive

vacancy when a stranger calls

little man

family guy stewie griffin


first sunday

cop and a half

the hangover

step brothers

500 days of summer

get rich or die tryin

the wrestler


fast and furious

bill and teds excellent adventure

be kind rewind

the three stooges classics

the happening

original my bloody valentine/april fools day

witless protection

halloween (rob zombie)

son of the mask


stand by me

a knights tale


the xfiles (new one)

007 die another day


good guys wear black

dodge ball


walk hard

semi pro

mr deeds

scary movie 2-4

the goods

the invention of lying

drillbit taylor

dirty harry

the blind side

I don't have many movies cause im just 14 but I'm wondering how much my collection is worth

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    doesn't look like you have any rare or collectible dvds so, i suggest selling them all together or in groups of 5-10 dvds for a set price. they are probably worth $3 - $5 each. for example 5 dvds for $20 or the whole lot for $200.

    the easiest way to sell them will be to go to a pawn shop where they will pay you a flat rate per each dvd. on the other hand, if you sell them yourself, you can make more money.

  • Emely
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    A Clockwork Orange The Shining Kill Bill Vol. 1 Kill Bill Vol. 2 The Terminator T2: Judgment Day Insomnia The King Of Comedy Shutter Island Road To Perdition American Beauty Million Dollar Baby Gran Torino There Will Be Blood Gangs Of New York Gone, Baby, Gone Reqiuem For A Dream Into The Wild The Lookout Brick Rear Window Psycho

  • 1 decade ago

    What you need to do is take them to a local pawn shop and they will pay you per dvd. It doesnt really matter how much they're WORTH. Usually pawn shops pay guests $5.00 a dvd AT MOST. Unless it hasn't been opened then they will pay the full price for the dvd.

  • 1 decade ago

    unless any of those dvds have been discontinued, or you sell them for so cheap people will buy them from amazon and stuff (some of those go for like 3 dollars) then probably not much.

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  • 1 decade ago

    if you pawn them $1 a movie if you seel them at a garage sale about $2-$3 a movie

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    like 200 dollars id buy that for 1000 dollars

  • Wow thats like alot it should cost like $200 r more n i would uy it from you lolzz

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