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Ted DiBiase Jr. asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Randy Orton or Chris Jericho+WWF Impact Week 1 Card Please Promo?

Hulk Hogan is in the ring: "Welcome to Monday Night Impact!!!! The first thing I'm gonna do is make Impact temporarily a 3 hours show to make sure we go head to head with Vince McMahon's RAW! And next I will assign a new a GM to Impact, ladies and gentleman……. Eric Bischoff!! The crowd heavily boo him!!! Eric Bischoff: "Tonight we are going to crown a new World champion, and we will also determine a new no.1 contender for the World title for our next PPV Lockdown. I will name the champ…………. Later tonight. As for now let's kick things off with an X-Division title match!!!!

Match 1: Amazing Red vs Alex Shelly vs Chris Sabin vs Chris Daniels vs The Brian Kendrick vs Kiyoshi vs Kazarian vs Jay Lethal vs Shannon More in a Steel Asylum match for the X-Division title

Match 2: Tara vs Hamada vs Angelina Love for Knockouts Title

Backstage: We see Rhino who walks into Eric Bischoff's office: "Eric, I wanna know why I don't have a match tonight, I demand having a match on the show tonight." Eric: "You want a match? Well I've got 2 guys who also want a match tonight Beer Money, so tell you what, you can have your match against Beer Money, but you need to find yourself a partner and excuse now I've got more important thing to do. We then see Bischoff's cell phone ring. He answers the phone: "You ready? Ok, I will announce you as the new World champion soon; it's going to be after the tag team match.

Match 3: The Duddley Brothers vs Homicide and Hernandez No DQ tag match (TNA Tag titles tournament)

Eric Bischoff enters the ring: "Ladies and gentleman the moment you've all been waiting for, your new Worldheavyweight champion……………… The Phenomenal AJ Styles!!!! The crowd heavily boo him!!! AJ Styles: "Thanks Eric, at last someone as smart as you figured out that I am the best athlete on this show and I clearly deserve winning the title. He is interrupted by Rob van dam: "Really, so AJ just get handed the title? This is not fair, and we all know I can kick his ***!" Bischoff: "Well RVD you're gonna have to earn it, you see tonight we're gonna have a 10 man Battle Royal to determine the new no.1 contender for the TNA Title. And that's not all RVD you have to earn your spot by qualifying for the Battle Royal, you're going have to do it against Kevin Nash right now!!!

Match 4: Rob van dam vs Kevin Nash (Winner qualifies to the Battle Royal)

Match 5: Booker T vs Rob Terry vs Rikishi vs Eric Young for TNA Global Title

Match 6: Rhino and??? vs Beer Money Inc.

Match 7: Bobby Lashley vs Desmond Wolfe

Match 8: The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky and Lacey Von Erich) vs ODB and Daffney for Knockouts

tag team titles

Main Event: Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe vs Mr. Anderson vs The Pope vs Batista vs Abyss vs Sting vs Mick Foley vs Rob van dam or Kevin Nash vs Suicide for Title shot at Lockdown

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jay Lethal


    Homicide and Hernandez


    Booker T

    Beer Money Inc

    Bobby Lashley

    The Beautiful People


    Promo:So all i got to do to qualify is by kicking Kevin Nash @ss! no biggie i'm sure anyone can kick his @ss Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson, The Pope, Batista, Abyss, Sting, Mick Foley, and Suicide really them well i'm not going to say they are bad wrestlers well maybe Batista but still why can they qualify but i have to kick Kevin Nash @ss to qualify whatever ladies and gentlemen get ready for your new World heavyweight champion at Lockdown Rob Van Dam! (crowd cheers and yell RVD! RVD! RVD! RVD! RVD!)

  • 1 decade ago

    Chris Daniels


    The Duddley Brothers

    Rob Van Dam

    Booker T

    Desmond Wolfe

    The Beautiful People

    Rob Van Dam

  • 1 decade ago

    Shannon More


    The Duddley Brothers


    Booker T

    Beer Money Inc

    Desmond Wolfe

    The Beautiful People


  • Shannon Moore


    Homicide and Hernandez


    Booker T

    Beer Money

    Desmond Wolfe

    Beautiful People

    Kurt Angle

    Promo: So I get a match. Thanks. But do I have a title shot? No. I am deserving of a title and everyone knows it. I can wrestle, but when I am put in matches like these how can I win a title? I can't. I can beat Bobby Lashley, I can beat AJ Styles, I can Beat Rob Van Dam, I can beat ANYONE! Give me a chance to prove it and I will.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    nice show 10/10

    Chris Sabin

    Angelina Love

    The Duddley Brothers

    Rob van dam


    Beer Money Inc.

    Desmond Wolfe

    The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky and Lacey Von Erich)


  • 1 decade ago

    The Brian Kendrick


    Homicide and Hernandez

    Rob Van Dam

    Booker T

    Rhino and ???

    Bobby Lashley

    ODB and Daffney


    Promo: Never mind if I dont show up this week, but next week, I'll see how much Eric Bischoff runs his mouth, making AJ Styles world champ without any effort was a mistake, and he'll pay for me.......but who knows I may show up this be ready.....

  • 1 decade ago

    Chris Sabin


    The Duddley Brothers


    Booker T

    Beer Money Inc

    Bobby Lashley

    ODB and Daffney


    Promo:Excuse me but to get the TNA Global Title i have to win a match come on! i'm a five time! five time! five time! five time! five time wcw champion! but then again i shouldn't be worry about my match tonight Rob Terry is just a wanna be Batista, Rikishi is just a fat @ss who won't even try to lose weight and Eric Young come on man we need more better wrestlers i don't got enough time for this promo just i'm want to kick some @ss in that ring.......Can You Dig It SUCKA!

  • 5 years ago

    Jericho ps E-feds are a waste of time

  • 1 decade ago


    Angelina love




    rhino and ???


    beautiful people


    promo:so i get into the 10 man battle royal.. why dont u just make me the #1 contender for the world title

  • 1 decade ago

    I like both of them but I'm going to have to go with Randy Orton.

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