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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 1 decade ago

Does anybody watch horror films anymore?

A year ago, I did a college survey about what type of movies people want to see, Comedies ranked the highest, while horror films and romance movies ranked the lowest. none of my friends or family members always pass on a horror film, yet they will always agree to a comedy. And yet some comedies are more offensive, insulting, and more violent than horror films. Even monsters ( vampires, frankenstein, and other monsters) in that were once scary in horror films have become a joke, like the twilight series were vampires have become wimps, and the comedy central tv show ugly americans, which makes demons, zombies and other monsters act like everyday people. Many people don't watch horror films because they are no longer scary. Some people have even commented horror films as being boring. Even my English teachers over the years would never discuss good horror literature like bram stroker dracula or any thing by stephen king, because teachers have consider horror literature to be low rate garbage, like reading a trashy romance, you would find at a 99 cent store. Maybe people don't watch horror films anymore because of the poor acting, no plot and cheap effects which are found in alot of horror films. And the only time anybody wants to watch a horror movie is on halloween. Yet movie companies keep advertising horror films just as much a comedies. And alot of those horror films are remake ands sequels. Begging another question of how many times can you resurrect a horror villain before that franchise is dead and people lose interest. Did people just stop watching horror films because they are tired of the crappy sequels? Are american horror films, so bad that people are now watching japanese horrors films? Are horror film merely watched as a nostalgia of the 1960's, 1970's,19 80's and 1990's?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People are so jaded and insensitive any more that a real horror story is boring to them. I use to love the old classics like The Thing, The Blob, The Creature From the Black Lagoon, Dracula and Frankenstein. To me, those movies were scary and what a horror movie is suppose to be about. But when they started making the "slasher" movies that was the thing to see in order to be scared. The problem is, there has been so many of them that those movies are not even scary any more. It's pretty sad when seeing people get chopped, and diced to pieces is so "normal" that it is not even scary.

  • 1 decade ago

    To be honest, the horror films these days aren't as good as the old ones. CGI ruins the horror industry in my opinion. Back then they would use props, which were realistic and believable. Also as you age, you will realize what was good back then is just cheesy/laughable now. That's why most horrors are directed towards the younger crowds.

    If you want some good horror movies look into Foreign content. Japan horrors are ok, but check out French films. These people have stepped it up in the recent years, and have made a few of the best movies I've seen for the horror genre.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously, (from my name) I do watch horror movies. There is a HUGE saturation now of sequels and remakes in the American market and that's why the small niche of horror fans usually stick with the classics and older b- movies. Quite a few people also watch the Japanese films but that's mostly a matter of taste. And I did not grow up in the 80's so I can't actually feel nostalgia for the time but I can tell you that back then, people knew how to make a more imaginative horror movie.

  • 1 decade ago

    actually horror films are still THE MOST profitable films ever. for the reasons being that they are cheap to ake and return huge profits. obviously people still love horror films when several were in the top grossing of 2009. paranormal activity,final destination 3-d..were just a few successes.

    now are these true horror films? that can be debated.

    horror like any other genre has had ups and downs but has never ceased to be for periods of cannot say the same about westerns and musicals that for awhile none were being made.

    i personally think that the horror films of the 70's were the best because you did not have a ratings board that censors everything like they do now. that decade gave us the exorcist,halloween,black christmas,the omen,last house on the left etc.

    the early 80's had good stuf to..friday the 13th [1-3 were pretty creepy in parts] a nightmare on elm street, etc.

    the 90's was lame for awhile with exceptions being silence of the lambs[yes it is a horror film} misery, candyman...

    as for now...parannoraml and the strangers are good examples of movies made for next to nothing that made huge amounts at the box office. slated for release this year over half are horror films to come..a nightmare remake,pirhanna-3-d,halloween 3-d,saw six,paranormal activity 2,the roomate,chain letter..and many more.

    plus foreighn films to look out for....a serbian film considered to be a truly shocking horror film,chat room, the descent 2.

    so as you can see good horror is far from dead.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, i love horror films. There are still many original horror films like the grudge, thirteen ghosts and more other films that were made in the 2000's.

    Plus, how about if they were a remake of the older films, everything was better than before and is definitely worth a watch.

    I favour horror films more than comedy personally.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mainstream horror films suck these days because of how predictable they can be but more underground movies or originals are still pretty scary, though every movie I've seen is actually more of psychological horror.

    Creativity is running low these days and highly sexualized remakes are inevitable.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you like horror films, mainly pre 1980 and older, this site is full of them to watch....just register for free.

  • 7 years ago

    Horror has become more of a devoted underground fan thing again and I love it

  • Karen
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well I havent seen that one but I still haven't been into the sea since Jaws!!

  • 7 years ago

    I should ask you Why do u care? Do u want to watch people go through hell?

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