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Lisa B
Lv 4
Lisa B asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Anybody feel the same about this?

I am 34 weeks pregnant and still working full time, I have another 2 1/2 weeks before I leave work, the guys at work have been brilliant, the have lessened my work load and help me at any opportunity, my gripe is with people when I am commuting to work, I have to use public transport and I have to say that the people of Birmingham are the most arrogant and rude people, it seems people deliberatly walk towards me as I am walking to my place of work and expect me to jump out of their way even though I am massive and can barely waddle, when I get on a bus if all the seats are taken downstairs I have to manage to walk upstairs and find a seat because the passengers just stare ahead, and many a time people have bumped or brushed my bump quite nastily, anyone else experience this or are people generally more polite where you live?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yeah when i lived in london (never again!!) i remember being 6 or 7 months pregnant and having to stand in rush hour traffic for nearly an hour! its pants when people cant even be polite enough to give up their seat esp when you are so big and obviously pregnant!

    Just remember the esp rude ones and when you have had bump, bang the back of their legs with teh pushchair next time you see them!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    aww that's awful. I have witnessed people near me jumping up the second an elderly/disabled/pregnant lady gets on the bus.

    Don't be ashamed to ask someone if you can have their seat! I know I would! I'm too early on to get away with it at the moment though! haha!

    Luckily I get on the bus at it's very first stop so there is always a seat, but I think that when I get to your stage I may ask work if I can reduce my hours so I can miss the rush hour to and from work

    Good luck, You only have 2 and half weeks to wait


  • cheryl
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i live in newcastle area and when i go shopping some people walk in my way then when i move and say sorry i get dirty looks . im 33 weeks pregnant i think what is up with the people luckily when i get a but some seats are not taken so i get a seat .

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm in Australia. I always found people were overly polite to me when i was pregnant. They would jump out of there seat to let me sit on public transport- However i preferred standing as i felt more comfortable and my belly felt less squished.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i always give my seat up for pregnant people and take care when passing them in the street as i know what it is like, i was hugh with my son and noticed people ignoring me on buses too and pretending to look out the window which i think it Pretty rude

    just say next time, excuse me but would you mind if i had that seat, wishing you luck in the rest of your pregnancy, x

    Source(s): mum of one
  • cuba
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I consider you. and that i understand some anybody is going to get pissed and say I wasn't even alive to video reveal wwf/wcw/ecw interior the early 90s, it quite is real, yet I even have seen an excellent variety of episodes from then (my brother has like one thousand vhs tapes). i understand greater with reference to the 90s than people who declare they watched each episode (and that i began watching in 2001). I not often ask question that have issues to do with the 90s by using fact i understand what variety of solutions i'm going to get. like those you have gotten approximately " residing interior the previous". yet, i'm getting a lot greater, like b**** you do no longer understand what you're speaking approximately you weren't born, they only say that by using fact they do no longer understand what there speaking approximately. however the countless people who purely began watching wrestling in 08- now, do no longer prefer to have faith that there grew to become into something greater appropriate in the previous this crap that they are giving us now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thats not fair!

    Once i get a bump, as im only 10 weeks at the moment and cant really make the excuse '' im pregnant'' to get a seat, but when i do im gonna be like '' Whos gonna stand up so i can sit please?!?!?! '' why should you have to stand, and if anyone bumps into you stand your ground be like '' ERM that hurt actually!!!!!;;


  • 1 decade ago

    Whoah people actually bump into you and not apologize? You should say something like.. "ow do u realise i have a person inside of me, be more careful idiot" ive come across a couple of rude ppl.. esspecially this one girl i always seem to get at the supermarket checkout that just STARES at me like she wants to kill me.. no lies.. shes nice and polite to the ppl before me then i come up and she gives me a death stare.. its creepy and weird and makes me want to rip her head off

    Source(s): 37 weeks pregnant
  • 1 decade ago

    Oh wow! That kind of thing makes me so angry. Would they shove a newborn, it's the same thing!

    I don't have to deal with that but I'm sorry that you have to, if I were you I'd move somewhere a little less hostile for the sake of your soon to be newborn.

    Good luck and congrats on the rest of your pregnancy. =]

    Source(s): 34 weeks pregnant with our baby girl!!!
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