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iTunes/iPod problem when syncing. Please help?

Ok, everytime I plug my ipod into itunes I recieve a message from microsoft windows saying there are problems on my disk/device, this can happen if you remove the disk/device before all files have been written on it. Then it asks if I would like to scan and fix (recommended) or continue. I click on scan and fix, but then explorer.EXE appears saying the action couldn't be performed as windows cannot access the disk.

What will I do and will I have to uninstall itunes??


Also my ipod is a nano 5th generation on windows vista if thats any help

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The answer, its Apple products working on non-Apple computers. Its prone to have issues. I recommend you break that iPod, uninstall iTunes, both of which aren't reliable unless you are running a Mac computer with OSX, and instead get a Zune. You will be much happier then.

  • 1 decade ago


    There are 3 step to repair itunes error

    If you got itunes error then there is a 94% chance that your computer has registry problems. To repair itunes error you need to follow the steps below:

    * Step 1 - Download a itunes error repair tool,install this error repair tool.

    * Step 2 - Click the Repair All Button.It will scan you pc for Free.

    * Step 3 - Then click the Repair All Button again and your done! It is very easy to repair itunes error.

    Here are the url of itunes error repair tool:

  • base
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    hi i think of you will like apps like this one, finished call is Tipard iPod circulate professional, extremely handy & useful. you may persist with this seek result for added info in case you like or purely loose receive & attempt it your self.(:

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