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Jehovah's Witnesses- Would You Like To Pitch In With Some Bible-Based Or Other Advice....?

Vot is having a discussion via IM with a fellow student here- we're cool, often have interesting Bible discussions and though he doesn't agree with our beliefs enough to become a Witness himself, there's a lot of our beliefs he agrees with. Like I said- we're cool.

There's a new issue: he says a sister is interested in dating him and wanted to know what exactly was "wrong" with that.

Of course, he doesn't agree with our viewpoint on the matter (so long the couple are happy etc), but he is still interested in viewing the matter through "JW eyes".

Vot has said everything she can, but he's not convinced. He's agreed for me to post this on here so he can hear what other JWs have to say. So, tell him!!! lol

Non-JWs, anti-JWs etc wanting to discuss anything OTHER than what Vot is asking- feel free to collect the 2 points :-)


Vot'll let him pick a BA ;)

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "A sister is interested in dating him, & he wants to know what is wrong with that . . . ?"

    #1. He should ask the sister, and probably has (if you get my drift).

    #2. If he said that he wanted to date you, he senses that you would steer clear of him, so he speaks of you as though you were another girl.

    #3. The longer he can get you to talk to him, the more likely you will feel safe in spending more time with him . . .

    #4. Some guys just like to see how far they can get into a relationship with someone who seems to be not interested . . . They like the challenge . . . They are time-wasters . . .

    #5. Debating about Bible principles is a waste of time . . .

    Are you actually interested in him . . . ?

    If not, then why are you wasting your time on this . . . ?

    #6. IF *he* is the one interested in dating *another* sister,

    then, WHY is he talking to YOU about it . . . ?

    Something does not add up . . .

    Why haven't you given him links to some of the articles on <>, which have Scripture references & detailed Bible-based discussions . . . ? After asking you about this issue, if he isn't interested enough to read them, he is probably just wanting to interact with you!!

  • Dear Vot's Fellow student,

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but are you sure that this 'sister' really wants to date you? Are you sure that she isn't just friendly & you've taken her the wrong way? We don't usually look outside our faith for partners because of a number of reasons.

    Firstly, we don't just 'date'. When we get involved with someone of the opposite sex, it is with a lifetime view... and because we believe that we will live eternally then that would mean that you would be with her FOREVER. Are you ready for that type of commitment?

    Next, our religious views set us apart from other people. This would eventually come between you for certain unless you embraced our beliefs & became a Jehovah's Witness yourself (which you've stated that you won't). For example, in the future if you have any children then how will you feel about their mother not wanting to celebrate Christmas/Birthdays Easter & other things that we consider pagan? Also, how will your parents react to that situation? Both of you would be unhappy & that certainly is not the foundation of a contented family is it?

    Also, more importantly, Jehovah will be the most important person to her in her life. If you don't share those beliefs that you will be no part of the major aspect of her life & personality. She won't be able to discuss those things with you & it will not be conducive to a strong relationship

  • 5 years ago

    " The name "Jehovah's Witnesses", based on Isaiah 43:10, was adopted at a 1931 convention of Bible students while under the leadership of Joseph Franklin Rutherford." They were originally known as "bible students" Following Rutherford's death, Nathan Knorr took over the presidency of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Later, 1975 was heavily stressed as a possible date for Armageddon. In 1976, leadership of the Jehovah's Witness movement began to be directed by a "Governing Body".

  • 1 decade ago

    It could be that Jehovah is molding Vot's school mate a little at a time (by Vot sharing her beliefs with him) and his good personality started to show. Perhaps, the sister detected that Vot's school friend may be ok to share the kingdom message with. She may be trying to find out his interests so she can share what's appropriate with him. He in-turn got the wrong idea about the sister.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ultimately it's not an answer for the world, but the Boy and Girl

    We here at Ish Corp feel that Marraiges are best built between Mates whose "Core" values are the same

    Religion is, under the Best of circumstances a Rather personal thing

    When seeking a mate, this representative would most likelý only choose someone with, to the degree possible, pick a mate of the same faith, in this instance, Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses

    That said, Ultimately it IS the Sister, in question, who Should best explain herself

    If both he/she are Open/Honest/Free to do so, then Ultimately ONLY they can and WILL bare the responsibility

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Vot I haven't answered questions here for a while but this one is one that caught my attention and I feel I must answer it is not a jehovah's witness belief but a biblical teaching to marry only in the lord or faith. there is enough trouble in marriage with out putting deference of beliefs into it some times it works but in most cases it will not despite the best intentions I know many here can tell you that from personal experience.

    I hope this helps with warm christian love always your sister Nikkii

  • 1 decade ago

    Its best to follow Jehovah's advice as found in the bible for this situation. That's the correct from the heart answer. My experience, however, has been way more murky. I agree that its best to form a relationship (i hate the term date) with someone who shares your faith, rather than spending the rest of your life defending your faith with the one person who is supposed to understand and support you. There will always be a "situation" be it birthdays, holidays, weddings and funerals at other religious functions for family, how to discipline/raise any children which may result from the marriage, medical treatment options, etc. Any time a baptized brother showed interest in me I did not encourage it because I am not baptized yet - even though I wanted a husband very very much. The congregation is family, family, family. Singles are extras in the script. I'm sorry just my opinion.

  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    The difficulty is not with Jehovah's Witnesses alone. Many couples of different faiths have added problems due to matters involving faith. Catholics and Jews are the most obvious in this. The level of difficulty varies.

    Jehovah's Witnesses listen to the Bible when it gives warnings. We know the Bible only has these warnings for our own good lives. So when it tells us to "not become unevenly yoked" ot teamed up, Jehovah knew how this would cause unneeded problems in peoples lives. Needless arguments, even fights, spring up due to differences in strong faiths. Even if one partner might have a weaker faith, there are still some things they feel strongly about.

    In my personal case, it was my parents. Even by the time I was born, though my father eventually became one of Jehovah's Witnesses, his changing was gradual and got them both into situations that could have been avoided easily if they had both been Witnesses in the beginning.

    Serving Jehovah is the best life one can lead, both now and in the future.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The reasons Christians date in th first place is to find a marriage mate. We don't recreation date, too dangerous morally, and spiritually. So the Bible warns us not to marry outside the lord..1.Cor 7:39. Marriage is a institution created by Jehovah and the bible is the best source for these matters. Also remind the sister the experience of Dinah. Bad Scene..

  • 1 decade ago

    simply as God has asked us not to date outside of our bible based beliefs.

    I am sure he has herd "marry only in the lord" 1 Corinthians 7:39, and do not become unevenly yoked 2Cor 6:14 in bible times a yolk went over the neck of beasts used for work. Imagine a bull yoked to a donkey. While these are 2 good work animals that are beneficial to the farmer the bull would bear the majority of the work as he is heavy and compared to the donkey he has more stamina. The poor donkey would struggle to keep up. When they are even say a bull with a bull and a donkey with a donkey the work load is fair and it is not cruel to either animal. The same is the point of being unevenly yolked a person who knows something is wrong can have their faith and conscious damaged when they are yoked to a non believer.

    A sister I know is married to an unbeliever and her home is full of Halloween decorations every year, at first this bothered her deeply and she was troubled. The sister made a big effort to keep out of any of the decorating and such events The last time I spoke to her she said it is ok for her to partake as her husband is head and it is his home and this is what he wishes his family to do. She now helps him decorate and cooks a special meal.

    In the story of Balaam and Balack the king tried over and over to curse God's people but God kept turning the curse to a blessing. Finally the king sent in women to draw the men away and as they married these women or became romantically involved they did lose God's favor the women got them to serve pagan Gods.

    With all this said I work with a nonprofit and what seems minor to many at first usually escalates into divorce. I work to ensure the children have equal access to both parents in the event a divorce is inevitable. I can not tell you how many JW's who have married a very nice person unevenly yoked and now require my assistance to aid them in seeing the children. Nice wears off when they can not pull you where they want you.

    What is acceptable and not is also big. Think about something brother Morris (G.B) said at our recent assembly "there was a big difference between those people IN the ark in Noah's day and those around the ark... the same will hold true now there is a big difference between those IN the truth today and those around it."

    I learned this lesson the hard way. There is a family at our hall good people dad mom and 2 babies. They became homeless and were planning baptism. After taking them into our home we learned that the mom is after my hubby and another sisters hubby. We now have these people in our home. The dad was raised in the truth but became unevenly yoked now wanting to return with his wife and children.

    I asked the young lady not to mop up food her baby spit on the floor with my dish towel and then wash dishes with it... after the 3rd X I asked her to read some scriptures with me out of the bible on cleanness, she turned to her husband and said "this is why I told you I do not want to be a JW".

    Well we are really looking for a place for them the poor dad has to argue to get to a meeting and I see his lot is going to be hard.

    My hubby and I have learned not to be unevenly yoked with ANYONE and we will only take in baptized brothers and sisters no more of those around the truth.

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