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Lv 6

Why Hamas militant group in Palestine train kids to kill Jews as soon barely learn to walk?

Teaching them not to be afraid of death , by using belt full of explosives and then when they get kill by Israelites defending they citizens, they put it in the news like Jews are killing kids, I mean what kind a father teach a kid to kill others and suicide , and so blind that think is a martyrdom and will get to paradise, using kids and Innocent citizens as human shield and then showing to western that Jews are killing them , while is them who are killing their own kids and citizens using then as human bombs and shield, Why they don't show that in TV ?

15 Answers

  • Lotak
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Both sides have committed some pretty disgusting and atrocious acts, which should not be condoned by anyone. I was once under the illusion that Israel was always right and the Palestinians were the ones in the wrong, but after researching a little bit, its evident that both sides have done wrong in dealing with the situation.

    Please don't make out that Israel is the innocent one here, and people should also not try to imply that Israel the is only culprit and they somehow "force" Palestinians into blowing themselves up. There is no justification in suicide bombing. It is NEVER a last resort.

    Both sides have their own problems and its up to them to sort it out. Both are plagued with bigots and people who want to see nothing but the destruction of the other. These people constitute only a small minority to the total who want to see peace in the region.

    Source(s): Orthodox Jew
  • 1 decade ago

    Hamas is an extremist, radical group that seems to take pride in their continuous whim to cause chaos for reasons i have yet to understand and what do people who are proud of their "culture and tradition and beliefs" pass them on to the younger ones no? It's sad really but it'll be difficult to stop because even the children think that what they're doing is righteous and honorable.

    Documentation of such are uncommon because the journalists are often threatened with their lives to destroy the evidence or are killed on the spot for daring to even expose such activity. But on such rare occasions, a brave soul does manage to produce proof and it never fails to cause uproar among the many decent people out there. They don't forget the injustice.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sheer stupidity, do they really think that they will win a military victory or sway the rest of the world to support them with their present tactics. The best weapon of the weak is their weakness, if they had followed the example of Gandhi they would have accomplished a lot more.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Keep telling yourself that buddy, it's all the dirty Palestinians' fault isn't it? Oh the poor little Jews, lets all shed a tear for the poor defenseless Jews, give me a freakin break buddy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Kids being BOYS?

    Sick Jews.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Jews have as much blood on their hands as any other religious group claiming to speak for god.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    the respond is interior the question..."hiding". almost each usa and lifestyle interior the international strives to guard their women persons and babies. it is totally almost an instinct. yet, no longer with those human beings. A civilized and decent battling stress might pass all of their women persons and babies to protection interior the rear or to a "secure zone" and then bypass to combat. yet no longer those human beings. the ladies persons and babies are an necessary area of their operations. They commerce their lives for information clips.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes this is very wrong, but the Jews stealing their land & killing them is also very wrong. Why can't they just learn to play nicely.

  • 1 decade ago

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    3) how many wars am i allowed to win before i seperate good and evil in are arean tell me knoe or ill utterly destroy you

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    5) golly no ridick

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    7) hey and we win golly this is fun you all attract all the future why so many

    borrowed ant farms

    gov gets all fist issues my hope 2015 i see as good no need 42 im 43 be good


    1 billion religious people help those who say plz

    Source(s): in an hour someone will ask for my ant farm essay ha ha
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know too much about their differences,but my guess is they have no other form of attack except sling-shots.So this infiltration suits them.Otherwise they will have NO chance against the Israeli Army.

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