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Have you ever heard of someone calling the pastor of a church to ask him/her to send me?

The person calling has read scripture about tithes and offerings and wants the pastor to send them offering envelopes. Have you ever heard of this?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like the person wants to take on a deeper commitment to his faith.

    Offering envelopes, do two things. They provide the paper trail for the church to give an annual giving statement for the IRS for tax deductions. They also help the individual to keep track of his/her own giving. They are helpful as a reminder for those who are unable to be at worship each week, and want to keep up a level of giving.

    Offering envelopes are usually given to active members of a congregation each year and new members when they join.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well, I haven't, but I haven't been to a church since forever. I don't go to them anymore.

    You should look into this booklet called, The end of the church age. Just go to It' free. You can down load or just read it right off the sight. It's a very serious subject.

    We have 12 months and 15 days before Christ return

    on Saturday May 21, 2011..

    Whoa Tom - doesn't the Bible say "no man knows the Day or Hour" of Judgment Day?

    Actually NO, this is not what the Bible says - in Matt 24:36 AND 37 we see how Jesus warned that the "knowing" or not knowing would be as in Noah's day - you can read of this in Genesis 6 and 7, and see that Noah had a 120 year specific warning, in which he, in fear [Heb 11:7] built the Ark, and Noah also received another warning 7 days before the Flood...AND, I Thes 5:1ff shows that God's Elect will know the timing of the End, but the unsaved will not, and will be caught by "the Thief In The Night".[see Rev 3:3, Heb 10:25 etc., etc.]...also Jesus, in Luke 17:28, says "as it was in the Days of Lot.." and the Bible shows clearly that Lot also had advance warning of the destruction of Sodom and Gommorrah and Admah and Zeboam.

    Whoa, Tom - doesn't the Bible say that even Jesus doesn't know the timing of the End...actually, no, the Bible doesn't say that Jesus doesn't know anything...Jesus is presented in the Bible from start to finish, as God, and in Isaiah 9:6 is specifically named "Everlasting Father"...see John 3:13 - Jesus said He was in heaven while on Earth.

    Whoa, Tom - haven't lots of nuts and cooks and cults set dates for Judgment Day? Yes, a few, but very godly and brilliant Bible scholars also set dates - like Martin Luther, Sir Isaac Newton [theologian and Father of Modern Physics], the Elders of the Westminster Assembly of 1648, and many Puritans [this era called "the high water mark" of Bible scholarship]....Newton set a date after 2,000 AD...the fact that these godly, brilliant Bible teachers set dates displays that they knew NOTHING in Scripture precludes believers from looking in Scripture for a date.

    Whoa, Tom - How can I see some date in Scripture for Judgment Day?

    go to - here you can download "WE ARE ALMOST THERE", and several other items that will help you see the date of the End from Scripture.

    If you cannot download or print out, call Family Radio at 1-800-543-1495 [9-5 weekdays PDT] and ask for a free copy to be mailed to you.

    Also visit

    Whoa, Tom - why would God tell just a few the time of the End?

    God has always warned His own in advance of calamities - Noah before the Flood; Moses before God killed 14,950 false Israelite leaders in Numbers 15 & 16; Moses before the 10 Plagues of the Exodus; Joshua before destroying Jericho [when 2 million Jews marched around the Walls 13 times in 7 days]; Elijah before the false Prophets of Baal, and, Elijah before God killed 102 of the 153 sent to arrest him; Jonah 40 days before God said He would destroy Ninevah; John The Baptist before Calvary, etc.

    Whoa, Tom - What should I do? read the Book of Jonah - these people, also warned of Judgment Day, repented by "crying mightily to God"...

    May God save His people, before it's too late.

  • 1 decade ago

    no. but that would not surprise me in the least. many new christians are very zealous when they get saved and they want to do everything right. to bad most do not keep this trait.

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