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Do any of you feel depressed or lonely?

I have recently (last week) found out im pregnant with baby number 4, this will be my final and last pregnancy.

My children are 7, 5 and 5 months so there is going to be a small gap between last two.

Im happy im expecting....not quite sure it has completely sunk in yet, im just shocked its happened so quick....i dont get periods because of pcos, im guessing how far along i am by the test, i am feeling really scared and nervous and upset also, i feel like im on my own even though im not, i have a fantastic fiance who is very happy also, good parents in law, friends, siblings but im just feeling something and not sure what it is thats getting me down so much.

Did any of you feel down?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well clearly you are not alone, and you know this, you have 3 beautiful children and a man in your life. You have a lot more then a lot of other people. However you might feel alone in the sense you have a lot of responsibilities on your plate and you feel like the only one who is driving the bus to keep the house in line. Thats stressful in itself and thats OK to feel that way... Some things I do to remind me that I'm not alone (because my bf works 12-14 hours days 6 days a week) is I write down on a white board "My boyfriend is working hard to provide for my family" "My boyfriend wishes he could be with me instead of working, so I need to be strong for him" "I would rather have a hard working man then a man who can't provide for our family"... little reminders... because it's really easy to forget and get overwhelmed in emotions ESPECIALLY when being pregnant.

    For you with your children, you could make a little jar that everyone in the family needs to write down one thing they love about their family, or one thing they appreciate about their life and put it in the jar... then when you feel lonely or sad, pull out those warm fuzzies in the jar and it will be a warm reminder of the beautiful family you have and that you have so much to be grateful for.

    These little things make a HUGE difference, and the kids will LOVE having a warm fuzzy jar :) My mom used to do this with us as kids, and at dinner time when we all sat at the table she would pull them out one at a time and read it to the whole family and we'd guess who's warm fuzzy that was. It was a great way to bond, and probably an even better way for my parents to remember how lucky they really are.

    Also do things for yourself when you get the chance, like getting your hair or nails done or something, if you have daughters, bring them with you to the spa for the day and get pedicures and manicures, this is good bonding time too. Take the kids to a museum or science center its a great way for them to learn and an even greater way for you to be part of their learning as well. Record videos of your family if you have a camcorder... again, watch these home videos when you are feeling alone or sad, you can't help but laugh, or cry, or smile when you see them!

    Best of luck and good luck, it takes simple steps to feel full again and remember, you are a VERY blessed woman, you have 3 healthy children, 1 on the way and a supportive loving man who is working hard for you and the kids.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, I had 3 babies back to back and I was also very happy when I found out I was pregnant with each one but I was also feeling very down and out. Later, I realized, In my case, I was feeling guilty for the other child/children who were already here bc I knew they wouldn't get as much attention with the other baby around, they wouldn't get to be a baby long. That depressed me terribly,I also think my body was in shock from having being pregnant so soon after giving birth so the hormones didnt know what to do, lol. Its completely normal to feel this way, but if it gets to be too much you know what to do. Talk to your doctor about it. COngrats on the new

    Source(s): Mother of 6
  • 1 decade ago

    Don't worry I felt exactly the same as you when I found out. Remember your hormones are everywhere at the moment. Wait for it to sink in and you will feel better. I know how you feel. I Thought I was a weirdo because I was not excited but just felt worried and depressed. Chin up and you will feel better. xx

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had severe depression with this pregnancy.

    I hated the feeling so much it drove me insane.

    In the end I knew I needed help so I decided to help myself and fight the depression (had no professional help at all) and I beat it :)

    Im scared im gonna get postnatal depression with this little one though :(

    But im going to get professional help if that happends.

    Source(s): 39 and 4 days pregnant AND currently having contractions!
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  • 1 decade ago

    I know exactly how you are feeling. Even when my fiance` is around, i feel lonely, depressed and sad, why? i don't know. I even around get to shedding some tears when alone. I guess its the hormones.

  • 1 decade ago

    I reckon your depression/lonely feelings might be due to hormones, its crazy how they can make you feel sometimes.

    Take a look at this video and see if it makes you feel any better. I wish you all the best with your pregnancy/family and life ahead

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yup I just had my fourth and pregnancy is really the lonliest thing to me.. Idk .. it's like no one is really right there with you at that exact moment .. I know an awesome book for you to read .. let me find the author .. one sec

    here you go the library should be able to get it ... she is an amazing author this isn't one of her best.. but it will hit home for you..

    Source(s): 12,10,3,16 weeks
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel really depressed and i don't know why

    I just feel isolated and wan't to push everyone away..

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