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Lv 4
W. asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

If 1 out of 10 Americans don't have jobs anymore, where are these illegals finding work?

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    they work wherever there is work. The fields, taking care of ur kids, building, mowing, weeding.

    Maybe the unemployed U.S.citizens should stand out there by Home Depot and they can get work for a couple of days. Or go pick some cotton, onions or cut weeds.

    Blame the the Mexican government for not taking care of its people. Blame the U.S. for tempting them with low wage jobs ( which is about 10x more than in Mexican wages), blame the lazy U. S. citizens who are too proud to mow a lawn, babysit, or pick cotton to feed their families. But why blame the families who are trying to do what you and I do, provide for our families?

    Drug cartels you say??? If the U.S. citizens didnt demand it, it wouldnt be here. Its basic business, supply and demand. Cut the demand, the supply will cease to exist.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i don't think in a blanket amnesty and wager worker software. yet a one time amnesty to sign in illegals so as that they could be sent house is a sturdy theory. any individual who does not sign in could be seen an enemy of the state. this additionally must comprise people who've over stayed their visa. we desire a constitutional modification to maintain infants of illegals from receiving automatic citizenship. finally the main needed is to make it a legal to hire illegals. people who do can nicely cope with to pay for the fines. we could constantly require American citizen to acquire reward which our taxes pay for. Why coddle those people they're criminals?

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe they are willing to live at a lower standard of living than most spoiled Americans are used to living at. An $8/hr job is more than that at an official job if you get cash and don't pay taxes.

    I still see only Mexicans outside of the Home Depot and the local 7-11, waiting for work. I have yet to see any non-Hispanics, or other Americans out there with them. In reality, though, if you are looking for under the table work, you can find it. Many Americans are connected and don't need to stand out with the other day laborers. I worked under the table jobs in high school and college. I just found them through networking in the community.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    2 out of 10 illegals don't have jobs anymore.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    According to the FBI 2% of illegal aliens work in agriculture but 42% are on welfare!

    According to the FBI there are more illegal aliens on welfare than there are Americans!

    A lot of the jobs done by illegal aliens were and would be done by Americans BUT if the employer doesn't have to pay taxes, insurance, a decent wage, etc. he hires criminals in order to make more money!

    Take the homeless teen problem that grows with the illegal alien problem. It used to be that these teens would find work at low paying jobs, live in apartments with other teens and usually work at making a better life for themselves. But with illegal aliens willing to work under the table for substandard wages these teens have no recourse but to live on the street!

    But la racist will cry that the poor illegal, immoral, illiterate, uneducated criminals should be allowed to take these jobs because otherwise THEY would be working low paying jobs in their country!

    FYI: most of those teen are high school graduates that due to circumstances beyond their control are in the situation they are in while the illegal aliens are in the situation they are in because they are criminals without morals! After all if you had morals ("thou shalt not covet anything of thy neighbors") they wouldn't be here telling God to go stuff his commandments!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Huh? You seem to think they live in a fantasy world were there is a job surplus. Uh, no...

    There out doing the shitty jobs like Contruction that nobody wants. Maybe that's why you haven't noticed them..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    at places whee they preferr people that except low wages with no benefits

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are working under the table and for what your typical citizen can not live on here in the U.S. When you live 10 plus to a one bedroom, things are different!

  • That's why Americans are out of work, the jobs are given to the minorities who will work for $8 per hour!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think too many are working with fake and forged I.D.'s for lower wages, I also believe many are using anchor babies as means of support.

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