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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingBaby Names · 1 decade ago

Twilight names vs. Harry Potter names, this or that?

I just thought it would be a fun thing to do, because there are some great names in both books...

You know the rules, just pick your favorite out of each pair:

Harry or Edward

Ronald or Jacob

Luna or Rosalie

Hermione or Alice

Cedric or Emmett

George or Jasper

Sirius or Carlisle

Molly or Esme

Ginevra "Ginny" or Isabella "Bella"

James or Charlie

Lily or Jane

Rose or Renesmee (haha, curious to see your answer to this one...)

Albus or Aro

Petunia or Renee


65 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I think it's going to be pretty obvious which series I prefer once I'm through with this, haha:

    • Harry or Edward ~ HARRY ~ I have always liked Harry, as a nickname for Henry or just on its own. I find it very charming and sophisticated, and it has a distinctly British sound to it. Edward is too boring for my taste, and the first thing I think of is Twilight when I hear it, so that's ruined. I much prefer Edmund, that's one of my all-time favourites.

    • Ronald or Jacob ~ RONALD ~ I'm probably in the minority on this one, but since Jacob has been the #1 most popular boy name for the last two years I could never bring myself to use it. Ronald isn't necessarily my favourite name, but Ron is kind of dashing and it's definitely the lesser of two evils.

    • Luna or Rosalie ~ LUNA ~ Luna is pretty, quirky and really feminine. I think it would allow the child to have a lot of personality, whereas I feel that Rosalie would only really "work" on a stunningly beautiful little girl. Luna just seems a lot more realistic to me.

    • Hermione or Alice ~ HERMIONE ~ I will admit, I like both, but Hermione, again, has a lot more personality than Alice. Alice is pretty, yes, but it will undoubtedly get a lot more popular. Hermione is very distinctive and (I may be the only one, but) I think it has a really nice sound to it. Although that might just be because I'm a sucker for Greek names, haha :)

    • Cedric or Emmett ~ CEDRIC ~ Personally, I'm not a hugh fan of either. Emmett is way too close to Emma, Emily, Emilia, Emmeline, etc for my taste; it's always sounded like the kind of name a slightly feminine boy would have. It definitely doesn't conjur images of masculinity. And while Cedric has (for some reason) always sounded sort of robotic to me, like a futuristic name, I would definitely choose it over Emmett, any day.

    • George or Jasper ~ GEORGE ~ Jasper is a little too obvious for me. I used to like it, but Twilight totally put me off it and I started noticing all the things I really disliked about it. I much prefer the variant Caspar (despite the "Friendly Ghost" connotations) But I loved that show when I was little, so it's not really that big of a deal for me :) George is a *huge* family name for me. There are at least five Georges on my mom's side of the family, so it's definitely middle-name material for me. I also have the female variant, Georgiana on my top ten list for girls.

    • Sirius or Carlisle ~ SIRIUS ~ Okay, I'll own up - Sirius is a guilty pleasure of mine :P I'm a mythology nut, so I love any name that has mythological roots. And it doesn't hurt that Gary Oldman is my favourite actor ever, living or dead. Carlisle is, again, very obvious. And it makes me shudder to think that at least a third of the tweens reading Twilight pronounced it "car LIZE ul" until the films came out.

    • Molly or Esme ~ MOLLY ~ I don't really like either one, but Esme has never been pretty to me. It sound sort of pretentious and "look how much I love my daughter by giving her this name". Molly is a little too nicknamey for me, but when it's used as a nickname it's pretty cute. It's definitely the lesser of the evils, anyway.

    • Ginevra or Isabella ~ GINEVRA ~ I adore this name! For some reason I always forget about it, but whenever I see it I think "Oh, I like that." Ginny is the sweetest nickname ever, it's so pretty. I also love Geneva and Genevieve. Isabella is boring, overused and much too "princessy". It's almost like, "Yes, your daughter's a girl, we get it!" The name is drowning in pink bows and frills - it's the equivalent of "Christianabella" or "Tatianarosianne" to me. Plain ol' Isabelle / Isobel is much prettier and less "trying too hard".

    • James or Charlie ~ JAMES ~ James will always be a strong, noble boy name choice. A tad boring, yes, but it's still ever-masculine (the girls haven't taken this one over yet, thankfully) Charlie is way too nicknamey for my taste. I prefer Charles with the nickname Charlie, but even then, I would pick James because it's so classic and solid.

    • Lily or Jane ~ LILY ~ As popular as it's getting, Lily is still a sweet name. Nothing I would ever use anymore since it's sooo popular, but if it wasn't I would definitely add it to my list. Jane is very boring and dull. They have the expression "plain-Jane" for a reason. It might work as a middle name (especially to a very long or uncommon first name) but other than that, I try to stay away from it.

    • Rose or Renesmee ~ ROSE! ~ Rose, Rose, Rose, a thousand times Rose! That's like saying "Which would you rather eat, filet mignon, or this mangled animal carcass?" Rose is a beautiful, classic name (reminds me of the film Titanic, so that's a definite plus). Renesmee doesn't even deserve to exist! It's a complete and utter abomination, and it sickens me that some poor little girls' ignorant, uneducated mothers are actually giving them this horrid, sorry excuse for a name. Phew... Rant over :P

    • Albus or Aro ~ ALBUS ~ Aro sounds like a good name for a dog, maybe. Or a kind of chocolate bar. Not a person. Albus is actually a little bit cute, in my opinion. I'm not sure if I'd actually like to meet the parents with enough guts to name their son Albus, but I think it would make for a very interesting middle name, anyway.

    • Petunia or Renee ~ PETUNIA ~ Okay, all book connotations aside, I would still choose Petunia. Renee is horrendous to me. I don't know what it is about it, but it strikes me as a low-class, trailor-trash name - but don't ask why! I've never met a Renee like that, but that's the first place my mind goes. Petunia sounds like the exact opposite to me. Upper-class, slightly spoiled little girl with indulgent parents. Personally, I'd rather my daughter be a bit snooty than a lot trashy.

    Well, there you go! Big Twlight fan, as you can see :P

    ɛïɜ Tнαℓια'ა Mυაε

  • Tonya
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Harry or Edward - Edward, this was actually a hard one but I'm not to crazy about the name Harry unless its a nickname.

    Ronald or Jacob - Jacob, because it sounds more sexy and attractive to me.

    Luna or Rosalie - Luna, she was so quirky and its a name you don't hear alot.

    Hermione or Alice - Hermione, again I like uncommon names.

    Cedric or Emmett - Emmett

    George or Jasper - George, because my aunt is named Georgia.

    Sirius or Carlisle - Sirius

    Molly or Esme - Esme

    Ginevra "Ginny" or Isabella "Bella" - Ginevra, because Bella is so over used.

    James or Charlie - Charlie

    Lily or Jane - Lily, Jane is just to plain for my taste.

    Rose or Renesmee - Renesmee, although I would never name a child this I love how she combined two names together to get one name.

    Albus or Aro - Albus, first off and this is probably obvious but I absolutely hated Aro. Second because I always seem to read it with a accent.

    Petunia or Renee - Renee, I never have liked Petunia for a persons name.

  • 6 years ago









    Isabella "Bella"






  • Harry or Edward ---- Edward, if I'm being honest. And no, I DO NOT like the character of Edward more than Harry. There's no competition in that sense.

    Ronald or Jacob ---- Jacob

    Luna or Rosalie ---- Rosalie, I just love Rose names :)

    Hermione or Alice ---- Hermione, even though I just love Alice. Hermione just sounds so beautiful and is so unique.

    Cedric or Emmett ---- Emmett

    George or Jasper ---- Jasper

    Sirius or Carlisle ---- Sirius! (Only when it's pronounced right. I hate it when people say it like Serious)

    Molly or Esme ---- Molly, even though I don't like it much it's better than Esme.

    Ginevra "Ginny" or Isabella "Bella" ---- Ginevra. Isabella is just so popular and normal.

    James or Charlie --- James! I love this name for a boy.

    Lily or Jane ---- Lily. Jane is too plane for me as a first name :)

    Rose or Renesmee (haha, curious to see your answer to this one...) --- Rose, of course. Apparently, she just couldn't find a name that 'fit' Bella's baby. Really? All those names in the world not good enough for you?

    Albus or Aro --- Albus.

    Petunia or Renee ---- Petunia, even though personally I'd never use it. But it fits the character, somehow.

    That was fun!

    Hope I helped :)

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  • 1 decade ago









    Isabella "Bella"






  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago









    Isabella "Bella"






  • I love Harry Potter soooo much better! I see all the midnight showings with my buds :3 I used to like Twilight when it was just a book and it just came out and no one knew what it was, then the movie and the teenage fans ruined it for me :(









    Ginny (that's my name n.n)



    Rose, even though it's very common, Renesmee sounds made up (oh, wait, it is)



    I have such a biased on these names because of these movies/books XD but I tried to be as honest as I could

  • 1 decade ago

    Harry or Edward -- Harry

    Ronald or Jacob -- Jacob ♥

    Luna or Rosalie -- Rosalie

    Hermione or Alice -- Hermione ♥

    Cedric or Emmett -- Cedric

    George or Jasper -- George

    Sirius or Carlisle -- Sirius ♥ [GP].

    Molly or Esme -- Esme

    Ginevra "Ginny" or Isabella "Bella" -- Ginevra "Ginny" ♥

    James or Charlie -- James ♥

    Lily or Jane -- Jane ♥

    Rose or Renesmee -- Rose ♥ Renesmee's an abomination & makes my eyes bleed.

    Albus or Aro -- Aro

    Petunia or Renee -- Renee

  • nora
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm biased, but I'll try to answer as honestly as I can.

    Can't say. I'm a fan of both names.



    Alice is a lovely name, but I see it everywhere nowadays. If I were to name a child Hermione, people will immediately assume I named her after Hermione in Harry Potter. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, though, as Hermione is a great character. So I chose Hermione.





    Ginevra (If I can have Ysobelle instead of Isabella, I'll much rather have that than Ginevra)


    I think both names are beautiful.

    Rose, definitely :)



    Why isn't Severus on this list?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Harry Potter names are creative and fit perfectly into the fictional subculture that the author created. The first names are more common in the UK than in the states but the last names are the ones that bring the element of curiousity and fun. The Twilight names....they're normal names for normal people. The only thing about them that gets me is that the Cullen children, 'adopted' they may be, were intended to be paired off. That's creepy and incesty to me. Different last names would've been nice. =/

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    * Harry

    * Jacob

    * Rosalie

    * Alice

    * Emmett

    * George

    * Carlisle

    * Esme

    * Isabella

    * James

    * Lily

    * Rose

    * Albus

    * Renee


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