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Jehovah's Witnesses- Was This Elder Pulling Vot's Leg?

[Here's hoping that Corinthians guy doesn't see this Q lol!]

Vot remembered an earlier incident today during field service when a RV in my territory was turning into a demo Bible study and I was with a brother who doesn't speak the language very well, and I'd forgotten to carry a bandanna. Happily I was wearing a hooded coat so I slipped the hood over my head (playing it safe).

Some weeks ago Vot invited an elder to work with me in my hostel (aka my main territory) and he arrived as Vot was tying up her hair. As I finished getting my stuff ready for the study (to be conducted in my room), he asked what topic we'd be covering. I gave him a brief overview of the subject, what we'd covered last time and a brief description of the student's religious beliefs. Then he said "You're conducting it right?"

And Vot said "No, you're conducting it."

And he said "But how am I to give you advice on what to work on if I don't get to see you at work?"

And I said [cop-out response] "I don't have a head-covering."

And he said "Yes you do. There it is on your head!" (i.e the bandanna I'd wrapped around my pony-tail).

I said it counted as a "ribbon" and not head-covering, and he said "Nah- so long as it's on your head, it's head covering"

He conducted the study though :-P

The best photo I can find of the hair-do is here; ignore the white and black ear-warmer; I'm referring to the blue one. Vot had tied it the way she had tied the other one the day we spoke.

Vot has had brothers pull her leg in various ways in the past; do you think this is one of those times? Does that bandanna really count as head-covering?



End of Q, examples of leg-pulling in the past:

1) At college back home a brother came to our room with a list of names of JW students and numbers besides the names. Vot asked what that was about, he said we would be playing a congregation football match and those were our jersey numbers- what number did Vot want to wear? I found it crazy- why was everyone playing when there was only supposed to be 22 players in total? After he convinced me to choose a jersey number for myself (and Vot doesn't play football but he insisted), he laughed and told me that it was the magazine orders for each publisher!

2) Vot had eaten a lot of meals over at the brother above and his roommate's place, so she decided to return the favour and cook them a meal. After the meal was served, one of them said "May the hostess pray for us?" Vot looked up at him; I sensed something was "wrong" (I was still a Bible study at the time). They must have noticed the puzzled look on my face, because they suddenly burst out laughing and then he prayed.

Hence Vot's always being on her guard xD


Horsense- the study is a male (not handed over yet because he's still too on-off-ish).

And no, the cloth I had on my head was too tiny to cover my head- it was meant to match with my skirt ^_^

Update 2:

@the mom 123- Nope, this really is Vot. Aren't I on your contact list? See the little blue person under my avatar? Or are Vot's clones your contacts too? xD

Update 3:

@ Tara: No, Vot doesn't want a superficial husband, neither does she want a "brother" who hides what he is by being insulting to non-Witnesses on the internet (like your alter ego).

One more out-of-line post like that from you on any of Vot's Qs, you'll be blocked. You've been warned.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pioneer School -

    A head covering is something that is meant to be a head covering - no doilies, tissues, pieces of paper, or other clothing items that are not head coverings.

    If one is not available - then respectfully decline. The brother, knowing the requirement, should be willing to step in so that Jehovah's requirements are properly carried out.

    I carry a sheer, light, scarf in my bookbag ALL THE TIME.

    There are occasions when the HUSBAND of the study is present and a head covering may need to be worn.

    Source(s): One of Jehovah's Witnesses
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It looks like she's sensible and set for the day at an outdoor convention where hats are a NECESSITY. Just the right size. I'm not a hat person, but they can look great on others - like VOT!. Yes ABERNATHY THE DULL - what's with Michael? What happened to the FINE photo? The look-a-like one? It had such a pleasant appearance, nice semi-smile.

  • 1 decade ago

    First you need to listen to your bible trained conscience. If you feel it is not enough then it is not enough.

    The brother did conduct so he may have been a little on the funny side that day.

    We recently had a talk and we were told in an emergency we may have to come up with a less then desirable head covering. However, we were cautioned not to take this matter lightly and to be prepared to use a proper head covering when needed. The brother said "No your hand covering over your head does not count"

    So I try to carry a little silk scarf with me just in case.

  • 1 decade ago

    Vot, don't ask anyone.

    We all commence on our bible trained conscious.

    If you need a real head covering so as not to insult or disrespect Jehovah's arrangement then you have to do what your conscious tells you to do.

    Brothers are not sitting where we are and we would never want to take head coverings casually. It could mean our life.

    I agree with you. The top of the head must be covered in respect to the angels. Even a tissue or handkerchief will do...not a scrunchy.

    By the way, the blue hat in the photo was enough to cover your head.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's fine Vot as long as it "covers" your head. It doesn't have to be a helmet though. I would not kid around on that subject but the elder did the proper thing in conducting the study. The angels no doubt appreciate your example.

  • 1 decade ago

    How big was this bandana, unfolded . . . ?

    If big enough to be tied over one's head,

    it could have been removed from the ponytail,

    and then worn as a head covering.

    If not big enough, maybe he was not aware of that fact,

    or, perhaps he was just injecting some humor into the situation. . .

    Never-the-less . . .

    The Kingdom Ministry School is usually where we display our teaching abilities for necessary correction & encouragement . . . If a brother is present when a study is being conducted with an interested man, it is proper for the brother to conduct, rather than a sister. But, IF the interested person is a woman, a sister can conduct even though a brother is present.

    (You didn't mention the gender of the RV in question.)

    "...I want You to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God.

    "Every man that prays or prophesies having something on his head shames his head;

    but every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head, for it is one and the same as if she were a [woman] with a shaved head.

    "For a man ought not to have his head covered, as he is God’s image and glory; but the woman is man’s glory. For man is not out of woman, but woman out of man;

    "That is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority upon her head because of the angels."

    --1 Corinthians 11:3-5,7,8,10

  • Rick G
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I figured your leg was just tugged a little bit. Why? Since the brother conducted the study. He knows the principle not to harm another person's conscience. IF you were not convinced it was appropriate, then if he insisted that you do the study, your conscience could be harmed. He did the right thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Vot hun, you bored? That was kinda long... lol

    okay anyway, only a man would count a scrunchy as a "headcovering" - if the whole "anything on your head counts" rule, you could count hairbeads or hair clips next. Come to think of it I can count hair extentions or my wig since it covers my "head"... Still we don't want to get like the pharisees so I suppose its the principle that counts. I have used a (clean) hanky and a tea towel in emergency occassions so who am I to talk.

    Men pulling someone's (a girls) leg as an expression of affection. Chocolates work better for me but it's all good.

  • 1 decade ago

    That looks like a head covering to Kevin, Vot.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would have been more interested on whether he was pulling your leg with this comment:

    "But how am I to give you advice on what to work on if I don't get to see you at work?"

    I appreciate that you want to do things properly according to the headship arrangement, but I wouldn't take it so far as to define what is or isn't covered enough. The point is being meet that you are showing respect for Jehovah's arrangement.

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