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? asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Question about puppy getting Parvo?

Ok, I just want to make this very clear I don't suspect my puppy to be sick with ANYTHING! but when I took my dog to the vet, he told me that I should pee pad train my pup and not let her outside until ALL of her vaccinations are completed. Is this true? Is me taking my puppy outside to potty giving her a high risk of catching parvo? I do live in an apartment complex but they require that all tenants with pets turn in vaccinations record if they fail to do so they can be evicted (and yes they do follow through with this). What about casual short walk on the sidewalk around my apartment complex? Also, I told my vet that I was taking her over to my friend's house to play with their two dogs...they are fully high risk is this? I'm really afraid she'll catch it but I don't want her too be unsocialized, and I am definitely limiting her contact with outsiders and other dogs besides these situations.

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    This is a tough one, and it really comes down to the owner making an educated decision. The vet and anyone else can say "keep him inside until all his shots are done!" but this is not always possible. Personally, I refused to puppy pad train (this causes SO many problems down the line, and then the pup needs to be retrained all over again to go outside,....), and would take my pups out into the back yard to do their business. That's not an option for you, though.

    Is there a more secluded area that you could take puppy to potty? Somewhere off the beaten path? I have one other suggestion that is probably going to get laughed at,..... but you could put booties on your pups feet when you take him out. Take them off and leave them outside your door, so germs never get tracked inside. Keep walks really short, and carry the pup home after he pees and poops to limit exposure.

    As long as you are responsible, educated, and you take all the precautions, you get all the needles on schedule, everything should be fine :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not the dogs in your complex you need to worry about. It's people who visit who bring parvo in on their shoes and clothes.

    Even your friends could carry parvo when they've taken their fully vaccinated dogs for a walk and then you go to visit.

    Certainly I would not be walking her around the complex at this time. It really is better to be safe than sorry. Parvo is such a terrible thing for puppies to die from so please just be patient and I'm sure you'll have your pup around for many years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would definitely listen to your vet. I had a healthy but not fully vaccinated puppy and took it walking in my neighborhood, and it got parvo and died. It's heartbreaking, not to mention expensive.

    In general, the dog should not be on the ground anywhere that you don't know what other dog may have been there first.

    Best of luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your veterinarian's advice is very conservative. You can get quite an argument going between behaviorists and veterinarians when it comes to the necessity of socializing young puppies that are not yet fully vaccinated.

    How prevalent is parvovirus in your area? If it is very common I'd lean toward being more conservative. If it isn't all that common then I'd be less concerned.

    Dogs that are already fully vaccinated are unlikely to transmit the parvovirus, so they should be safe enough for your little one.

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  • 5 years ago

    finding on the flexibility of the antibodies from the mummy, at circumstances the vaccine could be rendered ineffective for various weeks after delivery. in this time the antibodies drop in ranges so as that they are not sufficient to guard the domestic dog from the virus, yet are too extreme so the vaccine is blocked from appearing any stable. that isn't any longer till 18 weeks that ninety 5% of domestic canines are effectively immunized. After the 1st pictures, people could in simple terms start up assuming that their domestic dog is risk-free and taking them places the place parvo is probable to be, which comprise socializing them at dogs parks or in simple terms exhibiting them off. additionally, there is the actuality that taking your domestic dog to the vet can exhibit them to parvo besides.

  • 1 decade ago

    if another dog that has parvo has went outside before in the place your puppy peed, then your puppy will get the virus and will eventually die in the next 24 hours. its very contagious to dogs, about 3 hours from where i live 50 dogs have been lost because of this virus.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow. I did not know that. Me and Mia have to rush to the vet then. We've been walking her and socializing and we've been forgetting her shots....uh-oh

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