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I LOVE ANIMALS! All animals big, small, slimy and furry...I don't exactly know where I got this weird love of animals but they are just so darn cute. I have 2 cats which are basically my kids. Love them to death. My cat Louie is about 7 years old. Found him as a stray...he's super fat but Super Cute! (Don't worry he is on a diet). My other cat Misty is a 2 1/2 year old with only 3 legs. Adopted her from the shelter. She was extremely shy but is coming around she is only a one person cat though! I don't have a dog but I plan on getting a Chinese Crested in little over a year. I have done about 2 years of research before deciding this is the breed I want and am confident that I will be able to take care of it. I also have done a lot of research in pet nutrition, and am disgusted with the large majority of foods on the market, and people's ignorance when it comes to feeding their pets. I'm in college and part of a sorority. My other passions...Music and the Paranormal

  • Question about Pop Alternatives?

    I just recently decided to stop drinking pop, and have been trying to find something to substitute for it. I have increased my water, and drink at least 64oz. of water a day, I also have switched to a 90% vegetarian diet for health reasons. I know that fruit juices really aren't good for you but I found that I like a glass of Minute Maid Pomegranate Lemonade juice with lunch and a glass of V8 Fusion with dinner really help curb my pop craving...are these juices a healthier option for fruit juices? Is there a better substitute? Also, what about Fuze juices? I only have one every other day as a snack.

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Getting Married in a Church?

    My fiance and I live about 2 hours away from my hometown which is where I want to do our wedding. I would really like to get married in a church, we plan on doing our pre-marriage counseling through a church in our current city. Is there anyway that a church in my hometown would marry us? Especially if we did our pre-marriage counseling elsewhere...

    Also, I don't know if this makes a difference but my fiance is a catholic and I am a form of Pentecostalism, right now we rotate going between a Catholic church and my church, but we would like to get married in a non-denominational church because we are afraid his family wouldn't feel comfortable in a Pentecostal church. Neither one of us are willing to convert either....

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • MAC Foundation help!?

    I just bought some Sephora foundation and am not impressed, it will definitely be getting returned. So that leaves me in the market for some new liquid foundation and am thinking I will go with the trusted MAC brand (I have used the stuff in the past and know that it works well as well) problem is I have no idea what shade I would need, and there is not a MAC anywhere near me.

    This is a picture of me with (cheap) makeup on, this is probably the most natural looking stuff I have used thus far but I can't remember what it was...can you tell me what color foundation you think I am. I want to get MAC studio finished. Also I have REALLY bad Rosaca and acne scarring, which I heard might make a difference in the color foundation I choose. I'm also pretty sure I have neutral undertones.

    Thanks for your help

    7 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Question about post-spay?

    I have a 7 month 5 pound Pomeranian mix puppy, She was spayed about a month ago, right after the spay she was having a really hard time going poop and was in extreme pain, I called the vet they gave me stool softener. I took her back two weeks later and they said she had a minor infection where the stitches were at and told me to put peroxide on it for a week two times a day, I did. Today I noticed that the bump is not healed, she is acting fine, eating normal, going to the bathroom regularly, and has as much energy as before. The bump is not hard, nor soft, its in the middle. It is not hot to the touch or red, and she does not seemed to be in any pain when I press on it. Is this normal? She is my first dog and I don't know what is and is not normal. I have contacted the vet and they keep telling me it is nothing to be worried about and does not seem interested in seeing her quickly. I am concerned that it could be a hernia or an abcess is that a realistic possibility? Or is it just something simple like scar tissue? Should I instist that the vet sees her sooner than they are willing to give me an appointment, or take her somewhere else? Money isn't really an obstacle I don't have alot but if it would be best I would take her to the vet without hesitation.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Neighborhoods similar to Hyde Park?

    I asked a question the other day about neighborhoods I should check out in Chicago to move to. After researching the answers I am really interested in Hyde Park for lots of reasons however, I don't like the fact that it is quite a commute to the grad schools I am looking at and the fact that it is so far from the north side of the city. I was wondering if there are any neighborhoods in the north side of Chicago similar to Hyde Park. The reasons that I like Hyde Park is the artsy feel, eclectic stores, and the diversity of the residents. I know that no two neighborhoods are going to be identical just looking for something kinda close to the same view on the other side of the city.

    2 AnswersChicago1 decade ago
  • Looking for the right neighborhood in Chicago?

    So I'm going to be moving to Chicago here and a year and would like to know some good neighborhoods for me to look at to consider moving to. I am a single white 22 year old female from Michigan and will more than likely be attending DePaul or UIC University for graduate studies. I originally thought that Lakeview or Lincoln Park would be good areas for me however, after visiting I'm not as sure. I LOVE that they appear to be consistently fairly safe. However, I dunno it may have been a little to "uppity" for me. I want a neighborhood with some culture, diversity, and lots of coffee house, art galleries etc. What neighborhoods should I give a try. Also I would love to have parking and a dog park relatively close by. Affordable rent is also a plus. Thanks

    3 AnswersChicago1 decade ago
  • Is this appropriate for a Bachelorette Party?

    Ok my friend is having a bachelorette Party here pretty soon, and I have never been to one before. I have no idea what to wear. I believe we will mainly be going out and it will probably be pretty wild...what is appropriate to wear. I was thinking about this outfit.

    with these shoes

    would this be alright?

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Question about puppy getting Parvo?

    Ok, I just want to make this very clear I don't suspect my puppy to be sick with ANYTHING! but when I took my dog to the vet, he told me that I should pee pad train my pup and not let her outside until ALL of her vaccinations are completed. Is this true? Is me taking my puppy outside to potty giving her a high risk of catching parvo? I do live in an apartment complex but they require that all tenants with pets turn in vaccinations record if they fail to do so they can be evicted (and yes they do follow through with this). What about casual short walk on the sidewalk around my apartment complex? Also, I told my vet that I was taking her over to my friend's house to play with their two dogs...they are fully high risk is this? I'm really afraid she'll catch it but I don't want her too be unsocialized, and I am definitely limiting her contact with outsiders and other dogs besides these situations.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How long do I need to treat cats with Revolution?

    I just asked the question about quality flea collars so sorry but I had one more question since everyone is saying to not use flea collars I could prolly afford revolution if I only treated my cats for 6 months I live in the UP of Michigan so it's not heartworm season all year...I'm choosing to keep my dog on it all year but do I really need to for my cats? What about when I move to Chicago in a year?

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Quality flea collars for cats?

    Hey everyone...after taking my puppy to the vet this week I learned some terrifying information it was new to me but after searching the net realized that the information had been available for quite sometime...cats can get heartworms! Anyways I have gone years without having my cats on heartworm preventative and feel terrible, so I want to start my cats on heartgaurd vet recommends Revolution but honestly at 145 dollars for a year supply for one cat I simply can not afford that. However, one of the disadvantages of heartguard is that it does not protect again fleas and ticks. I looked at the flea and tick medications like advantix (which is what my puppy is on) but I can't afford that for two cats their any cheaper alternative? What about a good quality flea collar...I live in an apartment so I want them to be protected but I read that most flea and tick collars don't that true? Anyways I am open to all suggestions...thanks!

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Random Tips for New Puppy Owner?

    I am getting my first puppy on May 1. I am so excited and can't wait, I have done a lot of research but this question is mainly just for one, as well as a little bit of knowledge as I am sure there are things that puppy ownership books don't cover. Like how many toys are too many? How to get a good night's sleep even with a puppy? etc. just small random tips. That's what I'm looking for real tips and what to expect from real owners! Thanks

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Supplements to aide in making raw food for cats?

    Yes, I did already ask this but no one really answered my question...please don't tell me I shouldn't switch my cat's diet as it is neccessary for my one cat's health as 1 is sick because of the commercial food.

    I have been thinking about switching my cats to a raw diet for quite some time. Since I'm going to be getting a dog soon, I've decided there is no better time than now to really work towards switching them to a new diet. I do have a couple of questions though...first of all, if I am understanding the information I have read so far correctly cats have much more extensive nutritional needs than dogs...this slightly freaks me out as I'm afraid I won't supplement their raw diet correctly. So look online I found this pre-mix for raw foods it's called alnutrin, does anyone know anything about this? Do you think it is quality? You have to add raw meet and water that's it. It's fairly cheap $20 w/o shipping and says it makes 32 pounds of food.

    Also, I can't find anything like this for it because it isn't necessarily needed? Can anyone recommend a pre-mix of quality for raw diets for dogs?

    Does anyone have any recipes for making a homemade dry kibble, as I would still like to free feed my cats throughout the day, or any other recommendations for switching my cats (and soon to be dog) to a raw diet?

    Here is the link to the stuff I am looking at

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Switching Cats to Raw Diet?

    I have been thinking about switching my cats to a raw diet for quite some time. Since I'm going to be getting a dog soon, I've decided there is no better time than now to really work towards switching them to a new diet. I do have a couple of questions though...first of all, if I am understanding the information I have read so far correctly cats have much more extensive nutritional needs than dogs...this slightly freaks me out as I'm afraid I won't supplement their raw diet correctly. So look online I found this pre-mix for raw foods it's called alnutrin, does anyone know anything about this? Do you think it is quality? You have to add raw meet and water that's it. It's fairly cheap $20 w/o shipping and says it makes 32 pounds of food.

    Also, I can't find anything like this for it because it isn't necessarily needed? Can anyone recommend a pre-mix of quality for raw diets for dogs?

    Does anyone have any recipes for making a healthy dry kibble, as I would still like to free feed my cats throughout the day, or any other recommendations for switching my cats (and soon to be dog) to a raw diet?

    14 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Tidy Cat Breeze Question?

    First of all, I have to start by saying I LOVE this litter box, it has nothing to do with the time it saves, as cleaning litter if kept up on does not take long either, but I LOVE it for the smell reduction (I kept my litter box extremely clean but that room still always smelled like cat litter) and for the litter not being tracked all over my apartment.

    Ok now since I'm done raving about this product I do have a legitimate question, one thing that I don't like about the breeze is that the pads are almost impossible to I was wondering could I substitute puppy potty pads for the tidy cat ones. I was thinking the Arm & Hammer Puppy Pads as they look to be the same thickness. It is okay if I changed them more often maybe twice a week versus once. Has anyone else tried these? How did you find it worked.

    Also, another question I have is has anyone tried use two bags of pellets in the box at the same time? I think it looks awfully sparse in the litter box with just one. I know they say it is not supposed to be as full as normal litter, but seriously once my cats are done pooping in the box and moving the pellets around there is all these bare you think it would make any difference if I stuck two bags of pellets in there?

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Vet reference What are they looking for?

    Hey everyone I have a quick question. I am in the process of getting ready to adopt a dog. I still have a couple months but just had one quick question. Most shelters (as I"m looking breed specific shelters) ask for a vet reference. I'm really am not concerned as I take really good care of my pets, however, I was living with a roommate who had a cat and he refused to take him to the vet, so I was doing it in my I couldn't just let the cat go without any vet care (I mean afterall he was living with my cats). Now I'm moving out and getting my own place. How do I put this information on the application? Do I even need to? When they call my vet will they ask for specific information regarding just the pets I included on the application? Do I need to inform the vet office that I no longer have this cat, or that it was never mine? HELP!

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog Shows...Chinese Crested Question?

    I was watching the Eukanuba dog show last night and I had a question. Why is the Chinese Crested not shown by coat type such as with the dachshund (sorry if I slaughtered) the last one. Is it because the dachshund have different builds based on their coat type? Or is the only difference strictly coat type? If that is the case why doesn't the Chinese Crested show separate for both Hairless and Powderpuff.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • About the Eukanuba Dog Show?

    Question what does the champion part mean after the name of the dog? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I don't get it and they are usually something crazy. For example one was like Ch. You Da Man? I don't get it...

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Best way going about getting into Veterinary School?

    Ok so here's my dilemma. I am in my 4th year of college, with one year left to completing my Bachelor's degree in Psychology. However, now I would rather not do psychology after all. I have been working in the field and have realized that these sort of jobs are just not for me. I would really like to work with animals and become a veterinarian however, I know that I'm more thank likely not qualified to be admitted into one now. Would it be better for me to start out by getting my Master's in Animal Science then applying for Veterinary school? What are your general thoughts, I do plan on talking to me adviser but just wondering what you all think. Thanks!

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Question regarding dog parks and safety and puppy day care especially in Chicago area?

    Ok I have a couple of questions. Sorry this is a bit lengthy but I would appreciate any answers

    First of all, I do not have a dog yet but am looking into getting one in a year or so when I move to Chicago. I have done some research and seen that Chicago is a very pet friendly city, not only do most restaurants and cafes allow you to have your dog at outside tables but they are also allowed on public transit. Another thing is they have a lot of dog parks and dog beaches, but after some research it appears that the safety of dog parks is pretty up in the air. However, my understanding of Chicago dog's park is that you have to have an ID(or permit) to enter the dog park and to get these things you must present your proof of the dog being up to date with shots to obtain this permit at an office, is this the case? and how do they verify the people at the park have a permit?

    Also, a general question about dog parks. I plan on getting a small dog and I am concerned that a big dog may injure it (I'm thinking about getting a hairless Chinese Crested) do dog parks have separate areas for small and large dogs? or special times for just small dogs etc? In the area where I live we do not have a dog park so I have no idea how this whole thing works....

    Lastly, does anyone have a website to a place that does doggy day care in the Chicago area or can tell me how much this service cost. I won't be gone for long but I would rather have my dog in a day care program (at least I believe) then having to lock it up in a crate. Also, what is your experience with taking your dog to a doggy daycare is it any good?

    Sorry it's long but thanks for taking the time to read and reply!

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Ending A Relationship, while still living together?

    Hey everyone first of all I am 21 so it's a little embarassing that I have to look for advice on how to do this online but all my friends are not being great help at this time. Here's the deal, I've been living with my boyfriend for the last year and 9 months of our 2 year relationship. Everything is good and he is a great man and I still love him very much. The problem is I don't know if I'm IN LOVE with him anymore. Also, I see our lives going in different directions I plan on moving to Chicago to attend Graduate school in a year, he said he would go with me but I know he will not like it he would really like to stay in the country. I respect that he would be willing to go with me but I feel if he does he is going to be resentful. I want to end things I'm just not really sure how to. To make it even worse our lease is not up til May, and I don't think it's fair to wait that long to end things, so how do you live with someone after you end the relationship? I want us to be friends and for the living situation to be tolerable but I'm not sure how he will react to me ending things. Please give me good advice like I said I still deeply care about this man but I just don't think there is anyway for us to work our relationship out and even if there was I don't think I want to.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago