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Why people are so arrogant in the matter of Islam and Prophet Muhammad?

I have seen many question and answers about Islam and Prophet Muhammad is mis leading and contrary to the facts. For an example those people who give zero property right to their ladies project Islam as a religion degrading Women. Those who are very notorious for sexual anarchy project Prophet Muhammad as man of sex while he lived with only one wife who was 15 years older to him until she died at his 50 and at his most sexual attractive age he never married any body else. The marriages after death of fist wife were with widows except one to teach the importance of protecting widows and he married young girl Ayisha while he was 53 and she was 9 as at this stage the Islam was concluding and some one closely associated with Prophet and who live long after him was inevitable for Islam to clear doubts of new comers around the world after prophet about the practices followed by prophet in his day today life. If she was not there a lot of confusion might have occurred in Islam in the early days it self after prophet. She even conducted classes for new comers around the world about the Islamic practices as Islam is the way of life for every thing it has a direction. In short all his marriages were for Islam only as decided by God. Then why these confusion every day resulting in hurting of every true Muslim around the world?.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Aisha was born in Jahilya (pre-Islam) , after the first verse of Qur'an was revealed the Prohpet Muhammad peace upon him staid in Mecca for 12 years , it has been recorder by Historians that Aisha said she was a young girl (not an infant ) when Surat Alqamar (54th Chapter of the Qur"an ) was revealed which was revealed Nine years before Hijra to Madina , now since the Prophet peace upon him did not marry Aisha in Mecca but in Madina then she was no where near 9 years old , it is also have been recorded by most Historians that Asma (Aisha's elder sister) was 10 years older than Aisha , Asma died at the age of 100 in the 73rd year after Hijra which means she was 27 at Hijra and that would make Aisha 17

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately it's not Muhammad, it's Islam. While there are no problems with the Islamic faith, I think people just have a problem with extreme fundamentalists.

    In the media you see a lot of negative things about Islam. Islamic "preachers" like Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada who preach extremism, that Islam and Sharia must be FORCED on to people, that violence is necessary to do this. They preach severe extremism and they preach that so-called "infidels" like me, because of my own personal beliefs, are worth sacrificing to the cause because we aren't Islam.

    It isn't a coincidence that the people who plan to bomb the London underground are Islam, the people who took out the World Trade Center were Islam, the people who want to FORCE their religion on others are Islam, the people who blow themselves up as suicide bombers are Islam, the people who set up car bombs in New York are Islam, the people who want to instate rules about 40 public lashes for public drunkenness are Islam, that the people who want to instate rules about death by stoning for adultery are Islam...

    When people see these things, they judge the whole religion on the words and actions of these few people. As the saying goes, these bad apples are ruining the whole batch.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with Islam or Muhammed, People should be free to believe and worship whoever and whatever they believe to be right. When someone else's beliefs are forced on them, they react by finding fault with those religions and beliefs.

  • Ash
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What about all those people who murdered innocent women and children EVERYDAY in the name of Islam. Doesn't this hurt "every true Muslim around the world?."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In that blob of text I picked out "53 year old man marries 9 year old girl". A ton of people are going to take issue with that, rationalizations be damned.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Isn't it a law that you can pay to marry a newborn but wait till a certain age to have actual sexual intercourse? Maybe that's a clue why people look at muslims differently

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would say, pride. like, what happens when a new driver gets to take a parents vehicle that may be sporty. the engine my be raced or make other people lust for that. all because of pride, can ruin civilization into a monster that causes more fear or/and backward thinking.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not buying into the standardized apologist propaganda doesn't make people arrogant.

    Tell us why almost NO Muslim practices Islam 'as it should be' - that would be more interesting.

  • 1 decade ago

    So your arrogance is better than our 'arrogance' ? Besides, being driven by faith, the facts are the last things you care about. 3 years in this yaR/S place has taught me that much.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Propaganda works.

    Simple people prefer to have their knowledge dictated to them rather than research it themselves which would therefore make them arrogant, through the assumption that their source MUST be 100% factual because it came from the totally impartial, non-profit focused, independent media which has NO political motivation to demonise anything at all, ever...

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are strong in your faith, you shouldn't let it bother you.

    Don't forget my dear that you are a bit biased on the subject as well.

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