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Lv 7
JZD asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Immigration - will the runaway success of the BNP in the national and local elections...?

..mean they will accept the democratically expressed wishes of the British Electorate and just kindly f*** off? Compared to Nick Griffin, in voting popularity terms, Gordon Brown is Barack Obama, JFK and Martin Luther King rolled into one.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I think what we see in the results is that the BNP were denied true access to get their message across due to the bias of the liberal/Zionist media. I also feel that the true British public prefer the BNP to work outside of the corrupt parliamentary and council system - hence they voted deliberately to free up members of the British movement so they would be able to concentrate their efforts on...Ha! I can't go on but I bet some fascist twot will post something similar. The main thing the British National Party do not understand is the British - we have our silly tantrums but at the end of the day we hate thugs and bullies.

  • waring
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    relatively easily if i grow to be a BNP supporter I’d be crying. The BNP did no longer easily shelter a important electoral earnings in this election. there grow to be no considerable upward push interior the BNP vote, they didn’t do this nicely in case you seem on the balloting figures, they only picked up a small share of the lost Labour vote. the place they have been given their 2 MEP seats, the North West and Yorkshire and Humberside, they only polled 8% and 9.8% of the vote with rises of a million.6% and a million.8%. The Labour falls have been -6.9% and -7.5% so the BNP have been in basic terms choosing up a small share of those votes. In the two areas the vegetables have been very heavily at the back of the BNP and the minority events have been at approximately sixteen% altogether, if greater human beings opposing the BNP had voted tactically for the vegetables relatively of splitting the vote between the various minority events the vegetables could easily have won those 2 seats relatively. i think of the BNP are in a greater precarious place electorally than they go with to admit. i think one possible convenience from the consequence is that the BNP would be subject to greater media scrutiny now that they are being partly supported by using taxpayers’ money.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There has been no runaway success by any party mate unless your on another planet to me? Last time I looked it was a hung parliament. The BNP has no part in Britain, racism is not to be tolerated and voting for such right wing fascists is of no value to anybody.

    Peoples perception about racism is not about illegal immigrants as they are only a small problem. illegal immigrants amount to less than 20% of the total immigration to this country. 80% of the immigration that is ruining our country is legal immigration from the EU.

    We as a country should be more concerned with economic migrants from the EU who are not only devaluing our trades but settling here and have largely taken over our communities and shops.

    All of the three major parties have lied about the impact this has on normal working class families across Britain. Come 2012 Britain's population will have grown to 70+ million which will put even greater strain on the countries resources. When Turkey join the game will well and truly be up for everyone. What we need to do is to disassociate ourself from the EU as quickly as possible and reintroduce strict border controls to safe guard the great British public not only from the hordes of foreigners looking to exploit us but from incompetent politicians who quite frankly don't have a clue.

    Source(s): Life experience and living in an inner city which is over run with immigrants to the detriment of everybody else who lives there.
  • 1 decade ago

    Lady Moon I think JZD was being Ironic. And no JZD I don't think the like of Nick Griffin will ever FO so to speak. Frt too ignorant and up their own A*S*S to quit. Even though they no real policies just one: Immigaration. It is however a credit to the British that they now see through the Charade of Bo*l**ks and see the party if you can call it that for what is really is.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Clearly, we all live in a so called democracy so fringe parties are part of this. It looks as though where you have the thug like appeal of BNP you have a gentlemanly appeal of UKIP.

    Lib Dems offer nothing, cannot make their minds up about anything; Labour have a Victorian attitude to Tory Toffs and the Conservatives are the wealth creators which sadly Labour collectively want to spend all the hard earned 'wealth' on benefits for all the UK drop-outs and immigrants backed up by their families coming over to join them.

    So who do you want Kind Sir?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh come on! "Runaway success?"


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We can only hope.

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