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Atheists how can you explain all these famous people who have come up with only christianity to be the truth?
You always want examples so I got examples. I really want to know how you can deny this many. These are people who have delved so deeply into disproving christianity that in the end all they found was that it is true. What are your thoughts on this?
Mortimer Adler - Philosopher who co-founded Great Books of the Western World. Agnostic convert to the Catholic Church.[3][4]
Steve Beren - Former member of the Socialist Workers Party (United States) who became a Protestant conservative politician.[5]
Anders Borg - Sweden's Minister for Finance.[6]
Paul Bourget - French author who became agnostic and positivist at 15, but returned to Catholicism at 35.[7]
Ferdinand Brunetière - Rationalist and freethinking writer who became a Catholic.[8][9]
Julie Burchill - British journalist and feminist.[10]
Kirk Cameron - an American actor best-known for his role as Mike Seaver on the television situation comedy, Growing Pains, as well as several other television and film appearances as a child actor. Today he is a Protestant Evangelical. Recently, he portrayed the lead roles in the Left Behind film series and in the 2008 drama film, Fireproof.[11]
Whittaker Chambers - Former Communist turned conservative writer.[12][13]
Francis Collins - Geneticist who was an atheist until age 27, but then converted to Christianity.[14]
Joy Davidman - Poet and wife of C. S. Lewis.[15]
Avery Dulles - A Jesuit priest, theologian, and cardinal in the Catholic Church. He was raised Presbyterian, but was an agnostic before his conversion to Catholic Christianity.[16][17]
Dawn Eden - Rock journalist of Jewish ethnicity who went from an agnostic to a Catholic writer, who was particularly concerned with the moral values of chastity.[18][19]
André Frossard - French journalist who was atheist, but converted to the Catholic Church in 1935.[20]
Eugene D. Genovese - Historian who went from Stalinist to conservative theist.[21]
Bo Giertz - Atheistic in youth he became a Lutheran bishop and writer.[22]
Simon Greenleaf - one of the principle founders of Harvard Law School, professor of law at Harvard University and president of the Massachusetts Bible Society. [23]
Tamsin Greig - British actress.[24]
Nicky Gumbel - Raised atheist and became an Anglican. He is known for his work with the Alpha course.[25]
Keir Hardie - Raised atheist and became a Christian Socialist.[26]
Anna Haycraft - Raised as a member of Britain's Comtist and atheistic "Church of Humanity", but became a conservative Catholic Christian in adulthood.[27]
Ammon Hennacy - Initially an atheist labor activist he became a religious pacifist in the Atlanta Penitentiary.[28]
Peter Hitchens - Journalist who went from Trotskyism to Traditionalist conservatism.[29][30]
Mary Karr - Memoirist and poet who switched from agnosticism to Catholicism in 1996.[31]
Ignace Lepp - French psychiatrist whose parents were freethinkers and who joined the Communist party at age fifteen. He broke with the party in 1937 and eventually became a Catholic priest.[32]
Félix Leseur - Doctor turned Catholic priest. His conversion, in part, came by efforts of his wife who was declared a Servant of God by the Catholic Church.[33]
C. S. Lewis - writer who became an atheist as a young man, later paradoxically describing himself as being "very angry with God for not existing". He later returned to Anglicanism and wrote many books about his faith.[34]
Arnold Lunn - A skier, mountaineer, and writer. As an agnostic he wrote Roman Converts, which took a critical view of Catholicism and the converts to it. He later converted to Catholicism due to debating with converts, and became an apologist for the faith, although he retained a few criticisms of the faith.[35]
Gabriel Marcel - A leading Christian existentialist. His upbringing was agnostic.[36]
Alister McGrath - Biochemist and Christian theologian. Founder of 'Scientific theology' and critic of Richard Dawkins in books like Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life and The Dawkins Delusion?.[37][38]
Claude McKay - Bisexual Jamaican poet who went from Communist atheist to a devout Catholic Christian.[39]
Czesław Miłosz - Poet who won the 1980 Nobel Prize in Literature.[40]
Lacey Mosley - Vocalist and lyricist for Alternative metal band Flyleaf.[41]
Malcolm Muggeridge - British journalist and author who went from agnosticism to the Catholic Church.[42][43]
William J. Murray - Son of Madalyn Murray O'Hair who became a Born again preacher.[44]
Bernard Nathanson - A founder of NARAL Pro-Choice America who dubbed himself a "Jewish atheist", but later became a Pro-life activist within the Catholic Church.[45]
Marvin Olasky - Former Marxist turned Christian conservative, he edits the Christian World (magazine).[46][47]
Joseph Pearce - An anti-Catholic and agnostic British National Front member who became a devout Catholic writer with a series on EWTN.[48][49]
Charles Péguy - French poet
31 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
"God is as real as I am." he assured me, and my faith was restored, for I knew Santa would never lie.
- 5 years ago
Just so you know,we aren't all scientists.I also hope you know these are two entirely different branches of science. Our universe is expanding in every direction.Since it's expanding now it had to have a starting point.The "point" here is an infinitely dense singularity.There's lots of evidence,predicted and observed, supporting this theory.There are theories,hypotheses,ideas and goddidit about where the singularity came from. Abiogenesis studies and searches for the origin of life.Scientifically its a new field of study.Life has been observed developing independently in thermal vents on the sea floor.Some are working on research about possible materials coming to early Earth by comets and meteorites.There's also the goddidit idea. Science is a more rational idea than faith that some god zapped everything into existence very quickly-instantly to a week.
- 1 decade ago
I used to be a Christian, but after studying science I have found it extremely hard to choose which side to believe considering many cardinal traits of Christianity can be disproved by science. That being said... In my philosophy class, when a person has a life changing experience or is near death, many will turn to a religion in hopes to either extend their life or to ensure that they will live forever. It is a human thing to want to live for eternity. Another point is in my psychobiology class, those who experience "the white light" or contact with "ghosts" are experiencing what is called an epileptic seizure on their left hemisphere of their brain. While it is not the type of seizure we are used to hearing about, where the person convulses, there is a form of "convulsing" in the brain and you literally FEEL someone being there. Many people experience this and "see" what they might interpret as Jesus. There is a documentary on this where they did many studies so it has been proven.
Source(s): The Split Brain Phenomenon- Documentary Philosophy on Death - CaesarLv 71 decade ago
And then you can ask when a christian leader hide the truth about some pedo priest,or someone like that christian Baptist minister got caught with male escort, or those lovely hukabees that just want to kill some police officers and so on if all of them know the truth how they can behave so wrong by their own standards, because if they believe in a superior being. they really think they will making their lord proud, or they will play the devil made me do it defense. Humans can make mistake, we are not made in any god image not any god control their actions...and you got Kirk Cameron and Alister McGrath in the same list with C. S. Lewis and Claude McKay that's not a sin in your should be...and you got a lot of agnostics in the list.but i don't mind list are good Santa made those and he keep and eye who was nice and who was naughty too...
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- Falmaata TLv 41 decade ago
Atheist responses to death and imminent death vary, of course, what with us being human and all. Some of us feel a desire to return to religion, a wish that we could believe in God and the afterlife and take comfort from that belief. Others are even more confirmed in our atheism than before: finding little comfort in the idea that death and tragedy were created deliberately by the hand of God, and finding great comfort in our humanist philosophies of life and death. But deathbed/foxhole conversions to religion are really pretty rare. (If you've heard stories about them, know that many of these stories are made up by religious believers to bolster their case.)If anything, it's the opposite. It's been clearly demonstrated that when we're strongly motivated to believe something, we're much more likely to believe it: we amplify the importance of evidence that seems to support this belief, filter out evidence that contradicts it, etc. When we really, really want to believe something, that's when we have to be extra-cautious about concluding that it's true ... since the chances that we're just trying to talk ourselves into it have shot through the roof. The human mind's capacity to persuade itself of things it wants to believe is damn near limitless.
this seems like a semantic ploy by the reality deficient to try to cast doubt with those 'on the fence' between belief in fairies and those that can cope with the real world.
ex-muslim----------proud atheist
- 1 decade ago
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... Julie Burchill? Do you have a clue who Julie Burchill is? She's a great, funny writer with a talent for sparkling prose - but her view of the world is essentially that of a nine-year-old. A nine-year-old who writes in fluent sentences with a sharp sense of humour, but still a nine-year-old whose prose may be admirable but whose opinions are simplistic and infantile. Just the sort of person who WOULD be drawn to religion, but exactly the sort of person whose views on the subject can safely be treated as worthless.
- ?Lv 61 decade ago
LOL!! In other words:
Here's a list of famous people who converted to DIFFERENT and CONFLICTING sects of Christianity. Clearly that proves Christianity is the one true religion. Also, I left out all the Christians that converted to another religion or chose atheism instead, because that doesn't prove my point very well."
Wow! Absolute logic failure. If I were you, I would quietly bury this and never speak of it again.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I'm not atheist. However, I think I can answer that question. Just because all of those people picked a religion, Christianity, that isn't proof that Christianity is the true religion. These people may have accepted Christianity based on a misunderstanding they had of it. I'm not saying that it's not true. But all of those people were fallible human-beings who could have been mistaken about the religion they chose.
- DNAunionLv 71 decade ago
Wow, some people believe in Jesus ... what an amazing revelation!!!!! :-)
Listing names means nothing: it's a logical fallacy to claim it does. It doesn't matter how many people you can list, what matters is how much valid, objective, positive evidence you can give for your God, and you can't give any. On the other hand, I can give valid, objective evidence that shows problems with the Bible.
When it comes to evidence, Christians lose.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Appeals to authority are another fallacy. Are you seriously arguing that Dawkins believes Christianity is more authentic than other religions and mythologies? Most of those people don't even matter in their own categories - Kirk Cameron has no credibility whatsoever.
- DerekLv 51 decade ago
Appeal to authority, logical fallacy. What any person believes is not relevant to what can be shown and reproduced by independent research. It is of note though, how many of your list are scientists of any credibility? Not enough.