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Timmy asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

whats the point of having dark main events and houseshows that aren't televised?

I know they do it so everyone goes home happy but theres no point of defending it because its obvious that the person with it will already win..b/c if it changes hands only the people that went to the taping or house show will know??

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's usually regarded as a testing ground in some cases for the WWE storyliners and management to try out new matchups, tag team combinations, storylines and potential new feuds between Superstars or Divas and to test fan reaction to any new Star getting a push.

  • We get extra matches and get to interact with the Wrestlers.Sometimes we get to see wrestlers team up that don't normally team up and we get to see other things. Last July, we helped Triple H celebrate his birthday at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC after Raw went off the air. I don't believe your last question, because you earn money selling tickets, programs and merchandise at House Shows. being on television only generate so much revenue and WWE has 6 Hours of Programming on Television: 2 Hours of Raw + 1 Hour of NXT + 1 Hour of Superstars + 2 Hours of Smackdown. If WWE stops doing House Shows, then they can fire a lot of WWE Wrestlers, WWE Divas, WWE Ring Crew and other personnel. Professional Wrestling was built on running live shows, not television. WWE would make a lot less money if they skipped doing House Shows. WWE does at least 300 House Shows every year, just because you don't go to House Shows, doesn't mean that other people don't. I'm going to a WWE House Show next month.

  • 1 decade ago

    because the TV broadcast is about telling the story they want to tell

    house shows are about giving the fans a reason to come back next time they're in town....

    you can look at it two ways

    1. the TV product as infomercials for the house shows

    2. House shows are dress rehearsls for the TV product

    I assume you said something about titles in your first draft and deleted it... either way its entirely possible, especially if somebody gets hurt during taping, they can shuffle the Dark Main Event and use it to transfer the belt, then just make the announcement on the next show

    within the business it allows them to run a cross brand match, or have mid card guy step up in a match with main eventers, seeing if he can handle it and if he has chemistry with the other main eventers

  • 1 decade ago

    Because that is how they make money. The wrestling companies need

    to go on the road and travel to different parts of the world and book some

    of those wrestling events for the fans that don't get to attend Raw or the

    Smackdown events thats why they are called wwe super shows tours.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Titles very, very, very rarely change hands at house shows, but they still bring in a great deal of money. If 8000 people come to Asheville, NC, Butte, MT, or Ft. Wayne, IN, then the promotion still makes good money. Its a way for people to see the wrestling, but not have to travel to one of the 25 most populated cities in the country. Just to crunch some numbers:

    8000X20$ (avg. ticket price)

    +10000 (merchandising)

    -8000 (advertising)

    -20000 (building and concession rental)

    -35000 (overhead, wrestlers contracts, crew, hotels, and transportation)

    =107,000 profit

    Again, these are very rough numbers. But you see, if the WWE runs 2-3 of these a week, they can make almost half a million dollars, even if the profits shrink, they still keep them up.

    And as for the point, the point is people pay to see these wrestlers, even if they know Cena is going to drop his strap in Erie, PA on a Thursday night, they still come.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There have been title changes at house shows before. They don't happen often, but they do happen. And the dark matches are kinda like an incentive for attending the show.

  • 1 decade ago

    Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero won the tag team titles from Brian Kendrick and Paul London at a house show I was at.... Even though it never showed on the record. And its just for fun.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rob Terry won the Global champion at a House show...

  • CB
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Miz and Morrison also won the tag team championships from the Colons at a house show.

  • Andrew
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    But sometimes it changes like on tours and the shows are usally cheaper for people

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