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I want a child.... this isn't normal. Please explain.?

I am 16 and I want a child, of my own. I want to love it and be able to take care of it. But I know I could not because I am so young and therefor could not give it the sufficient care and love that it needs and deserves. But I still want one. I am on birth control and I do not plan to stop taking it. In my mind this isn't normal to want to have a child at my age especially when I know I could not care for it as it should be cared for. Please help me and explain to me why I

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is actually really normal. you seem to be experiencing maternal feelings and most young women do. as long as you know that you cant have one and you should not try to have one you should be okay. a lot of teens seem to think about this. don't worry, just make sure you do not act upon these feelings until you can provide for your child and be financially and emotionally stable.

    you are normal (:

  • 1 decade ago

    I would not beat yourself up and say it isn't normal. I've wanted a baby since I was a little girl.. probably around 6-7 years old. One of the only things, aside from knowing I was a true writer, was that I wanted to be a mother. Today, I'm 25, just months away from being 26, and I still have no children. Before we got married by husband and I got pregnant when I was 22, but miscarried. This whole experience has been incredibly sad, and draining. I have also watched my sister-in-law carry a child to 5 months and have a stillborn, then 1 1/2 yrs later, carry a child to 5 1/2 months who died after 12 hours. I just want you to understand that having a baby isn't simply getting pregnant, going through the nine months and having a beautiful child to hold. It just doesn't always happen that way, and at 16, its difficult to understand these things. Plus all the money that is involved with taking care of a child... Do you have a partner? Parents that are supportive? a job? money? help? And life expectancy is so much longer now, 16 is even a younger age than ever to be having a baby. Just research all that comes along with a newborn before you make any decisions. If after you have fully researched all that comes through, you still feel this way, then I can't steer you in any other directions. No judgements and good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that more and more young adults are finding themselves wanting to be parents. I'm not sure if this is because so many young woman have begun having sex at such a young age or because they feel that a child will lead them to adulthood more quickly. Whatever the reasons may be you are not alone. However, you are being extremely mature in your decision to wait in spite of how you feel. I believe that is a mature and well reasoned argument. Having a baby at sixteen is no joke and changes your life in wonderful ways, but in difficult ones as well. Wait until school and a career are before you, there is always time for a family. You can't go back and be a teenager again.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your a young lady so these feelings are normal. It's how you act them out that could be the bad part but since you know you cant give a baby what it needs at this age or right now then there's nothing wrong with that. Try babysitting, that should feed your desires without having your feelings get stronger and your mind blank into having a child sooner than you need to.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, I don't think the way you're feeling is abnormal. I started feeling that way when I was a bit older than you, at about 18. I'd never really liked the idea of becoming a mother, but, over time, the idea started to grow on me a bit. Anyways, I think it's normal for girls to start feeling like that as they get older. After all, our bodies are made to carry babies. So, I wouldn't be surprised if the feeling had to do with something hormonal.

    You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders though. Don't feel ashamed of feeling the way you do. Be proud that you're mature enough to know that you need to wait.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm 14 and I feel the exact same way. I LOVE kids and i'm going to have 5 children when I'm older. sometimes i day dream about what it would be like with a baby now, but I remember that I can't drive. :p And that the baby wouldn't have a good life right now. I cant provide for he/she and I don't have the time with school and a teenage life. I know its best to wait and I'm telling you to wait. I'm sure when you are older you will be a great mother since you are feeling this way so young, but remember, the kids come first!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's normal to feel that way but just keep reminding yourself about your reasons to wait and not to act on your feelings. I felt the exact same way at 16 and got a job at a daycare, it seemed to help.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep in mind that society evolves faster then biology, your body is still designed to carry a child in your mid-teenage years. As such, your body works to urge you to have a child. It happens to a lot of people, don't worry about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    thiers nothing rong with wanting a baby when your this young if you honeslty want a baby then get prepaired start now get a job finish school rent an apartment and so on get ready to grow up then when your absolutely set to have a baby then go ahead as long as your completely rational aboiut having one then you shouldnt end up like the steroetypical pregnant teen lol good luck!!! hope i helped

  • 1 decade ago

    you're way way too young for that...why not try to baby sit and try if you can stand having a baby of your own?

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