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  • Non-Jewish victims in the holocaust? Help?

    I have a paper Due on this topic and I need a little help. Any websites or info would be wonderful!

    Thank you in Advance :)

    8 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Natural and man-made disasters? Essay help? Opinions?

    Ok, so got an essay due and yes this is part of it and you would be of huge help to me if you answered.

    Determine and tell how America responds to its natural or man-made disasters. Appraise our efforts--- are they enough, too much, etc.? What areas of our lives should be prioritized? Decide if we are "our borthers' keepers". Some solutions?

    Thank you in advance :)

    2 AnswersWeather1 decade ago
  • Could this be the source of maternal feelings?

    So, lately I've been having a lot of maternal feelings and have been asking a lot of questions (thanks to those who answered) But my boyfriend is going away, in August, to basic for 7 months. It does stress me out quite a bit but does that mean it is the source of why I've been having maternal feelings? Or is it just my age? (16) I've asked before if it was normal and everyone said yes. But so strongly? why?

    2 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Please help... I can't take this anymore!?

    I'm sorry if you answered something similar to this before but if not heres the deal. I am 16, I have a job, (about to get another one), i live with a parent and step parent, my boyfriend and I have been together for 1 year and 4 months. I want a baby. My boyfriend and I have talked about it for a while and he says that when he comes back (he is leaving for 7 months) that maybe then we can try for one. If that was so then I would be going into my senior year of high school. But I really really want a child of my own! How can I hold myself over for at least another year or 2? Please help. I'm so sorry for being so complicated and so young with all of these maternal feelings. I feel ridiculous for asking this but thank you so much for answering I really appreciate it. I'm sorry again.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • strange dreams? Not scary but weird.?

    Last night I had multiple dreams. the first one was of my at this barn looking place that I had never seen. It was dark and I saw a little girl escaping (she had like a shock bracelet on her ankle) and then there was a little boy inside the barn and I went to see him. (for some reason in the dream I knew it was where someone was going to be killed) He was no older than six and had brown hair and overalls on. WE started talking (i can't remember what was said now) and then I caught a glimpse of this man (he was the killer) and he started to come after me. The little boy didnt move and I didn't kow why but I ran. The man caught up with my and kind of pined my done with a bunch of needles to some wood (kin of like in a cross formation) then we were outside by a lake and someone dropped something in the water. 2 girls jumped in together to get it and laughed and I laughed too. (still pinned to the piece of wood) then there was a bible it was wet and the was a black man who had it in his hands. I offered to dry it off so they unpinned me. I dried it and the black man starts to say that I should not be killed because I am a child of God. That was the first dream.

    The second dream was of me and my mother. I was in the car and she was just getting out. She started to yell at me that if I was pregnant she would talk to all of my teachers and tell them to fail me so I would purposely have to either repeat or drop out. I have no idea why but this was very strange to me.

    I have been having these maternal feelings. and whats strange is that I want a little boy and 2 ittle girls. Is my dream telling me something or is it something else?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Sick... strange to me... help?

    Ok so I got on some new meds about a week ago for anger and it's supposed to clam me down (anger issues) anyways and yesterday afternoon my boyfriend had waited for my parents to pick me up after school before he walked home. He said I had passed out 3 times. This morning I didn't wake up in a very good mood but I ate and I felt a tad bit happier. But then I got to school and I felt horrible and still do. I don't feel very nauseous just dizzy and my boyfriend said that I kept passing out this morning and he made me lie down and I wasn't tired or anything but when I tried to get up my ribs hurt! I've had x-rays before on my ribs and they said noting was wrong but something is I know it is. For god's sale I go to sleep by like 7pm and sometimes even earlier! I'm not so sure whats going on. can anyone help?

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • On the Depo shot although having thoughts about baby?

    Well recently (as of like january) I was put on the depo shot after told my mother about losing my virginity. My last shot was April 22 and I won't have another one until July 15. Now as of May 11 I was put on Colopen and Lexapro and lately I've been having serious maternal feelings and wanting to have a child of my own (its so bad that every time I see a pregnant girl or a toddler I want to cry because I cannot have one for myself. Is this ok to feel? what should I do about it? I am only 16 and I do not think I should be feeling this terrible and depressed. I want a child.... please someone help!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I want a child.... this isn't normal. Please explain.?

    I am 16 and I want a child, of my own. I want to love it and be able to take care of it. But I know I could not because I am so young and therefor could not give it the sufficient care and love that it needs and deserves. But I still want one. I am on birth control and I do not plan to stop taking it. In my mind this isn't normal to want to have a child at my age especially when I know I could not care for it as it should be cared for. Please help me and explain to me why I

    11 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Promise Ring & Grad gift for him! Ideas please?

    My boyfriend and I have decided to get promise rings for one another. I have mine picked out, but i don't know what he'll want. Could anyone give me any ideas on what kind of promise ring to get him? Oh, he doesn't know I'm getting him a graduation gift and well i kind of need an idea of something if that's possible?

    BTW: he's an artsy person if that helps.

    You guys and girls are amazing! Thanks in Advance!

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Promise Ring & Grad gift for him! Ideas please?

    My boyfriend and I have decided to get promise rings for one another. I have mine picked out, but i don't know what he'll want. Could anyone give me any ideas on what kind of promise ring to get him? Oh, he doesn't know I'm getting him a graduation gift and well i kind of need an idea of something if that's possible?

    BTW: he's an artsy person if that helps.

    You guys and girls are amazing! Thanks in Advance!

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend leaving for 7 months! Help!?

    Ok, my boyfriend and I have been together for a year and almost 4 months (1-22-09)! He is going into the national guard and he's leaving in August. He'll travel around for 6 or 7 months with his crew thingy. I'm not so sure how to deal with this. I was just put on some medicine for anger and not sleeping. I think that my frustration could get worse after he leaves. It's not that I am insecure that he'll find another girl, it's just that we have never been away from each other for that long. I am very afraid that we will not be able to talk to one another. Plus, I will not have him to help me with my school work (math). Can anyone give me suggestions on how to survive 7 months without him? Please! I'm desperate!

    Thanks in Advance :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • starnge dream? can someone help please?

    Ok so the other night i had this dream.

    At first it was like at christmas and i picked up a small gift and in the dream i knew what was inside of it but i never opened it. instead i went to wake up my borther sister and cousin.

    Then the dream shifted and i was in this kitchen talking to someone i dont even know and then there was this big group of women in the foyer. They all had babies except for 2 women who had notes of what their babies were doing. So they all lined up and i started to give the babies gifts. I gave one the gift of riches, one the gift of good news, one the gift of rags and so on. But i couldn't see anything of the babies but their legs and feet (they were wrapped in something like silk burgundy) but i somehow knew they were all girls. what could this mean? it was so strange!

    P.S. i had never seen the house or any of the women before. Please tell me what this could mean?

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • My sister might be pregnant? help?

    My sister is afraid she might be pregnant. She had unprotected sex but the guy didn't (for lack of a better word) finish. Exactly a week and a day later she got her period but she also started feeling sick in the mornings. She went online and asked about it and it said that the bleeding can be confused with a period when its not actually one.

    (P.S. shes 16 and lives with both parents theres no way for her to get a pregnancy test because she doesnt have her license yet)

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Birth Control? Can someone help?

    My mom's been wanting me to get on it but i'm kind of scared. Could someone please explain what happens when you go for it?

    ugh i feel completely silly to be asking this question but anyways thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • This guy is confuzing..... help?

    So his name is Greg and no i don't NOT like him.... but his just mysterious i guess you could say. He is very quiet and i actually talked to him a little. people call him 'silent greg' i want to find out more about him but i dont know how to go about that.... any advice?

    ~Thanks in Advance~

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • if you're a bisexual?

    how would you go about telling your parents you were one?

  • Someone please explain this expression?

    What does it mean when someone says that they are 'beside themselves'?

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago