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What are your reasons for answering Yahoo!'s questions?

I have my own, which I choose not to divulge simply to encourage diversity in answers--I don't want people needlessly agreeing or disagreeing with me.

While this might look like a question for another category, like Polls, I'm most interested in the philosophical view. What makes you tick? What thought processes guide you? What ethics guide your need to answer?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I answer... merely to know my answer on that question... for at most times, I don't know the answer till I start to word it out... in a way, my mind slowly defines some stuff, gets me straight with my perception, and allows me to see, within the horizon, and imagine beyond...

    I have my own code of ethics, which I bend a little now and then, though I try to keep my language, a little polite at most times... I tend to tr not to repeat what other's has said, and if they have answered a question, that... in my opinion, matches the question best, then I tend to merely... leave the questions, though there are times when I do share the same opinion, merely different elaborations, which requires me to... Answer...

    When I'm answering, I'm no longer thinking the way I am used to thinking... you feel our mind working, but its a gradual process, sometimes a little astonishing because you've never thought about or considered something before, and yet you do know the answer... in a way, and for the sake of merely indulging my curiosity, I answer...

    Obviously, at most times I answer when I do have a little spare time to indulge in, because you don't really get to think these stuff you get here.... everyday, at least I don't and answering my questions makes me feel... a little more human?!


  • zilmag
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Some sections have questions that make me think things through and check my own integrity. It's like thinking practice; it's stimulating. I've sometimes spent a lot of time answering questions that are homework help just because it is a pleasure to figure out problems and use my education, and answering sometimes makes me understand topics better than I did before. I answer social advice questions because it is sort of like writing drama - imagining the situation and how the people feel and what they'll do, and trying to solve the problem, and also hoping that I might actually help someone in some small way, which I'd feel good about. I guess it is an instinct to try to stay sharp in various ways, because I'm kinda isolated at this point in my life (early parenthood, moved interstate recently). And then there are some questions that I just personally relate to, where answering them makes me feel like I've connected a little with someone who shares an experience with me. And a few questions, I like to think I'm all witty and stuff with my answer, so I can pat myself on the back for being clever.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Content on Yahoo! Answers is also deleted for a couple of explanations: Yahoo! determines that your content material is in violation of the Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines or the Yahoo! Terms of Service The group determines that your content material is in violation of the Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines or the Yahoo! Terms of Service, Email is shipped on this predicament. Your query expired without a solutions, No Email is shipped on this predicament.Question are eliminated if zero solutions in four days--no aspects lower back. Your query went to balloting and the group determined there have been no nice solutions, No Email is shipped on this predicament.five Points lower back You deleted the query or reply your self The nice reply on your query used to be eliminated through Yahoo! or the group, whilst a nice reply is eliminated, the related query is routinely eliminated No Email is shipped on this predicament. When a query is deleted, all related solutions, adding the nice reply, are deleted as good. Check your pastime tab for your profile web page. If there's not anything approximately a contravention there and also you did not acquire an e-mail, then the Q used to be eliminated for some of the different explanations.

  • small
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I like to think different. I like to think through. YA! Philosophy provides me one of the best scopes for that.

    While I get immensely pleased when this process does seem to meet questioner's requirements, perhaps giving them a lateral or deeper view to ponder over, it actually implies fresh learning and new revelations to me as well, because the questions sometimes so come up that my mind gets a shake and churning and I must take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to those who raise such wonderfully thought-provoking questions here. My foray here has been mostly limited to Philosophy section because it is thankfully less academic and more practical apart from its lenient stretch in terms of width as well, and moreover, my occasional attempt with other categories has however not been so satisfying at all.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    At one time I was at the top of the leaderboard, until I got ganged up on with complaints. Now I simply like demonstrating an epistemology many people have never been exposed to--rational egoism.

    The number of "best" answers I have that were chosen by the asker makes me happy. I just don't understand why I win so many with only 1 vote. Why don't people vote for their own answers?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    1. Get the 10 points.

    2. Put my idea to the test.

    3. Learn how others think.

    4. Keep abreast of current thoughts.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love this section there is quiet a few people who have a great outlook and expression in life, its comforting. As for other sections, like sports and music is simply just a part of my hobbies!

    As for what started my account with Yahoo Answers was my addiction to the computer....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    an outlet for expression

    a desperate attempt at social interaction

    a time consumer

    an ego trip

  • ////
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I like getting violation notices.

    I'm a masochist.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let's just say I'm being "Home-schooled" in philosophy. <}:-})

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