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Atheists, Is "militant" evangelizing essential to deeply held beliefs?

I'm attaching a clip of a 4-5 minute video of Penn Jillette (the really cool illusionists, Penn and Teller) discussing evangelism. If you have ever attended one of their shows you know they are fabulous entertainers and illusionists and Penn comes across both in the show and whenever I have seen him interviewed as being very bright.

Anyway, in this clip he says that if someone really believes in life after death, heaven and hell, then they have a moral responsibility to tell people about it, and warn them. He is not shy about talking publicly about his atheism and his take on religion, especially Christianity. I don't think he is suggesting that you have to preach fire and damnation and have your veins burst in your face. He seems very impressed with this guy who gave him a Bible.

Do you agree or disagree with Penn?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree and disagree.

    I believe that regardless of your religious beliefs, you have to live true to whatever it is you *do* believe. For Christians, that means preaching and witnessing.

    What I disagree with, is that many who do so are very pushy about it towards those who are not interested. I dont support hounding someone if they have made it clear they are not interested. I also dont support one group legislating their beliefs over another group that doesnt believe the same thing, regardless of the groups involved.

  • 4 years ago

    i've got by no potential heard of any actual Christian hating something, or all and sundry. perhaps you're thinking of Fred Phelps, or possibly another offended guy or woman hiding at the back of Christian faith, or some fake faith??. sure, actual Christians understand this, they are actually not those picketing, and all that junk. they're those listening. you have have been given to keep in mind too, that Christians are people only such as you. They get offended too, they have character only like anybody else. Any Christian claiming to be suitable, isn't a Christian, or heavily misled.. As many Christians are being misled. it fairly is an argument of the Chirch they attend, and the management of the Church. Many church homes and pastors would be incorrect only like all one else. in case you would be a real Christian, the questions must be asked while attending any church. Eyes must be stored huge open. i'm very careful interior the Chruched i opt to attend. I left many, and joined many. I incredibly have very diverse experieces in some. i've got recievd not something yet love interior the suitable. problems arrive as they do everywhere, that's all approximately how the church handles it.

  • M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Partly yes, partly no. If they actually had evidence of their stories, than sure, I would back them up 100%, but the fact of the matter is, they are preaching something that has no evidence for, and plenty of evidence against.

  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree with him entirely.

    How exactly is there any difference between religious people on soapboxes and conspiracy theorists on soapboxes?

    Put bluntly, I don't care how 'nice' you are about it, if your going to make otherworldly claims to me, you need some sort of non-anecdotal evidence otherwise I'm just going to shun you.

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  • 9 times out of 10, preaching usually distances people away from you, so its still not advisable,

  • 1 decade ago

    You only have to spread deeply held beliefs if they are so daft that you only feel comfortable believing them if other people do too

  • 1 decade ago

    Not only do Christians have a moral responsibility to tell others about Jesus, but they are commanded by God to do so. To whom much is given much is required.

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