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? asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

What are some tricks to feeling confident during a presentation?

A common question I'm sure. I get nervous and will at times end up screwing the presentation up. I often practice my presentation many times in advance, but other than that how do you personally keep yourself from getting nervous while presenting?

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    If you can get to a health food store. Natural Passion Flower extract or Bach Rescue Remedy Pastilles is an all natural way of calming your nerves. Do not drink caffeine before a presentation it can give you the jitters on top of your nervousness.

    Some physical tips. Look straight to the back wall of the room like you are looking over peoples heads. It looks like you are making eye contact but you are really not. I think people get more nervous when people look at them and they look back.

    Another tip if you can do it is get there early and say hi to people as they come in and just hang and chat with people until the start of the presentation. By getting there early you can get to know the other people who are waiting there and you can get comfortable with them before you start.

    Source(s): I speak in public and on the radio all the time.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I learn the info in the presentation PLUS some extra. I practice the presentation, but I also know enough info to just talk if someone asks a question or I get lost.

    Make sure you look physically nice...don't eat a big meal before (...that always made me more likely to hurl)...

    I generally sorta memorized my presentation and only used a few index cards to remind myself of what to say next.

    So yah, basically I never had a strictly choreographed presentation. I learned enough about the subject to have space to go on tangents and talk like I was having a regular conversation, instead of giving a presentation. I get super tense when I feel like I have to be perfect. If I mess up on the smallest thing in my plans, then it throws me off.

    Source(s): I...absolutely hate giving presentations; I'm agoraphobic and have asthma.
  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I know this isn't really advisable but I found some anxiolytics (anti-fear medicine) in my home and i have been using some for every presentation i made (i have severe stage fever). So what you could do is search your home for any of the medicines found on the link below, i recommend to test them before the presentation to know the right dose. Oh and those medicine are prescription only so unless you have them already, you can't get them without gong to a doctor.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    do not seem at people interior the room... they'll only make you demanding. %. a gap intense up on the back wall of the room you're proposing in and concentration on it. communicate loud and sparkling and don't overthink what you're doing or saying. in case you initiate up thinking which you're looking demanding... you will seem demanding. while you're advantageous in what you're proposing then you incredibly have no reason to 2nd wager your self once you're up there. Your concepts is going sparkling once you initiate up thinking of alternative issues. So stay concentrated on your element and don't enable your concepts wander. good success!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I find a friend and only look that one person in the eyes, and/or another few friends in the class, so it looks like I'm still making eye contact with the class.

  • 1 decade ago

    reherse before you present and/or make note cards

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