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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

1070?? Do you agree or not?

1070 is the new Arizona law about illegal immigration.... Do you agree with Arizona wanting to kick out illegals or do you disagree? Tell me your State, whether you agree or disagree and why....

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Agree. My state passed a similar law and the exodus of illegals has been slow but peaceful and hasn't cost the state a dime to deport even one.

    No job; no stay.

  • RADA
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I agree with it 100%

    I live in California.

    SB 1070 IS NOT Racist - I challenge anyone that doesn't agree here to post word for word the exact area of SB 1070 that makes it "racist".. I've done this on every SB 1070 question on Y! Answers and have yet to have anyone post anything.

    SB 1070 IS ACTUALLY more fair, regulates police activity more than a similar law in CA.

    Trolls- Why do people have the right to come here illegally? Maybe you could enlighten us with your wisdom? You think people should be able to break our laws, then benefit from their actions? You are as pathetic as your answer....

    David H - Could you please post what standard in SB 1070 "lowers"? More liberal mantra - still no facts...

    Machinehead - Again - please show the part of SB 1070 that authorizes racial profiling?



    Ricin - Let's play a SB 1070 game - and I'll show you how this works.

    I'll be a Tucson cop.

    You can play the legal resident AND the illegal alien.. ( 2 different results)

    RADA - "Good afternoon sir, do you know why I pulled you over?"

    Ricin - " Yes, I might have run that STOP sign."

    RADA - "Yes sir, you did run that STOP sign. Can I see your license, registration, and proof of insurance?" (Here is the legal contact between a cop and a person)

    Ricin - "Here you go Officer."

    RADA - "I had to write you a ticket for that STOP sign, please be more careful. Have a nice day."

    ******** here is the difference with an illegal Ricin ********

    RADA - " Yes sir, you did run that STOP sign. Can I see your license, registration, and proof of insurance?"

    Ricin - " I don't have a license, or insurance"

    RADA - " OK, you do know it is against AZ state law to operate a motor vehicle without a license or insurance?"

    Ricin - "Yes sir."

    RADA - " I need to ask you, are you a legal resident of the state of Arizona"

    Ricin - " No."

    It's that simple. Race was NEVER an issue in EITHER case.

    David H - your reasoning makes no sense

    Reasonable Suspicion - Is the idea that enough circumstantial evidence exists that a crime was committed.

    Probable Cause: The notion that there is enough evidence or circumstantial evidence to warrant a search.

    These terms are apple and oranges....

    Ricin - No this was made up situation, but you wanted to know how this is supposed to work, I showed you.

    By your statement we can't enforce laws because of what a cop MIGHT DO? So I can murder someone, and call it racism, or some other BS reason and get away with it? WHEN is it OK to ask someone whether or not they belong in this country?

    I'm sorry you feel this way, but this country cannot afford to do nothing, and definitely cannot afford another BS amnesty... And becasue you know a guy, who knew a guy, whose cousin heard about a guy that met up with a cop, and this cop did this or that, ALL cops are racial profiling? More BS.

    Open my mind? This law ONLY effects those that are here illegally. If you want to whine and complain about what some one MIGHT do, be my guest...

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm from PA, where we are looking at similar legislation.

    I agree with these laws. Why?

    Back when we were a fledgling country, we needed to increase our population. Unbridled immigration was welcomed. Because of that, we've made it through wars, industrial revolutions, and meltdowns that would have destroyed lesser countries. As our population grew, we could no longer take everybody in that wanted to come, because the societal and systematic burden would be too great. We came up with immigration policy, i.e. quotas. We could only take in so many so as not to upset the balance. That is why we have laws in place. It's a shame that the Federal government did not do its job and things have gone this far. I welcome legal immigration. There are people who have been waiting to get here legally, and maybe waiting too long because of the "line jumpers". How fair is that?

    As it stands now, especially in the border states, the stress on medical, educational, and legal systems are overwhelming. These laws are a first step into regaining some of the balance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    North Carolina ~ ARGEE fully 100% with the Arizona Illegal immigration enforcement law Here`s yer` Sign ! All the liberal/socialist whining on here about it being a racist law ,are allowing their ignorance to show their bias` ! As we all know damn well they "just like their attorney general Eric ( the dunce ) Holder and Janet Nepolitano (" the joke of a Homeland Security Chief ",) haven`t got a clue of what the bill says ! All they are doing is publicly displaying the liberal/socialist bias` from the depths of the abyss of stupidity ! This is for all the radical liberal democratic loons that oppose the new Arizona ILLEGAL Immigrant Law ; saying that the AZ Law is racist and requires "profiling" ! All of which are standard liberal donkey dung talking points ! Here`s why we all need to be aware of just what is going on at the border with "all ILLEGAL`s that are sneaking into our country ! Things just get more insane. Someone just sent me the following videos regarding non-Mexican citizens that have been detained coming across the

    Mexican border. I have a friend that lives in Arizona and she has imagined this has been happening for years , but now we see the proof. Now you also will be both shocked and amazed at the proof ! How long will we as American citizens allow this to go on ? Fellow Americans` , we had better wake up soon , or we stay in this permenant coma , and wake up to a marxist nation with no freedoms left !

    Video 1

    Video 2

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    New York, Agree with the law, Not only because it enforces fair laws already on the books in light of Federal Government not doing so, but this is the biggest reason: PHOENIX IS #3 in Child ABDUCTIONS. This law WILL put more enforcement on the streets. Guess what.. Most Abduction is done for black market purposes. Maybe if the guys driving the truck with stolen people are stopped and the guy is an illegal those kids will be saved.

    No instead some are worried about.. nothing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think that it goes far enough.

    I am a resident of California and I agree with it, as it is already a federal law, but feel that we need to do more to clean house of all of the illegal immigrants that infest our country.

    Nowhere in the law does it state that the cops can be racist. As a matter of fact, it states that you cannot be racist in dealing with AB1070.

    Anyone who says otherwise has not read it yet!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree

    because AZ immigration law doesn't add or change

    the current Federal immigration law

    it just allowed our state to do the job the federal don't want to do

    Phoenix Arizona

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Americans agree that Arizona was right to tell its political subdivisions they can no longer give hostile foreign felons broad immunity from the laws most commonly enforced against the rest of us.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the Federal Law which is also 1070.


    Source(s): By the way for the liberals - Illegal means NOT LEGAL.
  • 1 decade ago

    N.M. i agree. We have more than enough and the illegals can have a drivers license in our state. This alone brings in a bunch. Heck they have instant proof of citizenship.No racial profiling here,its not needed!

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