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I love to give advice and I hope that I do a great job while doing it. I love to connect with people and I love to make friends My hobbies include reading, writing, sewing, skating, animal care, running, kayaking and many other things. I am never seen without a butterfly and my favorite color is purple. I am an active tea partier, but i am not a racist!!!

  • Non-fat snack foods?

    So I recently got diagnosed with Fatty Liver Disease. While I am ok with making most of the changes this will require, I know I'll have a really hard time with snack foods. Does anyone have some suggestions for non-fat/low-fat snack foods?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • States that are more welcoming of interracial couples?

    My husband and I are looking to leave California and move farther East. We are looking hard at Texas because of a company he wants to work at there, but we know that some states aren't as accepting of interracial couples as others. Even here in CA we have faced issues. I just want to know about some of the experiences other interracial couples have faced in their home states and if you would recommend them.

    4 AnswersOther - United States2 years ago
  • Benefits to buying a house? Cons?

    As with many people, I was never taught anything about buying a house. Thanks to the internet, I now know the main process to buying one, but I was curious about some people's personal experiences. I just want to hear what you think are the pros and cons to buying a house.

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 years ago
  • Does a cheating spouse get awarded alimony?

    If a couple were to get divorced and the one who would normally get alimony was caught cheating with irrefutable evidence, would they still be awarded alimony?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • What are some good questions to ask for an interview article?

    I m interviewing artists about their goals and inspiration but I want other questions beyond that as well. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism4 years ago
  • Birth control opinions.?

    So I'm currently on the pill (Ocella to be exact) and I hate it. I'm terrible about remembering to take it on time, even with an alarm, its made me have the worst periods of my life, and screws with everything else about me too. I have an appointment soon to change birth control and I was thinking about the implant and the depo shot. IUDs are totally out because I'm not comfortable with that, but which would you recommend? What were your experiences with them?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago
  • To Bridesmaid or not to Bridesmaid?

    Ok so my sister and I have a semi-rocky relationship, but her daughter will be both my ring bearer and flower girl for my marriage. "Duck" will be the only child there for the ceremony. Her sister, "Blue Jay" will be watched by a sitter I plan to hire for all the other kids since I don't want children at the ceremony. My question is should I ask her to also be a bridesmaid since I'm using one of her daughters and basically banishing the other?

    3 AnswersWeddings4 years ago
  • Can I donate my bleached hair to Locks for Love if it has been a year and a half since I bleached it?

    I bleached my hair for the first time early last year and I haven't bleached it again since then. I want to cut my hair but I also don't want to waste this good 11 inches, so I want to donate it? Can I?

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • How can I make my hair grow longer faster and naturally without products?

    So I am not big on products other than shampoo and conditioner. I just want to grow my hair out faster for religious reason and because long hair is more fun.

    3 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Should I date him? Promise 10 pts cause its really long sorry....?

    So here we have my issue. I have 2 guys chasing me and another guy in the wings and I'm not sure I wanna date either of them. The first guy is Javier who is nice and kinda funny but he's also childish. The second guy is Greg who I have a decent amount in common with. He's funny, sweet, and he really seems to get me, so I really like hanging out with him, but I don't wanna start anything thats just gonna end (I'm moving away in a year and after my last experience I refuse to do long distance). The last guy is Casey, whom I know nothing about. He's my brother's best friend and my brother wants us to meet and hopefully click (seeing as how this is my older bro and he's big into protecting me I have to guess Casey is a really nice guy). Casey lives around the area I am moving to, but so far there is nothing there other than my brother's and mother's insistance that we meet... anyways.. I know that I don't wanna date Javier at all, but should I date Greg until I leave (or it ends)?.i would definitely break up with him when I leave and I'm not even sure I want to date him. I think that it's more that I want Javier to stop pursuing me (i have told him no, but he is persistent) and that I think dating someone will help. So what would you do? Would you date Greg until you left and risk your friendship? Would you wait and meet Casey and friendzone Greg?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I have a question for Muslim girls?

    Ok I just wanna start by apologizing for anything that seems insulting... I'm honestly not trying to insult you. I am curious about the veil/scarf/hijab that you wear (I'm not sure what it's called). What does it mean? Why do you wear it? I am sorry got my ignorance and don't mean any disrespect.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What's the cheapest way to get auto insurance?

    My brother is planning on purchasing a 2000 dodge dakota. He is 18 and has never been insure. He is a new driver. Our parents do not have insurance.

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • How can I tell if my computer is wifi compatible?

    I have a Dell computer. It has windows 7 home premium and is somewhat new. So how can I tell if it is wifi compatible?

    4 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Serious question that requires thought....?

    If we evolved from chimpanzees how come there are still chimpanzees??

    11 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • Harry Potter extreme fans!! I need help!!?

    Ok in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 when Harry and Hermonie return to Godric's Hallow and are attacked by Nagini, Harry crashes through a wall and into some kind of Horror movie freak room. What is with the room!?!? I have read and read that part of the book and it's not in there! My friend suggested that maybe it's Harry's old room but why would it be in Bagshot's house and why would it even exist considering that Harry's old home was destroyed when his parent's were killed and Bagshot didn't live next to the Potter's? Can someone please help me??

    2 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • Does anyone play sims?

    I really really wanna play Sims, but I don't know what the video card is.... can anyone help me by telling me what it is please?? And please make it simple...

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Acne troubles!!! I need help!!!?

    What do you use or do, what kinda skin do you have and how does yours work for you?

    Help please!!!!

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • 1070?? Do you agree or not?

    1070 is the new Arizona law about illegal immigration.... Do you agree with Arizona wanting to kick out illegals or do you disagree? Tell me your State, whether you agree or disagree and why....

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • is he trying to ruin my life or does he really want to change the way things are?

    O.K..... so I am a little nervous when it comes to the opposite sex, but that didn't stop me from accepting my now ex-boyfriend's invite to the movies a year ago..... For 5 months we were happy, but then i realized i was falling in love and I got really super scared....... I ran..... After a bit of miscommunication (I told my sister i was thinking of breaking up with him, joked that i should have her do it, and she did) we broke up.... I felt horrible, but i also felt that he was to restrained by his parents to make me completely happy...... after a month or so I realized that what i had done was wrong.... I explained what had happened and why I had thought what I thought, but he continued to ignore me (i can only contact him by email... we go to 2 different school).... so I emailed him and told him i was done.. that I had tried to say sorry and mend the mistake i had made... i was tired of the immaturity and all that..... and that seemed to be the end of it.... until a few days ago... he emailed me out of the blue and said that he didn't understand and asked me to explain it to him again.... (he also gave me necklaces while we were going out and i told him that i still had them) he said that it was good that in still had them and gave me another gift.... It was an anime picture.... one that he had drawn while we were together... it was supposed to be me and him.... kissing....... i had totally forgotten about the pic until now.... what does it mean, because i realized as i looked at that picture i was still very much in love with the artist......

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago