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What type of seedy past does Arianna have on Days of our lives?

Rumors on several sites say that Ari has a criminal record that will shock a lot of her friends and that in the end of it Brady will break the engagement. My question is what has she done in the past other than the drugs that landed her in prison that we already know about could she have done that would be that bad. Anyone have any ideas?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We don't know. All that is known about her stint as a dealer was she started in college (for reasons unknown) & was offered a deal later by the police/Roman for her freedom. She was a drug dealer but later she was a "narc" as that Troy guy put it. Funny how EJ didn't seem all that upset either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i haven't figured it out myself yet, but i find it pretty crazy and ironic that in the spoilers that i've read that when Brady finds out about her seedy past that he breaks up with her, and yet Nichole has kept stuff from him, and lied and schemed and manipulated him and everyone else for years and yet he clings to her side 100%.. what a chump. i really don't want to see him with Nichole, but if he is going to be that big an idiot for her then i say he deserves what he gets. and i also read that when EJ finds out that Ari is being blamed for the muggings that he decides he wants to be her lawyer, and i think he will be the one to prove that Nichole set it all up for Ari to take the blame. and if i were Ari, once it all comes out, after Brady dumping me like that, i would not have nothing else to do with him. i think it's all ridiculous and i would love to reach thru my tv screen and slap the stuffings out of Nichole.

  • 1 decade ago

    That sounds interesting, all we know is the drug dealings she did. Now Nicole is trying to frame her for the muggings, but I don't know if she has anything else in her past.

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