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Resurrection in the selfsame material body?

I belief in an eternal life after death but according to Christianity we will rise again in the selfsame body as we are living in now. There is one problem with this idea. In which form will we come back. I wish to live forever as a teenager, but my mother wants to see me as a little child and my father as an adult. So what's it gonna be? How shall this problem be solved unless we will live in our original, eternal spiritual form, of which we are not aware now at present, being covered by material illusion and which has nothing to do with our present material body and mind?

Please explain.


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4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Christianity has yet to understand what the ethereal body is, or astral form. Now, "you" are still YOU - Spirit - whether in or out of a physical or astral form. You are pure consciousness at your centre of being, and most people are not aware of this but the recognition will come eventually. In your astral body you do not experience age, sickness, or death because these belong to the physical plane. Most astral beings will take on their familiar physical appearance when they wish to communicate with our earthly plane since that is the only way we would recognize them.

    I think the problem you envision will not be so great because, you see, in the ethereal realm we are known by our energy field, our vibrations we emit, our "aura", call it what you wish.

    You can get some interesting answers from the two books:

    "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls" by Dr. Michael Newton, and it's at He does a better job explaining than I ever could! Best of luck to you.

    ;- )

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a bigger problem than you think. Christ rose in his "selfsame" body and it still had the wounds in it that he received at the hands of the Romans. This has some implications for people lost at sea or eaten by sharks or other wild animals. Christ's body rose into the air and disappeared into the clouds. Where did it go? Even near the speed of light it would not be very far away, yet. Just a few things to consider.

  • 1 decade ago

    Resurrection of the body essentially means resurrection of your personal identity which in this world is contained in the body. Your soul makes you alive, but it is your body, particularly your brain, that contains your identity. You could be resurrected into a completely different body or even a body of pure energy or something else not known in the physical world, but it would have to be something in order for it to be you.

    I personally believe I will be resurrected in the body I have now, except maybe slightly more fit and completely maintenance free. I think I would be able to be any age I wanted or to take other forms at will, but at least at the beginning, I would stay close to what I'm used to. As for how I see other people, I think I will be able to see them both as they want me to see them, but also as I want to see them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its not going to happen. there is no god or afterlife.

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