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Did we really go to the moon? Are there aliens? What about 2012?

Aren't schools teaching anything besides political correctness and sex education these days?


Well, I at least found out that most people just read the heading and not the actual question.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am guessing that schools teach kids how to cheat the government, judging by the number of youngsters I see buying food with food stamps. Maybe that is "no child left behind".

    Considering how many of these kids have kids... the sex education isn't sticking, either.

  • 1 decade ago

    1 Astronauts from the United States went to the Moon over 40 years ago. Neal Armstrong (or was it Neil?) was the first human to put a footprint on the Moon in the summer of 1969.

    2. Probably, but they better be sure they have the right visas so they won't be lumped in with the illegal aliens that are rushing into the United States, the only country I know of that doesn't enforce its own immigration laws.

    3. 2012 will be a presidential election year that may allow voters to make better choices.

    4. I don't think schools are teaching history of our own country, constitution, and government these days. I suppose that's why they need to fill the school day with the political correctness and sex education curricula these days.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes we went to the moon.

    It's unknown as to whether or not aliens exist.

    2012? It will be a hotly contested election year for the US.

    Yes, schools teach things. I guarantee that every student who completed all 12 grades in the US was told that we really went to the Moon. I doubt aliens are discussed because there is no physical evidence that they exist, and schools shouldn't be wasting time, money, and effort in teaching things which, lack any evidence. 2012? Yeah, I'm certain they are discussing things like the upcoming election, leap year, and launch of several amazing spacecraft.

    No, in fact many schools don't teach political correctness or sex education. Haven't you been following the Texas school board debacle?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Actually, the question is supposed to go in what you call "the heading," and the rest of the text is to elaborate or explain the question.

    > Did we really go to the moon?


    > Are there aliens?

    We don't know.

    > What about 2012?

    It's a hoax.

    > Aren't schools teaching anything besides political correctness and sex education these days?

    They are, but that doesn't include much science.

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  • 1 decade ago

    When I was researching my take on the Moon Hoax, I found a teacher gleefully thanking Bert Sibrel for the usefulness of the material in engaging students in debates about thinking critically and arousing their interest in science. It was in Bart Sibrel's site as a comment, Bart being apparently unaware of the irony, or maybe he just thought there was this new market out there.

    So yes, some teachers are picking this stuff and teaching with it.

    You can read my post here:

    There's also 2012 and Alien Contact in the site.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes we did.

    Their are aliens out there or has been before or will be in the future. But their intelligence and proximity won't be known for quite some time. Their may be primitive life in our solar system, potentially Mars at one point and even now, Jupiter's Europa and Titan. Saturn's Enceladus. Possible microbial life on ice bodies in kuiper belt. These are all just theories but their are mission being planned to further investigate.

    2012 nothing interesting will happen besides alot of movies and tv talking about this rumor. The mayan's simply said 12/21/2012 was the end of a cycle, much the same way that in our future if we live till 10,120 we would probably end a cycle and rethink our date system. Does not mean that it is the END END just end of a cycle. Yes their will be an alignment of where our sun rests, ourselves and the center of the galaxy, but this happens at this date every year. The sun will not be abnormally active, andI believe it won't even be switching its eleven year cycle to become more active, and even if it were that wouldn't harm us it does this it is active 11 out of 22 years.

    I just went through Texas' school system and go to college in TX and I never was taught anything like what you were saying, unless they were examples of poor deduction, propaganda, and bad science.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, we really did go to the Moon. It may seem like an impossible task, but if one has a good enough understanding of the technologies involved, it's not such a mind-blowing endeavor.

    Aliens - well, with the billions of stars in billions of galaxies, the odds are that there is life elsewhere in the Universe is highly likely.

    2012 is just another year in the future. Nobody knows what is in store. Anybody who says they do is pulling your leg, trying to sell you something, or trying to control your thoughts and behaviors.

    Source(s): Used to work for NASA.
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not really sure if we when to the moon or not. My dad said we didn't and that it is just a hoax. He may be right because he reads a lot and researches just about everything.

    Are there aliens? We may never know. But since i am christian i think not because at the beginning of the bible it didn't say God created alien life forms.

    As for 2012, it is a movie that i have seen 3 times and i don't believe it. When Gad wants us to leave this earth then we will leave but i doubt the end of the world will come in 2012. I mean hey! look what they said about 6.6.6? Nothing happen then.


    P.S. Society today wants us to believe everything they say. Most of the things they put out is to contradict many religions.

    Source(s): God, Dad
  • 1 decade ago


    Yes, but not here (except, perhaps, in Arizona)

    Hoax. Calendars will skip from 2010 directly to 2013, thereby fooling everyone (including Harold and his Rapture for 2011).

    Yes, but kids don't care, they are too busy tweeting.

    Yes, they do.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you go to the right parts of the country, some of them won't even teach that much.

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