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cassie58 asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 1 decade ago

An Introduction to Classical Music, care to comment or critique my poem, thanks?

An Introduction to Classical Music

(the word square meant old fashioned, past it, out of date back then)

Slim fingers tinkle with the keys,

light taps on black and ivory

and notes float gently through the air,

a morning serenade for me.

As I lie stirring in my sleep

half dazed, I'm carried in my thoughts

way back to school assembly time,

where classic melodies were taught.

A daily dose of medicine,

we'd fidget on our hard backed chairs

not knowing that the tracks we heard

in later years we'd not deem "square".

Those chosen pieces served me well.

I feel a sense of gratitude

for classics played today are joy

and I have changed my attitude.


Ian: Yes, why not? I've also started 2nd part of my epic (definitely not autobiographical)!

Update 2:

Danny: like your poem

Update 3:

Ian: I used tracks because it was recorded music - a track from a classical LP was played each day

Update 4:

Malar: nice to see you call again. Re your question, I used to start all my lines with a capital letter. I've moved on - I figured a capital letter was only needed at the start of a new sentence.

Update 5:

Thanks everyone for calling, your comments are very much appreciated.

Update 6:

Ian: poetry is open to interpretation. The tinkling of the piano keys was on the radio, which in my half sleepy state transferred me back to assembly times at school. The knowledge which I have comes from the Headmaster playing a classical track for 5 minutes each day and talking to us about the composer. There is no set way to interpret a poem, it will be different for each person who reads it. I have shared with you what was in my mind. If others read the poem differently, so what? As long as they have enjoyed it, that's all that counts with me.

Update 7:

Ian: You are not in my head when I compose a poem. You have absolutely no idea what is going on in my mind. When I heard the music on the radio in my half sleep, I also saw slim fingers playing the piano. What's wrong with that? Anyway if you wish to debate this, get your e-mail sorted out.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A gently persuasive piece, which doesn't overstay its welcome.

    I liked the assonance in the first stanza, and the narrative flow of the whole poem.

    The use of "tracks" in stanza 3 is interesting and valid, because of the extra meaning the word has. That's what poetry is (or should be): minimum verbiage, maximum effect.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know if the school lessons were responsible for the subliminal footprints, but even though I am predominantly an exponent of the rock variety... I can't help but splice my scales with the odd gothic melody. Who put the Bach in the Bachman Turner Overdrive...?

    Oh, and another thing you reminded me of...

    Ooze bin Chopin Moat’s Heart?

    I have a magic metronome

    Behind my middle eye

    It knows which pace my poem needs

    Conducts my words as they pass by.

    “Not so fast!” it quickly reins in.

    “Pick it up at the back, before we begin.”

    “Easy….easy…on my say

    you ready words? Let’s play

    Then out comes this cacophony

    (A long way from a verbal symphony.)

    In need of a précis, to be precise

    Like a backward soundtrack from Miami Vice.

    But when the perfect time signature

    Has left its autograph

    I just do a wee bit of juggling

    And hopefully, raise a laugh?

    (I’ll settle for a smile in 7/8 time!)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a bit put off by the fact that we've reached an age where we have to explain to those at the children's table the cultural history of 'square.' LOL Forgive me for tripping over my long white beard... Yes, we do indeed have a different view of such things as we age, though I've always loved my Chopin and Debussy as well as the 3 Bs... childhood's 'medicine' becomes maturity's sweets. Nicely done piece here Cassie.

    Source(s): Ramblings of an erstwhile pianist, composer, and poet...
  • Malar
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Somehow I missed some of your earlier poems. This makes up for the ones I missed. Again your poem evoked fond memories of waking up to my grand daughter's melodious piano music in US. Our early exposure to classical music are treasured in our memory and very much like Wordsworth's Daffodils, become a source of joy in later years!

    There is a fluid beauty in your poems and how vivid the pictures they create!

    By the way, Cassie, I know a poetess has full freedom to decide the format of the poem she writes--Still I would like to know why you choose to start all the lines in a stanza except the first line with small letters while the usual practice is to start them with a capital.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is music in your poetry Cassie. Lots of it. I love the classics: Franz Liszt, Concerto de Aranjuez, Beethoven, Pomp and Circumstance, …the voices. I love them all. Thank you for this well writ piece. Oh I even love classic rock - Led Zep, and Jimi and the blues Clapton. Maybe you might wanna write some about them next?

  • 1 decade ago

    I was raised on C&W music but also like classical (my peers used to think me weird). As far back as I can remember, The Blue Danube (Die Donau) has had special significance, but I've never known exactly why. To this day, I swear that I not only hear it with my ears, I also FEEL it in every cell of my body.

  • Amy
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I enjoyed this. It makes me wish for a peek. Like Shirley, I await the cheerful blossum of daffodils and tulips against winter's sometimes dreary backdrop. And like you, I had been thinking of putting my thoughts into words. This was very cheerful and contained a deeper message. At least that is how I received it. Thank you for sharing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good morning cassie Thank you for taking me back to memory lane i grew up with classical music my self and a whole variety of other music, it's nice to see how you picture this beautiful poem and show your reader your simple language and eloquence. It's lovely.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a fan of classical music myself, and I really enjoyed your poem. I wouldn't worry about the technical aspects so much...your poem got it's message across fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    I enjoyed this as much as I enjoy classical music, Opera, Ballet, thank you. I haven't been out of school so long, but I enjoy retracing steps I took back then.

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