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Lv 5
? asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 1 decade ago

Why do Hispanics, whether U.S. citizens or not, continue to speak predominantly Spanish and not English?


Do you feel that speaking Spanish alienates you from non-Spanish speaking community

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because they don't have to. Instead a lot Americans are forced to learn Spanish to accommodate them. That and Spanish translations for every day items are pretty much common place now days. Why bother to learn a countries language when that country makes it so you don't have to? Look I understand the whole wanting to maintain your culture thing but if you're gonna move to another country in which your native tongue is not prominent don't you think you have a responsibility to learn the native language then? You're not coming for a brief vacation for crying out loud, you're talking about taking up permanent residence. I know if I up and decided I was gonna move to Spain, or Italy, or France or whatever, I'd be ordering myself some Rosetta stone discs or something!

  • To preserve our culture. I come from a Mexican family an although we all can speak English, we rather speak Spanish when we're talking to each other. My parents raised me like that, and I'm grateful for it, I mean not many people can say they're bilingual.

  • HAL
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The same reason people of English lineage continue to speak English and not Spanish.

  • 1 decade ago

    They don't have to. A steady stream of immigration, legal and illegal makes it easy to not learn English.

    The Spanish spoken in Southern California by native born Americans makes native Spanish speakers from Mexico, Spain, and South America shudder. The California Spanish is full of grammar errors, slang, pronunciation errors and according to a Spaniard I once knew, he said it sounded like they were scratching fingernails on chalk boards. He said it was simply awful Spanish.

    In prior generations of immigrants coming from Europe, it took three generations for an immigrant population to fully assimilate to the English language. In southern Illinois there are many little towns that were settled by Germans. One little town's German immigrant church was founded in 1871 and in 1971 the LAST German language Easter service was held.

    There are people of Mexican and South American ancestry for whom Spanish is now a second language. We don't notice them because they are no long hyphenated Americans.

    But I agree, there is not enough encouragement for many newcomers to really dig in, hit the books and become fluent in English.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Probably because the same reason why Chinese, Italians, Jewish and most people do it too. It is part of keeping the culture alive.

  • brad
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    To keep the in-educated America going. Why are illegal citizens given the same rights as legal US taxpayers?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because no

  • 1 decade ago

    yes im mexican

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