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Is it right that a top contributors should have private Q and A's?

to me this just doesn't make any sense at all.

if you want the label top contributor then i think you should be willing to undergo some sort of scrutiny.

does the fact that yahoo answers allows top contributors to be private in their answering and asking patterns undermine the credibility of the entire yahoo answers community?


Stephanie says Ruth b loco esa's Activity - top contributor with a private q and a...

Update 2:

Liberal AssKicker, CPA - top contributor with a private q and a.

i have answered over 7000 questions here and have never once had my privacy breached.

you are hiding something and i doubt very strongly you're honest.

you also said i'm not worthy to debate you - so you are also afraid of me.

Update 3:

correction - liberal phony is not a top contributor.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think anyone should be allowed to do it. The only people who benefit are trolls.

  • Doc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My status as a "Top Contributor" comes and goes -- depends on how much time I get behind the monitor and whether or not I choose to go to Y/A. I have received a number of hate e-mails and even a few death threats (none since the Iranian government has shut down their internet cafes).

    While I allow IM and e-mail AND Q&A's, it is my choice and probably should not be dictated by those who feel otherwise.

    Sort of like the liberal socialists accusing me of being greedy because I am a capitalist and believe that I should be allowed to keep what I have earned, all the while they consider themselves to not be greedy while espousing the idea that they should be allowed to help themselves to what they have not earned.

  • mulock
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm no longer right Contributor and that i'm very inner maximum. i think of this is because of the fact i do no longer prefer people finding by using my grimy laundry and following my questions, thumbing them down, and only stalking them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of the top contributors are 24/7 trolls with 5 to 10 accounts each. Don't feed these people's addiction.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Although I leave my questions and answers open to the public, I can understand why people would want to keep them private.

    This site is loaded with demented Trolls who harass the daylights out of those of us who leave our questions and answers public.

    I serve an educational function of here that is why I keep my questions and answers public.

    However, because I keep my questions and answers public I have to put up with a lot of abuse from the brain dead Trolls who infest this site.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure, trolls may benefit but at the same time it prevents other trolls from going into every question or answer and reporting abuse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since when was credibility an issue on YA? Yahoo owns the game, they can make whatever rule they want to.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only way they got to be top contributors is to hide their junk from people who will scan it all and pass out a whole slew of abuse reports just because of sour grapes.

    Seriously, don't you have anything better to do?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only really pathetic people give themselves best answer until they become top contributors. Don't worry about those losers -- their lives must be miserable.

    **why are you telling on yourselves and giving thumbs down to someone talking about cheating the system? That's mostly why they hide their Q&A's. lol Grow up, you losers and stop taking this place so seriously.

  • 1 decade ago

    Deal with it. It's because of people who go through and report like crazy because they can't handle that you have a different opinion than they do.

    The top contributor label is meaningless, it just means you answer a certain number of questions in a certain time period.

    Edit: A ludicrous assumption on your part that one is hiding something merely because of this. All you have to do is become a "fan" and connect to me and you can easily see my questions and answers. Of course if I suddenly start getting violation notices I will permanently block the last person to do so. It's a meaningless website to pass the time.

  • J P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Corrine nailed it: Who cares?

    It's imaginary points and a made-up little orange badge. If it means that much to you, make one out of a post-it note and paste it to your monitor.

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