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If conservatives in the UK are royalists, why are conservatives in the USA Republicans?

If an American Republican moved to the UK and became a British citizen, would he/she join the conservative party, the Liberal party or the Labour party. Would he/she agitate for a republican form of government in the UK? If he/she does not take such steps, does this mean that the Republican's republicanism is skin-deep? Your thoughts.


Allow me to elaborate: if conservatism means different things in the USA and UK, then liberalism and socialism mean different things around the world too.

Update 2:

Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence paraphrased John Locke's "Two Treatises of Government". The first Democracy was invented in Athens and Rome had been a Republic. The American republic was modeled on a blend of the best elements of European politics.

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    American and English politics diverged too much after the Revolution too compare them in that straight forward a manner.


    A better way to phrase it is that the terms "left" and "right" when used in a political sense require a setting in order to have any inherent meaning, and since the requisite political backdrop varies from nation to nation what constitutes "left" and "right" changes in relation to the political backdrop of each nation/state in which the terminology is applied.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Republican party was formed in the 1850s, from the ruins of the Whig party, with the prime objective of the Abolition of Slavery. Anti-slavery Whigs and Free Soil Democrats formed the Republican party in 1854. The Whigs were not a conservative party, they were progressive and liberal. The Republican party was considered quite radical at the time. When in power, the Republican changed the US constitution to abolish slavery, granted political and civil rights to blacks, and expropriated the Southern plantations. The Southern Democrats at the time were the conservatives at the time, as they tried to preserve their right to slavery (permitted in the American constitution). The Democrats did not become a progressive party until the time of FDR (in the 1920s some Southern states, which had Democrat governments, outlawed the teaching of evolution). Until then the Republicans were the less conservative party.

    Basically the Republicans of today are not the same as the Republicans of the 1850s. Today's Republicans are "conservative" in relation to the capitalist system. The original Republicans were not conservative toward the American political system, because they radically changed it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, as it happens our parties (i'm from England) don't quite match up with the american parties.

    The different political policies and viewpoints aren't split up in the same way. So a republican would agree with some conservative policies, some liberal, and some labour.

    However, having said that, generally speaking a republican, being right wing, would side with the conservatives, and a democrat, being left wing, would side with labour.

    [side note - and anyone who was unpatriotic and a cowardly pacifist would side with the liberals]

    All this shows is that whether or not you are right or left wing has little to do with whether you support a monarchy or a republic. There have been plenty of left wing dictators and plenty of right wing dictators. The same applies to democracies.

    It's been my experience that everyone in america supports the idea of having a republic. Very few americans would want a dictatorship or a monarchy. Democrats aren't against having a republic as far as i can tell. The names Republicans and Democrats are just a result of the historical origins of the parties.

  • 4 years ago

    you understand, you're able to desire to write an entire e book approximately this challenge. those words which you have used are beginning as much as become previous. as an occasion, 'left wing' used to communicate with previous variety 'Communism' or the state possessing the flexibility of production, voters not being waiting to very own land and so on. the government we've on the 2nd is many times called left wing/liberal. in spite of the undeniable fact that it has a tendency to function, not via state possession of production, yet controlling it via social engineering, and severe legislations. on the instant, it additionally embraces feminism, Political correctness (the isms), an attack on the relatives, nannying and the desire at hand the rustic over to a much off places ability called the ecu. So incredibly, it is a thorough, if not creative party. So those loose words do not demonstrate what's incredibly going on. some absolutely everyone seems to be very puzzled because of the fact they actually think of that the Blair government is nice wing. not in a million years. the severe authentic wing could be called something like Nazi Germany. a defense force dictator ruling a united states of america that believes that it is stronger to all different countries. in spite of the undeniable fact that, because of the fact Britain's (with the aid of the television media and Educationalists), centre floor has moved to the left, the place, even people who're aligned with the previous centre floor, typified via the on a regular basis Mail-Telegraph-on a regular basis exhibit, are called authentic wing. it is total nonsense: even the BNP, hitherto, does not have been called authentic wing. the yankee republicans are greater like our Tories and the Democrats greater like our lefty/liberals.

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  • 1 decade ago

    American conservatism is very different from European conservatism, or from conservatism traditionally understood. For one thing, conservatism in this country is "modern," and for another, it is "American." Ours is not the "throne and altar" conservatism that once defined European conservatism, and that is still characteristic of many Europeans on the right. Being a conservative in America means conserving the principles of the American Revolution. Paradoxically, American conservatism seeks to conserve a certain kind of liberalism. It means fighting to uphold the classical liberalism of the founding from assault by liberalism of a different sort.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Conservative means to conserve old values and traditions.

    In America the old value is Republicanism, in Britain the old value is Royalism.

    An American Conservative would vote conservative/tory or a party more conservative than them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is a fundamental flaw in your reasoning.

    The flaw is that you assume that there is some sort of connection between Europen Politics and American Politics.

    American Politics developed over the period from approximately 1640 to 1900 with very little influence from European politics.

    As communication improved there was some influence from Europen Politics.

    Essentially the modern left in The United States of America gets much of it's politics from Europe.

    The conservatives in The United States of America reject European Politics.

    Remember the Revolution that we fought in 1776 was against Europen Politics.

    Our Constitution is a rejection of European Politics.

    Conservatives support our Constitution and reject European politics.

  • Eddi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Many Democrats would feel comfortable being Conservatives in the United Kingdom, I am for one. The vast majority of Republicans would probably be Tories.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    most conservatives left the Republican party years ago

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He'd join the Tories, I believe.

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