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Would you agree that Obama was especially successful in selling the story that got him elected?

For those of you who aren't paying attention, I'm referring specifically to:

1 - Change (To wit: Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo, domestic wiretapping, renditioning of bad guys to third countries, bad doo-doo happening in the Gulf of Mexico, etc.),

2 - Transparency (Health Care Reform, Cap & Trade, anything of substance that he has to get done before reality strikes the Dem Party in November),

3 - Reducing the deficit (Well, LOOK at it growing before your very eyes; go ahead, LOOK at it),

4 - A new tone in Washington (Obama: "I'm the chief finger-pointer; no one else gets to point fingers! Got it?"),

5 - And on and on and on.

Those who bought 'Hope' must be sorely disappointed in Obama's performance.

Those who bought 'Change' must be buying handguns with which to shoot themselves. I mean, really, BUSH III ain't "Change", now is he, sports fans?

I continue to be amazed that anyone bought this guy's act given that he had virtually no qualifications whatsoever for the job. No wonder he's floundering about, totally dependent upon Pelosi & Reid for getting anything done, and at a total loss as to how to look Presidential re: the oil spill, even though he's got BUSH II for a model of what NOT to do. Sadly, Obama is an exceptionally lightweight President. Too bad for us. Hey, just my 2 cents! :-)

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. Not really.

  • Noah H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wow...the guy that posted this 'question' must be angling for a job as a right wing radio dummy. He certainly hit all the high points. He's got the red herring, ad hominem, strawman and begging the question thing down and locked. Given time I'm sure he'll come up with a really cool 'post hoc ergo propter hoc' arguments as well. My advice, if he really wants to be a right wing radio dummy is to at least try to be original....he could suggest that Barack is 'far left liberal', a muslim, a non-American, a racist, gay or even a vegetarian...just like Hitler! Of course all that's been done already, but I'm sure he'll think of something! I have hope!

  • 1 decade ago

    If you bothered to listen to his acceptance speech at Dem Convention the major start of his campaign you would have heard (a) Troops will be moved from Iraq to Afghanistan Slow but moving in that direction).(b) Health Care Insurance reform accomplished a great deal without any Republican help in congress or the media. Banking reforms or Financial reforms cannot remember how it was worded, but felt person who's Grandmother was bank manager we would get some banking reform. He's blowing it here for not changing more back to regulations that were on the books, but some interesting creative solutions are in process of getting passed. (c)A new energy policy. When he took office big oil allowed to conglomerate, and illegal speculation by hedge funds in oil given wink and nodd by Clinton Bush Jr. had the economy by the throat. Drilling permits had to get past out to break that strangle hold. BUT Obama totally blew it not totally cleaning out agencies that regulate them. More electric cars are being developed and are on the market, which never would have happened in oil friendly administration. Forms of cap and trade go back forty years so don't know big deal about that. Housing standards on insulation is long overdue. Obama cannot go back and re-right laws that pass out money for them for thirty years without standards, but he is starting them. That comes under c of his (a,b,c) of change; also moving to re-newable sources of energy might be harder than getting nation off cigarettes. Tobacco oil natural gas interests owned this country at one time and to a point still do. Obama has the balls Nixon had to make a start. We might see a change in child's lifetime.

  • 1 decade ago

    So what will it take for you to wise-up and see that Representative govt must be Ended & Replaced by a true daily direct Democracy of/by/for the citizens?

    We the citizens need legal direct power over money/business/govt.

    Govt at all levels should be smaller more effective and only well managed fire at will employee's!

    234 years of constitutional republic under once in a blue moon secret voting has produced the top 20% income earners having 85% of the nations income & wealth. Leaving the bottom 80% income earners to fight over the remaining 15% of the nations wealth & income.

    This is what power of the few in a Banana republic produces! We need citizen majority rule & control.

    Obama suck in those who swallow hallow non-substantive meanless statements and very little in writting. However if you did read his campaign written platform It was easy for ME to see how much of a corporate plant he was, as all the others in the running for President except Nader and the guy from Alaska Mike Gravel who got NO mainstream coverage.

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  • 1 decade ago

    "... totally dependent upon Pelosi & Reid for getting anything done..."

    You really have no idea how our government works, do you? Do you think Obama is a dictator and can just force his will? No, it's called checks and balances, which means the legislative branch (Reid, Pelosi and their compatriots) has as much power as the executive branch. So he HAS to work with them to get anything done. And it's not so easy to get everyone to agree. That's what makes our country great.

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