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Lv 4
W. asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Did Obama enjoy taking a Memorial Day family vacation while the Oil Spill continues?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    .people need to back off a little. hes human. the stuff he came in to was made by your best friend bush. obama is not god and can not make problems disappear

  • Rubym
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No President is ever totally on vacation, he is in constant contact with his advisers, the Pentagon, and keeping track of any crisis or big story. George W Bush spent a lot of time at Crawford, his father at Kenneybunkport, Reagan at his ranch, but still the government went on.

    And no offense, I don't know who is asking this question, so I can't judge, but some of the same people who complain that Obama is on vacation or not doing enough Might be some of those who complain the most about big government, etc. But sorry if I am putting you in the wrong category.

    What can he do? Sitting in the White House or sitting in a vacation place, he can't personally go and plug the leak. He can't personally go and clean up all the oil off the beaches. I hope he is doing anything in his power, or having his people do what they can to help. But vacation or no vacation, not much would change.

    I mean everyday we have the latest "fix" that does not work and nobody seems to know what to do and I'm sure that includes the President. .

  • 1 decade ago

    I would hope so. Some of you cons seem to sincerely believe that a President is not allowed to do anything other than "deal" with a problem 24/7/365. What, exactly, would you have preferred for him to have done? Really- I'm serious. President Obama has addressed the oil spill on a daily basis, has promised repercussions for BP specifically and other oil companies in general, has been to the Gulf twice, gets daily briefings, and so on. While we're at it, Binky- I seem to have forgotten exactly WHICH department of the government, or WHICH branch of the US military would be the experts of cleaning up oil spills? And in closing- apparently you've forgotten how long it took W to finally get off his @$$ at his Texas ranch and actually address the Katrina disaster, as inept, bumbling and ineffectual as his actions were. I appreciate this opportunity to once again, attempt to help a person clearly addicted to Fux fantasy news, pull his head out of his butt- Thanks, and have a nice day.

  • bury
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If he went away and enable every physique do what they could, it could have been a blessing, yet they have worked 24/7 to control the disaster to purpose combating all drilling, rigidity interior the path of the golf green time table, and not enable any artwork or cleanup that did not hire union hands at any value to the ecosystem, economic equipment or people effected. So his 3 holiday trips are beside the point, his obstructionism and exploitation of the disaster, is. He is familiar with not something with reference to the region, he has appointed commissions of people who be attentive to not something, he has consulted people who be attentive to not something approximately the thank you to stop the leak, which keeps, and if it keeps and if some imbecile convinces him to purpose a russian nuke, ought to all bypass very badly and additionally you will choose he stayed golf the previous few months.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He didn't take a "vacation" as you call it. He did attend Memorial day services in Chicago. Is that a vacation? Besides if he were in the gulf on the day of Memorial day, many would have said that he was being insensitive to the holiday and what it represents. One thing I have learned, it doesn't matter what you do as president. There will be those that can't be pleased either way. By the way, he is dealing with this oil spill quite well. He's been to the gulf 2 times and going back today which means he's actually paying attention. But the right wing media will paint him as sinister no matter what he does.

  • 1 decade ago

    What exactly would you like to see him do?...Better yet? What did you do? Did you give to any charities that help in the Gulf? Did you go there and help? Did you try to change any of your habits to reduce your own personal comsumption of petroluem?...Or did you just complain and blame a President you didn't like to begin with?..You are as American as Obama...what have you done to help?

  • faizah
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The Republicans don't want him to enjoy anything.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes he did. Snorkeling down to the spill everyday to fix it was pretty tiring. But I see he got that pipe cut yesterday and he's going back today to cap it off.

  • 1 decade ago

    Geez - these guys just don't get it. He disses National Day of Prayer, praises GLTB month, and then doesn't go to the national cemetery on Memorial Day. Chicago is his old stomping ground - so he went home. He doesn't care about this country, only TV time, talking points, and power.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you enjoying your misery? "Some people are only as happy as they want to be". -- Abraham Lincoln.

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