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Is it normal for a 2 year old kid to enjoy violent video games?

Obviously, no.

My nephew (17) is staying with me for this year and loves playing that Modern Warfare 2 online and so on. So I have a 1 year 10 month old boy and he absolutely loves that video game. He is very, very, super duper energetic and drives me crazy at times. So.. he grabs hangars from my room and starts making shooting noises and points the hangar at people as if it were a gun. I buy him tons of toys and child friendly stuff but for some reaon, he just likes the Xbox 360 in general. He'll turn on the tv and Xbox and the control by himself and starts to play without me noticing. Im not liking his choice for fun at all !

Do you think he'll grow out of it? or do I have to keep scolding him that guns are bad? I tried taking it away from him and he'll cry for hours. I mean.. this kid isn't just the regular "ordinary Jake" kind of kid y'know. He's my first and only child and to top it off, im a single parent, so im all by myself here.


Yea. he's very smart and loves playing sports such as basketball, soccer, baseball , etc. The thing is... im a co-owner of a tattoo parlor and I have lots of business work. I tell my nephew to look out for him while i do my work but he just sits there playing video games anyway. I told my nephew to don't allow him to watch those things but him too was badly raised and he just talks back to me. He's outta my house when he's 18.

11 Answers

    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no its not normal. if that kids addicted to video games that young then hes gonna have some serious development and learning problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son has always loved Daddy's X-box. He thinks it's a riot when Daddy plays any of the GTA games or Call of Duty and he loves watching Daddy jump out of airplanes with no parachute and going splat. This is the same baby who at around 6 months was in the room while we were watching Next with Nicholas Cage and everytime he got shot my son laughed. At first we thought it was just coincidence but after a few times we realized he was actually watching the movie. Needless to say it got turned off. And the X-box is now in our bedroom and Daddy can only play it if Jr is not around or I am home to watch him.

    However do I think my son is a psychopath and will grow up to be a killer? No, he went through a brief phase with guns, we let him go through it without reacting to it so he didn't learn to act that way to get attention. He's almost 3 now and we have now entered the Hotwheels phase. And that's all he gun thing was, was a phase. Once he wasn't exposed to it all the time and he didn't get much of a reaction other than we wouldn't play guns back with him, he gave it up.

    Oh, and get a babysitter for the nephew instead of using him for one. Sounds like he's the one that needs minding! (actually, get a sitter for your son that will take him out to the park or for a walk or otherwise engage his attention away from the nephew)

  • 1 decade ago

    How about since he also likes to play video games get him a wii or a playstation 2 and get some games that are his age. Such as Spiderman, Cars the ones that he could drive on the videogames or even let him pick some out ( not no bad ones).

    Hope This Helps!!!!

    Source(s): ME!!!!!!
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Tell your nephew that he can play the violent video games when the 2 year old is in bed or not home. If he is unable to comply with your wishes, get rid of the video games.

    Source(s): I'm a mom and a grandma, my 15 year old son would never even think of playing anything like that in front of his 2 year old nephew.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Dont let your kids watch violence. If has to be turn some Disney channel on TV or something for little kids.

    It will come back to you, if you teach your kid that violence is normal, he will grow up being a ruthless and violent person.

    You would be surprised how much TV and other stuff can influence your childs personality if you give it to them so early.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's a little boy they like that kind of stuff. Doesn't mean he is going to go out and kill anyone when he gets older he just likes guns like the army guys. My 2 year old daughter seen my step son playing army with his guns and just thought it was fun. So she starting playing with them (the nerf guns and army guns that make noise and light up). As far as the video games, I don't think it's a big problem. My kids watch my ex play modern wafare and nazi zombies on world at war. They are just interested by it. Believe me as he gets older his birthday and christmas list is going to consist of nerf guns and army toys, water guns. At this age you really can't explain too much cause he isn't going to understand but as he gets a little older you just start telling him the difference between pretend and real. Don't stress hun your little boy isnt the only one in the world watching army games and wanting to play with guns.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are not being a good parent. You should absolutely not allow a toddler to see violence. Get rid of the X Box if you have to. You can control what he watches on TV. You had better learn how to be a parent or you are headed for serious trouble when he's older.

  • 5 years ago

    Video game violence is not bad. The view of "it creates murderers" is created by the media so they have something to actually TALK about when shootings occur. It is extremely biased. Banning it will do nothing but cause more civil unrest.

  • 1 decade ago

    1 yr. is kinda young........I'm surprised he can even turn on the xbox let alone operate the controls. He sounds like a really smart kid. Maybe you can get him into sports. Start him young so he'll be good when he's older. If he can operate xbox controls I bet he can pick up dribbling, throwing, pitching, kicking a ball w/o a problem.


    On the bright side, that game improves hand-eye coordination.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its not normal for someone to let a 2yr old to play video games period

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