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DOOL>>>When does Bo ask Hope for a divorce?

I read in soap oprea digest that Bo asks Hope for a divorce and that when Jennifer comes back to town she stumbles on the divorce papers and then Hope tells Jen that she never thought he would go through with it. So when is Bo suppose to be filling these papers? I cant wait for it to happen.


Yes Casey I like Bo and Carly. Always have and always will. Hope is well BORING AND HOPELESS

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What? You cant wait for it to happen? You must be a Borly fan, of maybe a Bo & Billie fan. Bo & Billie were okay, but not Borly blahh boring. No offense. Ahh oh well, right now I am really hating Bo and just rooting for Hope. It's going to happen this week, because that's when Jenn is back, and that's when Hope finds the papers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes this week, Jennifer finds the papers.

    I have to agree, I want Bo and Hope back together too. I like Carly, I hope her and Daniel get together.

    I'm glad she is Mel's mom too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Bo and Hope are destined to be together forever. There has to be at least one strong steadfast couple.

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