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In the light of another, recently discovered homo sapiens, what about souls?

There are now known to be several types of homo sapiens who walked the earth up to a few thousand years ago, probably as intelligent and inquisitive as modern day homo sapiens sapiens. What do Christians think of their god's relationship to these people? Do they think these people had "souls"? Were they included in the Genesis that led to Jesus? Or were they, to a Christian's mind, just bipedal animals with large brains? (Larger than ours by the way).


Mr D,

I like the term "faithist"! Can I borrow it?

Update 2:

Some people as usual are just not answering the question...

Update 3:

I'll leave it another 4 days.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You know I reckon the polytheistic religions made it easier by saying every living thing had a soul. Even though monotheistic religions reduced the number of Gods to one, they made that one God ten times more complicated then the hundred Gods previously prayed to.

    I'm not Christian so I don't have a proper answer but I was told by a this one Christian once that he and his Church believed that all those fossils we find of pre-historic animals and other homo sapians were planted by the devil to mislead followers so therefore they did not exist thus your question is a mute point.

    However I did watch a documentary where another Christian said he and his Church believed that the other homo sapians you are referring to lived with us,( present homo sapians) and with other pre historic creatures and merely died out over time. So therefore those homo sapians were categorized as animals and were therefore soulless and were included in the Genesis but as animals.

    I can't say if these viewpoints are the major view of the Christian religion, these come mainly from the Evangelical sector of Christianity, so I don't know what an Orthodox or Catholic would answer, and never thought of this question to ask to my Christian friends before so interesting, and thanks for making me think. Maybe I'll ask my friends what they think and get back to you with their answers. Either way I hope these answers give you some insight. It's nice to have a probing question for a change.

  • 1 decade ago

    To those who have not yet understood or refuse to understand because the answer will not be acceptable to the religions especially the Christians, the Genesis Book that led to Jesus was only about the creation of a Newer Tradition of people called the Jews. Prior to the Jews were earlier civilizations that lived in the tradition of many Gods, Super Natural God, Nature's Element as God, Spirits of the Dead that left an everlasting impression to people and many others and lately those that worship the Mythical Dragon and other Beasts of the earth.The Old Testament or the Torah of the Jews were merely written for their story and history which Christians just picked to justify their unfounded claim.

    Adam and Eve's creation was more of an enlightenment for them to carry out the tradition and belief of having and following a Single God authority over all lives. The Male and Female created simultaneously "after" the animals and the beasts on the sixth day in Genesis 1 were definitely different from the accounts of Adam and Eve where other animals were made for Adam after he was created.

    Unless you read it slowly, you will never find it that way. It will also answers the question who were the people Cain referring to as the ones who may see him wandering outside the garden and might kill him which may also answer another question as to where did he take his wife.

    Apparently, Cain never have to wait for his sister to be born and grow so he can make his choice even if incest may be possible at that time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Homo sapiens having souls or not? Why bother? Hope you aren't one?

    Soul or no soul, we all have our own Gods, the love we regard most is our God. Be it self exaltation, laziness, girl/boy friend, parents, smoking/drunkenness, greed,...... Each one of us worship it/them & exalt it. But what matters is whether we have truly identified the True Real God as our God. That is the challenge of the hour. No concrete answers to it anyway. God alone decides & conquers.

    Its like being in a desert walking towards a stream hoping & doubting whether it is really a stream or a mirage. No one knows unless we actually reach there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's the answer that a christian told me once, I honestly find it ridiculous, but some people might actually believe this. He said, that before he put man in the earth, the earth was populated by dinosaurs, neanderthals, and all other prehistoric animals. I can see megalodon being a demon, but that's just because a 45-60 foot massive white shark sounds horrifying to me. Anyway, he said that god rained fireballs to kill them all because all of them were demons. Obviously their bones now serve to confuse us and make us doubt the genesis story. When I asked them why he believed this, he said that his pastor told him and his pastor could see the future and talk to God. I wish I was kidding or exaggerating, but honestly no. Needless to say I was speechless after that. How to debate it, it's obvious he won't listen to reason at all, if he's capable of believing that.

    It's true, even if they had a bigger craneum, their brain could have been less developed. Wonder why they would die out

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  • 1 decade ago

    Here's a nice, radical proposition. The earth was already populated with random hominid species until the aliens came and mixed some Neanderthal with their own dying race to create Cro Magnon, which ultimately took over and dominated.

    Makes as much sense, if not more, than the god thing, and very well could be what start the whole god thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good Question..

    In the book of the Bible Gene's or Genesis... God Created man and Breathed into Man only His living Spirit. Man is unique in that God only Breathed into Mankind.. Animals have a Breath or abilbiity to Beath.. But do not have the life of God in them..

    There fore when you come to see or understand that God made us in His image. that Image is like this We 1st are Spirit with a Mind/soul living in a Earth suit called a Body.. That Is the order.

    This Spirit of God's breath and live will one day return to Him/God.. Know think about this. WE go to a Awake or Funeral, and we always say that they are "Gone" we will miss them..But look other that cremation.. The Body is there in the Casket, Head to Toe.. Why do we say they are Gone..What is Gone.. The Spirit the Real you with the Mind to Reason and think.. Then when you pass on, the Ability talk or communicate how do you do that. for the mouth the Vocal Cords all stay with the Body. the Ears the Hearing, the Touch the Taste the Smell all stay with the body...They are now non operative.. You are a Spirit living in a Body just for a moment of time.. and then you will be gone.. where are you going is being Determined right now as you live in this Earthly Tabernacle or house. If you choose to live for Satan and Sin then you say you want what is judgement for Satan and he is your Father.. then you will suffer with Him for Ever.. But if you want To Serve God and know His Son Jesus Who died to set you free from Sin's control and Bondage.. Then you can go to Fathers house.. Jesus is the Only Way, the Only Light and Life of the World.. Jesus is the only one that Died and rose again. all others are just imposters. Jesus is the only one that is coming back again to Rule and Reign out of Jerusalem. So call upon Him today to save you from your Sin Cursed life.. and let Him come into your new recreated Spirit and live for Him..

    Call 1-800-NEEDHIM..They will share with you and help you..The Rev.

    Source(s): The Bible and Study of Life after Death...Beyond deaths door, Dr. Maruice Rawlins.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think that you will find that christians have no real answer for this. They will tell you some nonsense that god did this or god did that but they are just covering their ignorance and protecting themselves from seeing that what is says in the bible about creation is just fiction made up by people who were ignorant of the real situation

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Humans are humans. Humans have souls. Sometime during evolution God chose a tribe of animals and gave them souls to them and their descendants. Certainly homo sapiens, but maybe before. Intelligence and tool making and exploration don't matter, just their humanity.

    How many organs of a genetically engineered pig have to be human for us to want a funeral before burying it? That is the forwards direction of you backwards direction question.

  • Dante
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    I'm still learning what my relationship in God means to me on a practical day to day level! I'm sure God loves them as He does all of His creation, and that those people also have a destiny and purpose in God that will ultimately be glorious. As scripture teaches, NOTHING shall separate us from the Love of God -- not even death. Scripture tells us that ALL of creation was unwillingly subjected to futility -- by GOD. But, that the Sons of God would release creation from that corruption through Jesus Christ. So, 'Relationship To God' is secure and predetermined from God's view. It is our eyesight that is dim and needs more light to improve our perception. God's love and plans extend to ALL of creation through Jesus Christ.


    I'm sure they had animate life and therefore were 'souls' in the sense of 'being'. Science tells us of rudimentary 'tools' and clothing found that date back possibly 100,000 years. Their level of sentience is unknown and can only be speculated upon. Spiritually speaking, scripture is mostly silent apart from our own destiny. In fact, our own souls are in the process of getting 'saved' through faith in Jesus.


    Of course! That is what scripture says. "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth." What most fail to understand is that Jesus is THE BEGINNING and THE END. (hey, it's meant to be a spiritual book, not a historical or scientific one)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no god, humpty dumpty, or tooth fairy.

    Brain size does not beget sentience. Birds that are self aware prove that..

    Our frontal lobe is what sets us apart from other hominids.

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