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Violet asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

Is it weird..for a................??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Do u think that it is unusual for a 13/14 year old to be on birth control. I am not on it but I was curious,...

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is not unusual if prescribed by a doctor. However, to all those people who are worried about the pregnancies, being pregnant is NOT the worst thing that could happen. Think about all those STDs (or STIs now since they don't consider them "diseases") that you can get. Sure, some of them will go away after treatment, but what abut HIV, or AID, or genital warts? Genital warts are like any other warts, they go away and look like they're gone but they're really just underneath the skin, waiting until the body reacts to something to come back.

    But to answer your direct question, no.

    Source(s): I have been to many talks and believe it or not, it is very educational.
  • 1 decade ago

    I went on it at 14 to help with very painful periods ( so not especially weird, no lol! If that 13 year old were having sex then that's a bit creepy tbh but it's better to have a 13 year old having sex and not getting pregnant than not using any precautions I suppose. The average age to lose your virginity where I went school was 14.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. I wasn't sexually active until I was 20 and I started taking birth control when I was 14. I had horrible, horrible cramps and bad acne so my mom took me to the doctor and put me on birth control.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its not unusual. Birth control helps with a womans menstrual cycle so its nothing different

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  • 1 decade ago

    Unless it's due to painful cramps, migraines etc, then no, it's not unusual.

    If it's for sex, yes.

    I was talking to this lady I know who is a school nurse. She helped with the yr 7 girls cervical cancer vaccines and apparenly nearly 1/5 of them had the contraceptive implant!!! I felt like going and abusing their doctors. Girls that young should not be on the implant. Pill yes if for medical reasons, but any other, no.

  • Livy(:
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Wouldn't be surprised if some were on it. But most of them just go and have sex without it, but with at least a condom, because it's not like they're going to ask their parents to but them some. They'll most likely just go behind their backs. I honestly don't think they have any business being sexually active at that age. They're still kids!!


  • 1 decade ago

    It's not unusual at all. I think it's very responsible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, yes and no. Personally, I think they shouldn't even be having sex. Call me old fashioned, but thats just IMO. Although, if they are having sex they should def be protecting themselves.

    Source(s): These are just my opinions.. Im not any sort of doctor or anything!
  • No. Better safe than sorry. Also it can be good for clearing up pimples and zits.

  • 1 decade ago

    No because it regulates your monthly cycle.

    But yes if your only on it because your having sex.

    Source(s): My opinion.
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