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I am a figure skater.. diabetic and yeah thats me. hahah!
This might sound Kind of weird but I am wondering. This is a question for girls who do ballet like me!!!?
So I am not having problems with this or anything but I am just wondering you know if you are in ballet and you have to wear a leotard then what to you do for underwear underneath? Or do you just skip the underwear all together? Just wondering.
8 AnswersDancing1 decade agoFor people who know a lot about good toys for 3 year olds!!!? help!?
My brother is three years old at the moment and as you know the holidays are coming up. My brother, has been over obsessed with pirates. He has a costume and he plays pretend almost all day which is the cutest thing in the world. He has so many pirate toys but, one of things that he does not have is a pirate ship that he can actually stand in. I'm not looking for anything super fancy...but I am looking for a pirate ship he can actually stand in and play pretend.
I was wondering if any of you toy experts could help me out. I have done a lot of searches and came up empty handed. So please any seggestions would be really appreciated.
3 AnswersToys1 decade agoWhen u swallow your saliva......?
Okay So I was sitting at school and thought of this random question. How do u swallow ur saliva and not even have to think about it. Why doesn't your stomach fill up with saliva if we swallow it constantly?
1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade agoI need some like really amazing songs......?
I just want songs that u absolutley love... maybe artists? haha thanks :)
NO miley cyrus please. not a fan of her
2 AnswersR&B & Soul1 decade ago2 guys a problem......1 maybe 2 maybe IDK WHAT TO DO!!!!?
OKay I am not going to name names because I do now want people to know who I am talking about... I am going to call them R and S. R and I talk everyday! He really really likes me... he told me that today... Like with what he said its like he is freaking in love with me. I didnt know what to say. I mean I have feelings for this guys but not as much as he does for me and I dont wanna walk into that realtionship again. I mean I did it once and I felt nothing... like no feelings for him....when we were going out.. but apparently he never forgot about our relationship and he still likes me... a lot and that love apparently grew since then.
Idk what to do about this guy.
Now I'll tell you about S.
S and I have a history that I really would not like to revisit. We had the worst hate war. But anyway... today he txts me and says.. can we be friends.... and I say.... "why" and he goes I was just remebering all the amazing times we had together.... so I said yes for no reason really... not that I really wanted to be. We start talking about how our past realtionship went totally wrong and how we were so stupid and he goes... well it's not to late to fix it. It's been like months since we had talked... My reputation would be completley crushed AGAIN if i went out with him.... I dont like him at all anymore because he was such a jerk face to me but......U KNOW i would like hurt myself if I fell for hime again I swear... urgh.... what to do... I have no idea.......
So any ideas/?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoToss and turn for hours and hours. Only getting 1-3 hours of sleep. Can't fall asleep because of scary.....?
pictures or bad dreams. The past 4/5 nights I have only gotton a few hours of sleep. I have a lot of things scaring me at the moment. NO im not a little baby... or immmature... I just can't fall asleep. I toss and turn for hours on end trying to get thesse pictures out of my head and I cant. Any segggestions for helping me sleep and or getting these things outa my head so that I can fall asleep. I have tried meditation if you were wondering. It doesn't work all that great on me and thinking about something that I like is not working and nither does leaving on a light... any mean comments will be reported and blocked.
thanks :)
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade agoIs it weird..for a................??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Do u think that it is unusual for a 13/14 year old to be on birth control. I am not on it but I was curious,...
10 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoAnimal crossing city folk WII daily users!! ::)?
Hey I love animal crossing and I am usually on after school for a few hours everyday!! haah I know it's bad but it's super addicting. Anyways, I need friend codes and I need people that are on right now... or are on really often. Here is my friend code. PLEASE PLEASE ADD me because I will add u :) Thanks!
Please thanks!!
1 AnswerNintendo Wii1 decade agoFor people that know about Paramount blades for Ice skating??! help and fast?
K so I am looking to buy paramount blades. I have been having trouble finding the right blade for my level, and skating. I have heard rumors that they are really good, but also that the glue seperates from the blade a lot of times. Does that happen very often? Like is it something that happens to a lot of skaters once they get these blades? Please I really need an answer. I don't wanna buy an expensive blade and then it break on me..
2 AnswersIce Skating1 decade agoFigure Skating spinner (need people that know about ice skating)?
There is this spinner that I have been looking at. I am a figure skater and I would like a way to practice my spins off the ice and I have been looking at the gold spinner thing. Is it hard? do u fall a lot with it. I want it to feel kinda like a spin. and i have heard its really good..... what do u think... should i get it?
1 AnswerIce Skating1 decade agoAny really funny quotes or ones that you just really like!?
If you have any wise or just really halarious quotes... feel free to tell :) any quote maube just your favorite
8 AnswersQuotations1 decade agoX boyfriend... BIG PROB.?
I went Out with this guy for two months. I tried breaking up with him and then he begged for me not to do it. Then 3 days later he breaks up with me. WTF? I deleted him from my facebook and lost all contact with he post a bunch of crap about me on facebook and shares personal letters that we shared togeter and posts those on facebook too. I dont know what to do. I dont like him anymore at all but he has taken it too far to puting personal stuff on fb.. even medical problems that I had told him about and told him NOT to tell any1 else. I am sad mad and scared because now he has shared personal things that no one was supposed to know or see. He is being overly rude and crossing my lines... idk what to do...
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhere do Olympians get their ice skates!?
So I am a very competative figure skater and in four year hope to be making it to the NEXT olympics. I need new figure skates very badly and I have a place where I get my figure skate already but they dont have an advanced enough skate for me. So where could I go to get really good ice skates. I have been looking online and everything but i dont know. I really need some new 1s with new blades and a boot and everything. If u have sugustions please...
3 AnswersIce Skating1 decade agoAlton Brown-Q for food channel watchers?
I watch food channel a lot and There is a chef named alton brown. U may know of him. He has a show called good eats. We have been noticing that what he has been airing recently he is looking really skinny and unhealthy! If anyone out there can give me an explanation for this or has an ideas of what is going on please answer! We are worried for him! thanks
2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoCan Ichat be downloaded on PCs?
I just wanted to know is it possible to download ichat on a pc at all.... like can it be done somehow??
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoHELP PICKING A BUNNY NAME!!!?
Its a boy bunny that I'm getting and I cant think of a name.
Please help. It is a very small bunny and here is the website!!
I NEED HELP PLEASE!!!! I need uncommon names that give it big personality!! Something awesome!! THANKS
3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoBunny NAME NEED HELP@!!!?
Okay so I am gonna get this bunny and I NEED A NAME!!!
please!! Its a Boy and please pick names that are individual and not that common...
I need good ones!!! Thanks!!!
Here is the link!!!
9 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoPEOPLE WHO HAVE WII MUSIC!!!!! PLEZZ!!!!!Desperate here.?
Okay. So i Have wii music and I want to play with multiple people but whenever I click on the 2 players it says that two wii remotes need to be connected. I know that, and I have two wii remotes but it says that but it doesnt give me a chance to connect another remote. I have read the instructions and I have not have a clue.. PLEZZZ NEED ANSWERS NOW!!!!!! THANX!!
1 AnswerNintendo Wii1 decade agoBLACKBERRY STORM?? NEED ANSWER!!!?
Does it cmoe with screen covers? Do you have to buy them seprate??
What about..... Does it come with like a plastic cover for the whole thing kinda like the iphone comes with a black one....
Does it come with those changable cards and interchangable battery? Or do you have to buy that seprate.
Only answer if you know for sure please I need a good answer.... thanx
1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade agoI need Someone to answer that has the BLACKBERRY STORM!!!?
I have some questions about the Blackberry Storm. I am thinking about getting it and I need an answer quick please. Here are my questions.
In the little tatorial video about the Storm they talk about it having interchangable cards... and like battery cards....and stuff... Do those cards they talk about come in the box with it...????? Do u have to buy any extra stuff, Seprate?
2: How long does the normal battery last?
3: Does the Camera have a flash?
4: Does it come with a cover?
5: What are some things that you don't like about it?
6: anything they said it had but actually didnt come with the phone?
Thanks I really appreciate it.
1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago