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At R&S when belief systems are questioned who gets more angry? Support your position.?

Please grant me the lattitude (freedom from normal restraints) that atheism is a "belief system." Christians, I know many of you understand your beliefs as relational, so please also grant me the lattitude that Chrsitianity is a "belief system." So, between Chrstians and Atheists who gets ticked off the most (based on the answers read) when you call their views into question? Feel free to support your position with examples.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is an impossible question to answer honestly.

    Certain atheists get angry easily and certain Christians get angry easily as well. It is more likely that it is a personality issue rather than a belief issue.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    it style of sounds like some Atheists become atheists for emotional motives. Many here whinge approximately undesirable reports at domicile with faith as a baby. So it style of sounds like turning to Atheism is often an emotional project. there's no intellegent subject concerns that are valid. basically right now in a LIVESCIENCE Chart I observed technology validating the HOBBIT. Now, you telling me that's an intellegent attitude! How can there be actual guidance while all aspects at the instant are not given an equivalent danger to speak. There are a minimum of 6-12 distinctive perspectives on Evolution and the Time Line. there's a medical conflict over IF or IF not Neaderthal and Sapiens existed in tandem. Now, which of those perspectives are taught at school. On college of questioning says they met and mated. yet another college of questioning stated Neaderthal replaced into DEFINATELY extinct by utilising the time Sapiens roamed the Earth. that's the magnificent viewpoint. What have been YOU taught! i replaced into taught Pluto replaced right into a planet. it is in all my grade college, extreme college and faculty text fabric books. hypothesis is taught as actuality. that's a severe issue. you could not have a valid guidance equipment the place hypothesis is got here approximately as actuality. in case you do, then initiate coaching approximately section fifty seven and UFOs, for that, too, is theory. What it boils right down to is YOUR appropriate hypothesis, which quantities to not something extra beneficial than brainwashing. The purple u . s . a . is our chum, the fairway u . s . a . is our Enemy. And there ARE WMD in Iraq! Oooops. Sorry. Pluto isn't a planet, the purple u . s . a . is our enemy, the fairway u . s . a . is our chum and there are no WMD in Iraq. that's what guidance boils right down to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atheists, I think.

    When theists argue about evolution, they usually fail to show even the slightest understanding of the subject, and to constantly have that pointless debate rehashed is rather vexing, to say the least.

    Theists also use the same logical fallacies over and over again, often thinking themselves original--like Pascal's Wager. That's just ridiculously tedious.

    In fact, it's all pretty tedious. When a person's reasoning is flawed and he fails to recognise it, no matter the evidence given, it's bound to frustrate his opponent in debate.

    Source(s): Atheist.
  • M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Christians, they are also the ones who get ticked off in the real world too when another belief system tries to put up a holiday display next to theirs and decides that no one can put up a display, but then blame the atheists for saying it needs to come down since they refuse to let other displays up.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The idiots get the most upset, from my experience.

    Really, I get harsh words, and see them directed towards theists, only through malformed syntax from immature morons. They never present a reasoned argument, they just hurl some nasty words, usually in all caps, and move on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    let me say this I understand in some ways why atheists get mad at religion - they don't want to be had and hoodwinked - that is understandable but of course they have moments of doubts just as a believer does

    I believe in God and Jesus and when people slag him off I will defend him - call me old fashioned but I'm loyal like that

  • 1 decade ago

    OK, i'll let the "belief system" pass but honestly, I really, really don't care what people think of my views. I don't have a problem with people questioning my views. They are mine. Question them, I'll think about it but I won't get annoyed about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say the god fairing folks get more angry. It's part of the Atheist mindset to not be effected by bull crap.

  • 1 decade ago

    The more sense you make the bigger the target on your back


  • Those who are questioned, it seems

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