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Do you believe that the removal of prayer from public school had a serious impact on the quality of education?

The reason for me asking is this article i found on conservapedia.

I never knew that people felt that strongly about prayer in public schools so I would like to know your opinion.


I know conservapedia is horribly biased but i was just wondering how many people actually held similar opinions.

Update 2:

I would think that low standards and grade inflation have more to do with it.

Update 3:

@ iron maiden "under god" was added to the pledge during the 1950's.

22 Answers

  • Isola
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No its our system. How do you explain other countries that have no prayer but are producing better students and more college level grads in high tech fields (ex. Japan/China). Although I think prayer is good the prayers said in schools historically were of the Christian faith, which was predominate at one time. Today many religions and beliefs/or non beliefs exist in the USA and it wouldn't be fair to everyone. They would also have the constitution on their side if they oppose prayer.

  • Tom W
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No probably not but when we say prayer we are acutally not talking about prayer, we are talking about saying 'one nation under God" in the pledge of allegiance. I don't think saying that makes for better students but it also doesn't hurt them. What has created so many problems in education is that liberals want to use education and as a propaganda tool and a negative experience and not a positive phase of life. Too, teachers are not allowed to use any kind of discipline without being arrested or having legions of lawyers line up to sue if kids are asked to bathe, not dress like gangsters and don't smoke on campus. Those are all sins against personal freedom and liberals think that high school is all about personal freedoms and not learning how to handle a job. And you can't overlook that the last two Presidents have allowed the country to be overrun by illegal aliens who don't speak English, don't want to learn and are perfectly willing to kill the white kids as a class project. There are lot of really negative things that have happened to education but just eliminating the "under god" thing is probably not the cause as no kid even thinks about what he was saying nor are they inspired to greater things because they said God during the course of the day. And many schools simply still do it and they have fared no better. Dwelling on this idea that the "prayer" has caused the schools to fail is pretty dumb and almost as dumb as the political left's view of education.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is prayer happening on any given day when there is a test or pop quiz. So, no, not really.

    Taking away the paddle, the declining quality of food, and the pervasiveness of pesticides and herbicides that impact the brains of developing children have had far far far more impact than not talking to Jesus 20 minutes a day while at school.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    that's extremely a standard question that I used to ask your self myself. to respond to it, i presumed appropriate to the version between private colleges, public colleges, and colleges and universities. the perfect answer i will arise with is that public colleges are basically paid throughout the time of the government. it is not considerable how properly they instruct, they're going to nevertheless get their paycheck. in spite of the shown fact that, i'm no longer asserting all public college instructors are undesirable. it incredibly is merely people are greater actual inspired to do greater effective with greater money. private colleges do get some government investment, yet maximum of it comes from the training that the mother and dad might desire to pay. instructors of non-public colleges and professors of faculties gets a commission greater advantageous than instructors from public colleges. fantastically new instructors merely commencing out in public colleges gets a commission so little. I linked a area that explains the variations, in spite of the shown fact that, it incredibly is somewhat biased so be careful. case in point, it says, "In public colleges the books are consistently as much as date by using government investment, at the same time as in private colleges previous books are trouble-free to be got here upon interior the faculty room." in my opinion, in my public college, we had previous books all the time. So, i do no longer understand approximately that. i desire this facilitates.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Education went down the s***hole when parents decided that their children could do no wrong and that these undiciplined, unparented, gaming bots were left to terrorize classrooms...en masse...because the schools feared being sued. The big cry of every community is "we need more money for schools!". How about this instead...STOP SHI***NG KIDS and we won't have to build trailers to house students. PARENTS will be able to afford to educate THEIR child. You'll never have enough funding for schools as long as they depend on childless citizens to support your sperm donations.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think there are many reasons education has gone downhill but when you ban God from the schools, you cannot expect God to bless the country. Teachers now dress like thugs with their jeans, cut-offs, t-shirts and flip-flops. If teachers tried to dress professionally, it would be easier for the students to show some respect. I taught years ago and I can't imagine being in a classroom today. I strongly believe in prayers in the schools. No one makes the student participate but our schools are badly in need of prayer!!

  • 1 decade ago

    While I agree that public schools are dismal and most are liberal indoctrination camps. I would completely disagree that removing prayer had anything to do with the downfall of public education. The biggest reasons for its downfall are the massive intervention into education by the federal government, the lack of merit based pay for teachers, lack of education choices for parents, and teachers' unions. Especially that last one!

  • 1 decade ago

    No. But if they want to pray they should be a Christian club or something.

    PS: Conservapedia is highly biased.

  • 1 decade ago

    Education is about the parents--and low standards might also have quite a bit to do with it as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I think the liberal "dumbing down" schools so as to not offend people of lower intelligence

    had a seriously negative impact on the quality of education.

    I mean really, basket weaving and social studies instead of chemistry and history?

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