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Christians answer only please i need to stop doubting God and blaming him for my problems?

I'm a 14 yearold girl and I need to stop it I doubt sometimes there really is a God :/ and i need to stop it how can i pray to him and ask for forgiveness? i feel horrible about this :( what can i do?



what do i believe then?

17 Answers

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    re: "scared that God won't answer as quickly as he did last time because I feel like I only turn to God when I need him" Dont avoid doing something good, simply because you know theres something better. Do good in any way you can. Turn to God in prayer at any chance you can. And stop with the mindless, thoughtless, verbatim crap. Guess what, God knows your prayers by heart... maybe he'd like to hear from YOU sometime. Tell him openly about your problems, speak to him like a real person who is really listening. Pour out your heart and frustration and gratitude and everything. Stop holding back because you feel guilty. That is a tactic of satan, not God. If you want to reconnect, do it. Keep trying, dont get frustrated if you dont get a beam of light from heaven after a conversation or two. And when you have done this, just be quiet and still for a little while. Give him the chance to respond through inspiration after. When you have a conversation with someone you dont just yackyackyack and then walk away. You let them respond. Give him that opportunity too. I can promise you, life will get infinitely harder for you beyond grades and boys someday. Your relationship with God will make more difference in your life during those times than you can imagine. Its something worth fighting for.

  • 1 decade ago

    God isn't a control freak who causes problems. You cause your own problems by the decisions you make and sometimes your problems are caused by the friends you keep or decisions other people around you... maybe even family, make.

    We are created intelligent and God wants us to use our brain to make the right decisions and to surround ourselves with decent people. Help others, be kind and generous. When you screw up realize you are human and not perfect. It's not God's fault it's a normal process of growing up. Tell yourself you will try to do better next time!

    Keep an open mind about God and realize that every religion on the face of the earth was made by a man who claimed that "he had a revelation" of some sort and that his religion was the only way.

    Know that not one Prophet or Messenger of God in the Bible or other holy books belonged to or established any religion. God never said "belong to Christianity or be a Muslim".

    There is no hell, no satan, and no God that is ready to condemn and punish you. You make your way through life with a pure heart to do what is right, learn to listen to God through your Conscience, and you will do great things.

    Good Luck!

  • katie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your first issue is that you're condemning yourself. Calm down. God doesn't want you to punish yourself! You're obviously struggling, and he knows this. You know that there's or a God or you wouldn't be having this debate. You can only pray and ask him for grace. I know that through prayer I've grown closer to God, and I've allowed him to work much more in my life. It's all about accepting him and making that space to listen to him. One of the biggest problems that people have today is that they're so busy with their own lives and trying to control everything . When everything fails, they feel hopeless and then wonder where God is. You have GOT to make room for him, LISTEN to him, pray with him, and let him in your life so that he can make your life peaceful. ASK his forgiveness, and you're already forgiven. Don't get the impression that God is a cruel God and is absolutely appalled that you'd question his existence. He's seen it all and he knows your pain. Jesus knows your pain and your struggles. So breath a sigh or relief because it all will be okay. It will always be okay.

    God bless.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The devil tempts us to doubt God. What did Jesus do when that old serpent tempted Jesus to doubt He was the Son of God, etc.

    We speak Gods Positive Word over the devils temptation.

    This takes renewing our mind in Gods Word. Like claiming verses... God has promised to never leaven me nor forsake me. The Holy Spirit has sealed me unto the Day of Redemption when I first believed to be born of God.

    I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.

    When we doubt God, we feel miserable. Because without faith, it is impossible to please God. For those who come to God must believe God Is, and He Is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him.

    So it is a sin to doubt Gods Love & His Word. So we repent for doubting God & all that He says He Is. We claim His Positive verses in prayer to God. God loves it when we pray to God His Word honestly from our heart. Because it builds our faith. And God then rewards us by giving us blessed assurance.

    When I doubt God, His blessed assurance leaves & I feel miserable. So I have quickly learned to pray repenting for doubting God. And God always then gives me assurance God loves me. I feel much better then.

    Try it. It works every time.

    I pray for a you that every mean or rude answers are like water on a ducks back. that you will be able discern where these are coming from. And that you will be open to Gods Truth & Love from all well meaning Christian answers.

    t In Jesus Name I Pray t

  • 1 decade ago

    you're on the right track. you need to keep praying to God, even if you feel like you're doubting Him.

    remember that He is always all about love & nothing else. He loves you. He loves everyone. He loves doubters. He loves the rude atheists on this site.

    when you doubt, that's just the enemy trying to get you to change your mind. don't give in. instead, doubt your doubts & pray to God that He remove them.

    keep it up; keep strong. keep asking God to change your heart, and He will.

    i know He will because He does it for me all the time.

  • 1 decade ago

    pray to God and ask Him to lead you, He holds you in the hardest times of life. I know that sometimes it's easy to doubt, but remember that Jesus is bigger than everything else.

    Dear Heavenly Father, please lead this girls back to your loving arms. Give her the strength and guidance to be a faithful follower of Christ, and remind her that she is one of your children, and so special to you. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen

    Remember, the most intelligent people aren't always right in thinking that God does not exists. I pray that God grants you grace, peace, and blessings. take care, sweet girl (((HUG)))

    Source(s): Christian
  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds to me like you're a typical 14 year old and doing what they do...blaming others for your problems. Your blaming Him for your problems means that you still believe, which is a good thing. Just look at the situations where you place the blame on Him and look for who is really at fault. Then work to fix the situation.

    Continue praying, maybe start reading a daily devotional and think about joining a youth group at your church.

    God bless, be safe.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're not going to find any help here. Talk to a pastor or a youth leader at your church.

    seriously, do it. You need someone you can converse with. You need someone who cares. All you're going to get here is a bunch of one line responses telling you different things.

    If you can't get to a church, talk to someone **in person** who is a Christian and believes the bible is the word of God and lives their life by it. The won't condemn you. we all have questions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Look, I'm not trying to be mean, but have you ever thought about why you believe in a God that your parents believe in? Ask them why it is that they are not Mormon or Muslim or Hindu. If you are satisfied with the answer, think about why the majority of the world population disagrees with your parents.

    Doubting God is the most precious gift nature has given you. Doubting means thinking, and thinking is detrimental to religion.

    The more you learn, the easier it is to let go of religion.

    Good luck.

    P.S. 85% of the America's top scientists are atheists. Those are the smartest people, and all of them doubted the existence of God, reaching a conclusion that he doesn't exist. The poorest and least educated people are generally the most religious. Think about what that means.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ahh, getting tired of the real world? Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy.

    Additional Details: Why do you feel the need to "believe in" anything. This isn't Disneyland, this is real life. Fairytales don't exist. It was fun to play make believe when you were a kid, but know you are growing up and adults who have imaginary friends are called schizophrenics.

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