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Should Congress should pass PARTIAL immigration reform?

That was a question asked by Allan Wernick in the NY Daily News.

He reasons that true Immigration reform is DEAD this year.

He writes "A key element of my proposal was passage of the DREAM Act - a law that would legalize students here for at least five years who were brought here by their parents before age 16."

Why does he think that those of us who wish to REFORM the immigration laws to actually be ENFORCED (keep in mind polls have said that accounts for 70% of the citizens) would be willing to allow another AMNESTY, simply because he is willing to leave the adults out of the program (FOR NOW!!!).

How DENSE are these people, do they really belive they are going to get their way simply by continuing to push the issue? It seems to me that it is only making more of us stand up and be heard. With a 70% approval rating for enforcement, where do they think they are going to get the votes? There are not many POLITICIANS who are going to buck that a public opinion that heavy, by voting in the OPPOSITE direction. That is almost surely a way to be VOTED OUT OF OFFICE.

8 Answers

  • DON
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Immigration is fine so long as it is LEGAL, all illegal immigrants need to be deported and if they can re-enter legally then no problem. Immigration is not the problem, illegal immigration is and the law(s) need to be enforced. Try entering another country and see what happens to you. They will not allow you to stay and you will be put in jail immediately. Try flying into a country such as Korea without the proper documents, you will not be allowed to even enter to make arrangements to leave. All illegal immigrants need to be deported as they are criminals. All immigrants who are here legally are welcome. It is all about the law(s) not about where the people come from.

  • 7 years ago

    The latest rhetoric of both Democrats & Republicans on the need for Immigration Reform has put the final ball on the Republicans. Speaker John Boehner is certainly the reason why immigration reform will not get done this year. With a heartless pilot on the control in Congress, he has shown absolutely no amount of sympathy to the bitter sufferings of 12 million souls. By playing the blame game, he has shown he is immature and clueless of the inevitable. GOP will eventually sink into oblivion.

    Attachment image
  • 1 decade ago

    FACT is you cannot deport the 12 million illegal aliens (POPULATION SIZE OF OHIO) from US. Simply because that would mean the costs for everything we eat will quadriple. No american citizen will want to work for 6$ hour 12 hours a day with no benefits or a Union. We are already all broke and by deporting all these people is IMPOSSIBLE..The people have kids in that are american citizens and they can't be sent back. It really doesn't matter what side your on you have to really analyze the magnitude of the situation. It's better to legalize and tax them and have them pay fees for the process to become a citizen. The reason why MANY don't go back and try to come in the legal way is because they CANT. Even if they pass a law where they would deny citizenship to the children born here, the law wouldn't go back in time. It would start from when the law take effect. These anchor babies are not babies anymore they are students, adults, workers...Therefore there NEEDS to be an immigration reform because the system is broken.

    Source(s): common sense
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Amnesty= Civil War.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well...the democrats didn't care about public opinion when they passed their crappy health care bill and now Obamas using the gulf oil disaster to try and push through his crappy cap & tax bill with no concern with public opinion, so I have absolutely no doubt this president and congress will try to pass their "comprehensive" (gag...they use that word with every unpopular bill they want to shove down our throats) immigration bill giving amnesty to all illegals regardless of public opinion.

  • 5 years ago

    The Catholic church is familiar with maximum illegals are from South usa and maximum of those are Catholic. Did you ever meet a Mexican that became no longer Catholic? they do no longer supply a warm toss approximately "families" they only desire greater seats crammed in church. greater human beings greater $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the yank Catholic church.

  • 1 decade ago

    deport all 20 million illegal, undocumented, non back ground checked, no health tested security & health risk aliens out of this country now!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    YES THE DO. The cowardly Americans have been intimidated so many times before into giving in to a violent minority group. When that group calls them "RACISTS." Why wouldn't they believe it will work again. And Again and again and again.

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