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Big Avatar asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 1 decade ago

Great Unions of this decade?

I need information of some Unions / unities who has contributed greatly to the world and Society and their way of its administration-style / working style of members and how it was organised.


along with their contributions to assess its worth to the present world.

Update 2:

Union means a Unity of some people or villages containing humen as group - an association or organisation.

I need to prepare a speech for my local residents union of a good number of citizens to make them understand where the government or Municipality falls and rise our (residents / local citizens) to function and domain over the City. Corporation

Update 3:

Local citizens are more efficient to protect the environment, but they should not be influenced by any political or administrative group or government, who insist for monetary benefits over the local citizens and charge against them.

Update 4:

So, I want to organize them and teach them about their obligations and fight against the rights of the government (tax authorities and police) on the misuse of miscellaneous Law - outdated and not applicable to the present life-style

Update 5:

For example - application of minimum wages act 1947 in an ordinary shop with 4 workers and turn over of 100,000 bucks in a year. (4 workers are to be paid 240,000 per year as per the Act, and Officers insist for that.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I saw you asked this in Yahoo India and here in the states Union can have a lot of connotations. Do you mean union as in marriage? A political union such as treaty? Or a union like a geographic region, like the European Union?

    I guess I'll do an example of each...

    1) Marriage...probably the most famous couple in the past 25 years was Princess Diana and Prince Charles; both were important figures in Britain as well as activists. Diana especially was highly respected for her work in Africa during the early years of the AIDS epidemic

    2) Treaty...NATO is a military pact between many western nations (US, UK, Germany, France, etc.) with the notion that an attack on one is an attack on all. As a result, there were UK soldiers fighting in Afghanistan along with Americans. Other NATO nations also gave money to help the war effort.

    3) European Union is a financial, governmental and security Union of (nearly) all the nations in Europe. It is born out of the notion that having nearly 40 small nations is weaker than having a Union in which they all have common goals. There are similar unions such as the African Union, and less powerful ones such as NAFTA (this is just a trade union and has nothing to do with security or collective government) between the US, Canada, Mexico and a few other north atlantic countries.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many more European countrys have joined the European Union.

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