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What do people think bush/palin would do for the gulf oil spill?

Absolutely every single forum or comment section about the gulf spill turns into this massive flamewar against Obama.

Thousands and thousands of comments from right wingers talking about how infinitely negligent, stupid, and terrible Obama is and how it's all his fault and how he CAUSED it. Commets about how he doesn't want it to stop becomes he's in so deep with the oil industries.

Have these people forgotten what the right wingers like Bush, Palin and Cheney did just a few years ago? With the whole de-regulation of oil exploration? Revoking almost every environmental law in the book?

How do they think people like that would have handled the gusher? Do you really think they give a damn about the environment?

16 Answers

  • JcL
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You said Bush et. al deregulated the industry and revoked almost every environmental law in the book. That is a big accusation, not backed up with one link. In fact, it was the regulatory agencies that IGNORED the regulations, and helped the oil spread.

    1994 "In-Situ Burn" plan of federal agencies called for responding to Gulf oil spills with the immediate use of fire booms. But they didn't have ANY on the Gulf Coast.

    MMS let BP drill without getting required permits

    Pretty much everyone in the US is unhappy with Obama's response to the spill. Here is HuffPo:

    "For once, it seems pundits on the left and the right agree in their assessment of the President's leadership and demeanor. He's distant when he needs to be hands-on; he's cerebral when he needs to be visceral; he's contemplative when he needs to be decisive."

    I worked for a gov environmental agency and I am not surprised by the gov response. This is how governments work, gov agencies are not organized for action. They are organized to empower the people at the top, who in turn always need many meetings to gain a consensus before they act. (ie, CYA in case of a problem.)

    I don't blame Obama so much for the screw ups of the fed agencies, as I do with him as a do nothing leader. He said he was in charge, then never did anything to cut red tape. The fishermen in LA who worked 12 hours on the ocean were removing oil from a beach when OSHA inspectors showed up and told them they could only work 15 min, then they had to rest 15 min.

    The Coast Guard stopped 16 barges from going out for a couple of days. They went out before to suck up the oil, but were stopped and no one knew why.

    Lastly, "Obama's Oil Spill Recovery Chief (Ray Mabus) Will Work PART TIME!

    So we have the largest oil spill catastrophe in the world, billions of dollars in damages, and Obama selects a guy to work part time on it? Would we have won WW II if we had Patton, MacArthur, and Eisenhower working part time? That is not being partisan, that is just common sense.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I don't think that either of them would threaten to 'kick the ***' of 'somebody' 52 days after the incident.

    The president is in a bind because BP is doing everything right so far in the cleanup, and no one understands that outside of the oil industry, and no one is interested in hearing that everything's being done that can be done.

    Thus far, Obama hasn't done much but talk about anything. He's proven himself to be cut from the exact same cloth as every other politician. He's no better or worse than anyone else.

    Incidentally, Alaska has a lot of oil exploration going on there. When there were spills or accident caused by the extremely hostile environment, Sarah Palin, as the politician in charge, did very little grandstanding. She spearheaded the expanded safety and permitting standards that were put in place after the North Slope pipeline rupture.

    I don't think she's got what it takes to be in national politics, but she actually stood up to the oil industry and shoved increased safety regulations down their throat, and it didn't take 7 weeks for her to crawl out from under a rock and discuss the matter.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    there are a number of information which mutually make it look exceedingly possibly that it became into. Now that that's all too obvious that 9/11 became into genuinely an prepared fake flag operation, - then a psychological barrier drops, understanding only how wicked, and callous to humanity, people who pull the strings incredibly are, opens up speculations that doesn't have in the previous been entertained. It confident looks like, a minimum of, it became into allowed to happen, and became into everyday became into going to happen, -there are only too many "coincidences", setting up the paradigm of maximum interior jobs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Palin: Would probably relocate all of the gulf coasters up to Alaska. There's plenty of room up there, right?

    Bush: Would ask if it's still safe to go swimming in the water. Then disregard the advice and go swimming anyway.

    Cheney: Nuke it. All of it.

    President Madagascar: "SHUT. DOWN. EVERYTHING."

    Source(s): Pandemic II
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think any president would have any better reaction than what we are experiencing. But i will say how they handle the aftermath, like new laws, follow up with the cleaning so on, is how i would rate them. By the way what do you mean bush palin? everyone expecting palin to run over McCain?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    At the very least they would have lifted the Jones Act, like Bush did immediately after Katrina, to allow many more oil skimmers trolling the Gulf this past month.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I were to fault Obama one thing it's that from the very beginning he turned down help that was offered to us by our allies with this massive problem. We are always one of the first countries to come to the aid of the world, and when we could use assistance from our international friends we turn them down. It makes no sense. I believe Bush or Palin would be more open to excepting this help.

  • 1 decade ago

    he'd probly turn every beach into a gas station. no need for importing fuel. all we have to do is let the oil wash up on shore. oh if only it could last forever!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They certainly wouldn't have waited 60 days to do ANYTHING like Obama did. This is a clear lack of experience on Obama part. It has NOTHING to do with Rep. or Dem. Obama dropped the ball on this one due to lack of executive experience. He was out playing golf for goodness sake!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It would not matter who was President the Federal Government has no plan to stop the

    spill . And The President would be blamed anyway.

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