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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetInternetYouTube · 1 decade ago

Gonna start YouTube videos, need advice/help?

I've been planning on doing a YouTube channel for a long time, and I already know how to use YouTube so I don't need help with that. What I do need help with (or advice for current YouTubers) is what can I do to get my channel more advertised? What should I name my channel (my names Kyle, but I have a couple other friends that are gonna help me with it)? What type of videos should I post (I'm planning on skits, vlogs, rants, etc.)? I already have a channel where I post videos, but me and my friend aren't really friends anymore, and I can't take over the channel because it has her name in the title and I don't want that.


Also, I have the Flip Ultra HD camcorder.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Post whatever you want! I think a name like KrazyKyle would be cool, if its not taken already. Or maybe KrazyKoolKyle..

    But anyway, once you got your channel and some videos up, here's some tips on how to get views:

    POST VIDEO RESPONSES!! do this on popular videos that allow you to post your video automatically. its even better if the video your posting is relevant to the video itself. Youtubers such as Shane Dawson or Ray William Johnson are pretty good since they're super popular and allow video responses.

    MAKE FRIENDS!! send friend requests to people that comment on your video, or videos that you like. The more friends, the more views you may get.

    GO TO OTHER SITES!! By this, I don't mean upload on sites like dailymotion or veoh. I'm talking about forums or sites such as Y!A. Popular sites match your content is recommended or else people won't be interested. Post on other peoples questions THAT ARE RELEVANT TO YOUR VIDEOS or make your own topic saying something like, "Just ran into this great video on youtube. Check it out!" and post the link or embed the video on the forum itself. If you're doing it with Y!A, post a question like, "Video Feedback?" or "What Do You Think About This Video?"


    sooo anyways, hope this helps and good luck :] feel free to message me on Youtube (below) if you have any questions!

    Source(s): or if I don't respond, here's my old account:
  • 1 decade ago

    How about your name be Kewl Kyle or something catchy like that and it would be really cool if you did skits! Love them! You should make parodies too those are funny!!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Be your self, and deliver them to me! :) stable success! Oh and do recent songs or quite fashionable or on the charts precise now songs, people look them up lots sooo you will have extra people finding at your songs.

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